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  • "It ain't honest work, but it's much"

  • how to post YouTube videos anonymously?
  • If you want to protect your privacy against viewers of your videos, how you upload them to YouTube makes more or less no difference. With this scenario the question is how much information are you leaking in your content, and that'd cover everything from writing style idiosyncracies to anything that can be used to potentially identify eg. where you live and so on.

    If you're worried about "malicious hackers", then the question is who are these potential hackers you're protecting against? Would they be attacking Google or you? If it's you, then how you upload things to YT is again completely meaningless. If they're attacking Google and get far enough to actually exfil data, what they'd actually be able to get out of it is anybody's guess. Using a VPN and a throwaway email is probably good enough in any case.

  • Freak in the Sheets
  • how to post YouTube videos anonymously?
  • Who are you protecting your privacy against here?

    Because if it's Google, then why on earth would you want to upload content to YouTube in the first place?

    OK, let's say you didn't give them your phone number and masked your voice. If you're not connecting over a VPN or something like Tor, they still have your IP address.

    OK, you now use a VPN, but your browser can still be very effectively fingerprinted and that fingerprint could be nearly unique.

    And so on and so on. And this isn't even going into metadata in & about your video files that could be used to fingerprint the system they were done on.

  • These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • You better not be gearing up to go all Deliverance on us with that story

  • These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • Ah, good idea putting the fire in the tent, that way the fire will stay warm

  • Scrabble
  • From the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more
  • The first time I saw a headline about this, just saying that the Supreme Court overturned "the Chevron doctrine" my initial thought was that I have no idea wtf they did but if the votes went 6-3 I know it can't be anything good.

    Much to my consternation I appear to have been right.

  • Yup that's how I got depressed
  • I think that's just IT jobs in general. I noped out after 15 years, no fucking clue what I'll do but I can tell you it'll be anything but IT

  • I may be a hobbit, but I'm not stupid
  • What do you mean they cut the power? How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • "But but… what if some of them are terrorists?"

  • France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • What happened to "not wasting any time on me"?

    Edit: this dude is having a normal one

  • France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • Amazing take. Back in the 1920's you would have looked at the rise of the NSDAP in Germany and gone "not surprised given the jews there"

  • Please vote
  • My god they are evolving fast.
  • I mean, depends on how rough you like your scritchies

  • Sugar island
  • … I should call her

  • When existing becomes illegal
  • Oh yes, the part in the Bible where Jesus looks at the poor and goes "kys lol"

  • And the band plays on...
  • You know what?

    cross-posted from: >Shamelessly stolen from

    me_irl dactylotheca
    Dic "quid?" iterum!

    cross-posted from:

    LGBTQ+ dactylotheca
    "And make Star Trek woke"

    And yes that title is sarcasm, in case it's not immediately obvious.

    Political Memes dactylotheca
    For some it's their entire ideology
    Political Memes dactylotheca
    ooh big stretch
    dactylotheca dactylotheca
    Posts 19
    Comments 163