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Hello fellow zoomers, as you can see I have no hat on, for real for real
  • I get it, kids these days skibidi for weeks but if I skibidied for more than like 15 minutes, I'd throw my back out.

    At least I know how to tape a song off the radio.

  • Oh boy what a cute artwork, I'm sure the replys won't be raci-
  • Even worse, the people who are mad are being more racist than the Québécois.

  • Hello fellow zoomers, as you can see I have no hat on, for real for real
  • Wow, this post is so cheugy, it just hits different. It's lowkey sending me.

    Definetly not poggers.

    I wish a very skibidi fortnite to all my gamers out there.

    I am 30 years old.

  • What was the first tv series in color and what what was it about? Wrong answers only.
  • Color itself was actually invented for the Yu-Gi-Oh anime to sell more trading cards.

  • Why are people buying records in 2024?
  • Plastic spin, go beep boop. Dopamine.

  • there are people who have played these games and somehow still missed the criticism of capitalism...
  • I'm playing the Yakuza games and a beef bowl is 600¥. That number is literally 20x as big. Nippon has fallen.

  • Just finished this today: Wonderful game
  • Yeah, remember I had fun but I can't tell you literally anything about the story

  • What games have the best Leftist or Leftist adjacent narratives and writing?
  • I will Waco my ass before the totalitarian government forces me or my nonexistent children to play blitzball.

  • DEI Japan
  • I though black flag was fun.

  • Off the top of your head your most hated vidja game boss.
  • I might be an outsider here, but I think the final fight of TOTK sucks ass.

  • What games have the best Leftist or Leftist adjacent narratives and writing?
  • FFX is explicitly anti leftist in that it forces you, who is presumably a leftist, to play blitzball.

  • Electoralism.jpg
  • Reminds me of how at the Safeway across from one of my old jobs you could get half a pizza and a salad or a salad and half a pizza and they were different prices.

  • Macron Calls State of Emergency Over Protests in the colony of New Caledonia
  • Half a sentence about three people dead, 3 paragraphs about disrupting nickle production.

  • Feel like shit, just want him back
  • People have turned on UT? The person who killed Kissinger?

  • First job interview in a few months is tomorrow morning, requesting the best of vibes
  • Just sent in a resume hoping to leave my current job that I hate.

    Sending vibes and solidarity!

  • Raw milk sales spike despite CDC's warnings of risk associated with bird flu
  • Yes. Unless you have more information, its safe to assume most Amish dog breeders are puppy mills.

  • Uncommitted at 10.1% right now [updated]
  • This is just a minor setback for him. He's still going to win via write-ins during the general. I look forward to Press Secretary Hasan.

  • What descriptors instantly kill your desire to play a game?

    For me, if I ever hear "card-based" or "soulslike" I have absolutely no desire to play a game, no matter how many people reccomend it.

    I'm also not a huge fan of modern "roguelikes" but I've sunk days into nethack and games like that.

    Couple pushing duck in stroller around lake that's full of ducks

    I took this picture (and a video) the other day and feel the need to share it.


    Why are .world libs so anti-fun?

    Most of the other responses are about their choice of fireball. One good house party would change these nerds' lives.

    Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100 Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100

    Dr. Henry Kissinger, a respected American scholar and statesman, died today at his home in Connecticut.

    Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100

    Lets Fucking Go
