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  • If it opened on the default browser it would be several times less infuriating, but clicking on anything by mistake and then waiting for Edge to open with all the prompts because you never use it makes me furious

  • Someone purchased the old domain of a FOSS app, then it's using it to deceive users to download adware
  • My last name ends with ar so I tried to get a .ar domain to setup a personalized email but it seems like they are reserved for government stuff, I was only allowed to get (last time I checked this was about 4 years ago)

  • Truth
  • It's not an Instagram filter, it's exposure time. I set my camera on night mode and it took pictures during 4-10 seconds and the results were incredible

    But even with the naked eye the lights were incredible last night

    We arrived to the park before sunset and the biggest display was right when it became dark enough and a lot of people started arriving 2-3 hours later after watching pictures of other people and they were complaining that it didn't look as magical as the pictures. Lots of those people who arrived late were also using flashlights and just taking pictures of using their phones, not letting their eyes get used to the dark conditions or even really looking at the sky

  • I'm in!
  • For me it's the fact that I lived in a desertic place for most of my life and centipedes there have a very painful bite

    I know house centipedes are smaller and harmless but it's difficult to re-train the brain

    Edit: words

  • What is Reddit doing
  • No need for safari, I use that option in chrome and firefox. I created an account just for lurking and use desktop mode and it "works", at least it stopped bothering to get the app or restricting content because I wasn't logged in

  • 6 May 2024
  • I think this is JW interpretation but not Christian. I have some theology (Catholic) studies and Mary being a virgin is a Catholic dogma, it leaves no room for interpretation

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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