Remember this weirdo? (Not photoshopped, real campaign shirt)
So fucking weirdly creepy
Not a conundrum for this person I guess
One of the good weirdos.
Weird old man lies about a story, then when questioned, does a weird sing-song child-like voice
Weird MAGA religion
Close enough.
Weird AF: Rep. Thomas Massie's Christmas card
Remember that time this weirdo melted?
Things that make you go hmm..
Weird: The time Trump sold beans from the Oval Office
Can we post old photos of weirdos?
Tattooing your forehead with a political person's name
Rob Ford from Toronto will always be my favorite.
Jordan Klepper Interviews MAGA rally weirdos
Not weird at all
That's not weird!
Kicking this off with a classic. Trump Campaign gives a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, next to a dildo store, instead of the Four Seasons Hotel