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Gentle Rub
  • Yeah someone rubbing their cock out in public, unbelieveable!

  • Friday Facts #415 - Fix, Improve, Optimize | Factorio
  • Wow, I had no idea roboports held such a programming problem. Also I'm really impressed with some of the devtools under the hood.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • Have you looked at the Unhooked extension. You can choose to hide recommended videos, which was a game changer for me.

  • Weird whitespaces in some webpages.
  • Does the spacing change on different window sizes?

  • Series: Conservatives of Lemmy: What do you think has gone awry in modern society and how might it be constructively addressed?
  • I suppose I'm conservative according to lemmy, (I'm also not great at internet arguments, but do like conversation, so let's keep this nice.) Also, I'm not an expert, but I'd like to get the ball rolling here.

    In my opinion, I think modern society is just more disrespectful. Social media makes the "shock and awe" approach the way to go to get views and get heard. Everyone is just pursuing their own "mic drop" moment. There's just so much noise.

    So to get heard and stand out you have to get more extreme and entrench in your own views.

    So how do we fix it?

    In my mind, respect comes from better parenting. More time off from work for people does not necessarily mean more time with their own kids, but it certainly can't hurt. So maybe a reduction in the normal working week from 40 hours to maybe 35 would make a difference.

    I'm not sure how we could make incentives to have people be better parents.

  • Using the Lazy DM's Eight Steps At the Table
  • These steps include:

    • Review the character
    • Create a strong start
    • Outline potential scenes
    • Define secrets and clues
    • Develop fantastic locations
    • Outline important NPCs
    • Choose relevant monsters
    • Select magic item rewards
  • What procedures do I need?
  • Instead of hall passes this year, I used Puck lights attached to the wall. I have a one person at a time in the bathroom policy (and they can't drop it or loose it anywhere.)

  • What's the best way to fill these holes in my laundry room?
  • Buy a 3D printer to make a custom cover. 2 years later you'll be too busy maintaining ("upgrading") your printer that you'll forget why you got it in the first place.

  • Anyone thinking about Gamification?

    As we wrap up the school year I've been thinking about gamifying my classroom next year. Does anyone have any experience with it?

    PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • I go to the web to a post on the user's instance and click Modlog on the bottom. From there you can sort by user and see their banned posts as well as the ban reason. (The commenter's reason is because of Spam)

  • Hiker finds pipe feeding China's tallest waterfall
  • Yeah! And don't even get me started on Fall water

  • Anyone tried running jellyfin on a rasbpi?
  • I've run it on a pi 4 with no issues(streaming 1080p). If you're not casting to another device you might want to check out Kodi though.

  • An Apple TV app could finally be coming to Android smartphones
  • Apple, I never wanted to work with you back when you required a dumb, terrible iTunes program to sync my iPod back in 2009. It's now 2024, and you still require it because...

    The program runs like garbage and still looks like crap. No thank you, I don't need an Android app that you'll never update.

  • Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • My brother uses it, just remember to look through the ad settings. There was a toggle at one point to allow their approved ads or something like that.

  • New York governor to launch bill banning smartphones in schools
  • Make the whole school a Faraday cage!

  • After ten hours, this beautiful new Zelda style indie RPG has me completely hooked (Dungeons of Hinterberg)
  • Any green character will do as a Zelda style. My favorite is Mario's brother, Zelda.


  • Is there a way to host a server on a TrueNAS Scale host?

    I have a TrueNAS scale NAS setup and I would like to host a matrix server. Do I have any options? Any particular implementation that I should go with? Does anyone have any experience with this?

    Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while
  • Hippocrates wasn't American and the oath was made sometime around the 4th century BCE. It's been part of medical tradition since then (at least if you follow ancient Greek tradition)

  • iFixit: We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration
  • I'm in the same boat with the Note 10+. I'll be sad when it dies

  • Looking for a Python Interpreter

    I'm looking for an Android python compiler interpreter that runs locally on my phone. Any suggestions are appreciated. FOSS apps preferred of course.

    Edit: changed compiler to interpreter

    Edit 2: I ended up going with Pydroid3. I wish there was a FOSS alternative.

    Anyone else not able to create Amazon Prime watch parties?

    Sorry, I don't know of a community to post this in. However, anyone else having trouble creating watch parties?

    I am no longer able to host watch parties on things that are free on prime. I can however, start a watch party for seasons/movies I "own" through amazon.

    Edit: Put own in quotes.

    Downloading Brightcove Videos

    Today I found a video series that I was datahoarding... I know...

    Anyway, I found this old reddit post from 3 years ago on how to download from Brightcove. So I thought I would repost this here for posterity.

    Here's the post below with some small revisions from 3 years ago by u/publiusvaleri_us

    >I had a short video that I wanted to try to download, but the brightcove style seems to be hard to parse. I was wondering if there's a way to find out the actual URL to do the download, and I started on a hunch.

    >Of course I visited the webpage with the video and let it play. In Firefox, I use Web Developer Tools, then I selected the Network tab. It listed a lot of the streams of the video (mp2t) that appeared to be a form of streaming. The secret is to look for a file type of "x-mpegurl" which is the key to feeding youtube-dl the correct video URL.

    I found this step was made easier by uBlock Origin (I only had to look for the red blocked packets)

    >Here is my command: (You must use ffmpeg, because of the multiple streams)

    >youtube-dl --prefer-ffmpeg --ffmpeg-location ..\ffmpeg\bin --restrict-filenames [URL FROM Web Developer Tools->Network.]

    >The only problem I found out is that some of the x-mpegurl files produce an end result without sound. They were combined in ffmpeg as render-render.mp4. But I found another one that downloaded to a slightly larger file, and it was called "master-master.mp4" when it was done. That video has sound. So if you examine your URL possibilities, look for the word "master" somewhere in it.


    >Let me know if anyone has questions or needs a few pointers. I'm surprised I figured it out without a lot of problems. When youtube-dl gave me the error for the main URL, I figured one of you guys knew all about how to do this... turns out that I do.... shocked emoji.

    Card Game Discussion: 31

    The Card Game 31

    Here is a game that my family and I play:

    • Play with a single deck of cards (No Jokers)
    • Deal 3 cards to each player with 1 card face-up on the discard pile, place the draw pile face-down
    • Players take turns either picking up the top card on the discard pile or the top card of the draw pile. They then exchange it for one card in their hand and place the rejected card on the draw pile.

    There are three ways to win:

    • Have 3 of a kind (3 Kings for example). The player lays their cards down on the table and everyone else instantly loses.
    • Have the Ace and two face cards (10 counts as a face card) of the same suit. The player lays their cards down on the table and everyone else instantly loses.
    • If a player thinks that they have the highest value in their hand (of the same suit) they can knock on the table. Every other player gets one more turn. Then everyone reveals their cards. The person with the lowest total loses. (Face cards and 10's count as ten points, Aces count as eleven points.)


    • We have played with each person starting out with 4 coins that are used as "lives". Players give up one life when they lose.
    • My SO and I have been playing this game with points, 31 points for an instant win and the difference of our hands on a knocking win. Double the difference if you knock and lose.
    Weekly Newsletters

    Do you make a weekly newsletter for your parents? If so, what do you put in it?

    New Teacher Help Thread

    First year teacher? Veteran teacher with good advice? This is the post for you.

    What procedures do I need?

    I think it would be helpful if we have a few posts this time of year to help new teachers.

    So, what are some of your favorite procedures?

    Premium Mouse Meme


    Image Transcription: Meme

    Cain: dear brother, let's go for a walk

    Abel: sure... but what's that rock for?


    An image of Mickey Mouse holding its hand up, as if whispering a secret

    It's a surprise tool that will help us later.

    Science memes cyberic
    Meme created by biology students
    Looking to upgrade my CPU

    I currently have a Intel Core i7-6700 3.4 GHz Quad-Core Processor in my main build (built in 2016) and I'm ready for an upgrade.

    Can someone recommend me a new cpu? I'd like something a little beefier and hopefully not have to get a new motherboard (GIGABYTE GA-B150M-DS3H LGA-1151 socket)

    Teaching in the Fediverse

    ! is a place for teachers of all kinds to discuss and compare teaching methods and techniques.



    Homelab cyberic
    Best online VPS

    I'm looking to learn more by using a VPS and spinning up a few instances. Can anyone recommend a cheaper VPS service?

    Please let me know if it would be better to post this in a different community. TYIA

    Interesting teaching manipulatives

    Any interesting manipulatives that you recommend in your teaching? I've recently got excited waiting for these Magnetic White Board Blocks from Bozeman Science:

    CordCutters - a place for those who have unsubscribed from traditional cable TV or satellite service cyberic
    Plex, Emby, or Jellyfin

    Hi all! I have been using Emby for about a year now, but I was wondering, after the recent botnet debacle with Emby, if I should switch my media provider.

    Anyone have experience with all 3? I really only have experience with Emby.

    Some things that I'm interested in:

    • Automatic file management is a plus
    • Multiple users on mobile devices
    • Roku apps
    cyberic cyberic
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