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Did you know... Jet is just mutant cow jenkem?
  • Huh. I'd never heard of jenkem before.

    I do remember Myron in Fallout 2 explaining the discovery and production of Jet, though. Gross stuff.

  • The Federal Reserve appears to be aiming for a period of elevated unemployment and inflation. Bloomerg cheers this as being just what the economy needs.
  • tl;dr

    The central bank adjusts interest rates and other aspects of monetary policy in order to meet economic goals. However, there's always a lag between any adjustment to monetary policy and the desired effect on the economy.

    Unemployment and inflation are inversely correlated. The more people that are employed, the faster prices rise, and vice versa.

    Right now the Fed is trying to fight out-of-control inflation rates. The methods required to do so will inevitably lead to higher unemployment, and due to the aforementioned lag, there will be a short period of time in which we see higher unemployment and inflation, before we see the desired effect of lowering the inflation rate.

    To note, the author expects an unemployment rate of 0.3% above target and describes it as "minor" stagflation.

  • Lindsey Graham explains why US is invested in this proxy war: "The Russians are dying... it's the best money we've ever spent."
  • hmm

    Readers added context

    The edited video, released by Zelenskyy’s office, gives the impression that Graham made those two remarks uninterrupted and sequentially, when they were actually clipped from different parts of the conversation.

  • Pope Francis is gearing up for the first millennial saint, a web developer known as 'God's influencer'
  • Thank you for sharing that article, I wasn't aware. I need to read some more and re-evaluate my perspective of the current Pope.

  • Parents called for mental health help. Police showed up instead and killed their son
  • The full article is absolutely heartbreaking to read. I hope the Yang family finds peace and healing.

  • Queen thought Meghan’s wedding dress was ‘too white’ as Sussexes mark 6th anniversary
  • I think a black/purple dress would have looked better.

  • America's largest LGBTQ rights group plans $15 million swing state blitz to re-elect Biden
  • A constant problem with autotldr is that it uses pronouns which refer to someone who hasn't been mentioned yet in the abridged article. It makes it look like Biden "has encouraged a growing and well-organized conservative backlash" when that makes no sense. In the original article, "He" actually refers to Donald Trump, but autotldr skipped over the sentence that introduced Trump's involvement. Similarly, "That finding" does not refer to the major survey mentioned in the previous sentence.

    Honestly I hate this bot and I downvote it every time I see it. This sort of thing is easy to catch when it says something wildly out of character like this. But the same thing happens all the time in ways that are not-so-easy to spot, and wildly misleading to readers. And the pronoun thing is one tiny example. This bot might as well be selecting sentences at random, for all the important context it omits.

    Just read the original article or skip it. Please don't rely on a program that butchers the original article for the sake of making it shorter. This is the kind of thing that makes us lazy and vulnerable to misinformation.

  • Indiana judge rules tacos, burritos are sandwiches
  • Crackers are crisp and brittle by definition. "Floppy Cracker" is an oxymoron (and potentially a good name for a garage band?).

  • Indiana judge rules tacos, burritos are sandwiches
  • Most participants in this debate are far too preoccupied with the shape or structure of the sandwich, to the point of neglecting what a sandwich is all about. It's simple. A sandwich is when you use bread as a handheld base for prepared foods that would otherwise be too messy to eat with your fingers. A tortilla is a flat bread, ergo handheld burritos and soft tacos are sandwiches.

    "Then why isn't pizza an open-faced sandwich?" Because pizza has a crust, not bread. When you take raw dough and bake it along with its toppings or fillings, it may be a pie or a pastry or a pizza or a casserole or some other category I don't care to quibble over. It's not a sandwich.

    Obviously there are many sub-categories of sandwiches. A dish isn't necessarily excluded from being a sandwich just because it's also another type of food.

  • Removed
    Trump's $60 Bible & Constitution omits amendments ending slavery and allowing women to vote
  • Well it's a good thing we're not talking about a human child, we're talking about a body of text consisting of several distinct documents that were introduced over a span of more than two centuries. Context is tricky, I know.

  • Removed
    Trump's $60 Bible & Constitution omits amendments ending slavery and allowing women to vote
  • I just want to point out that the 11th Amendment isn't included either; just the first 10, according to the article. The original Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It makes the dividing line seem a little less arbitrary that way.

    I agree with the points you've made, though.

  • Removed
    Trump's $60 Bible & Constitution omits amendments ending slavery and allowing women to vote
  • The fact that the sales description lists the Bill of Rights separately from the US Constitution logically implies that "The US Constitution" isn't meant to include its amendments in the context of the book's contents.

    The writer of the headline wants us to assume that Trump cherry-picked the 13th and 19th amendments to be excluded, when that's obviously not the case. The 11th through 27th Amendments were all left out.

  • Removed
    Trump's $60 Bible & Constitution omits amendments ending slavery and allowing women to vote
  • The only "cherry picking" being done is by the writer of the headline. This Bible doesn't include Amendments 11 - 27 (everything that came after the Bill of Rights). It's not advertised to contain those amendments, either. It contains the original Constitution of the United States and it contains the Bill of Rights. The fact that the book description lists the Bill of Rights separately from the US Constitution logically implies that "US Constitution" doesn't include its amendments in the context of the book's contents.

    The headline suggests that two very specific amendments were omitted in such a way to evoke outrage and paint Trump in a bad light.

    I despise Donald Trump and would rather see him in prison than in the White House again, but propaganda is propaganda.

  • Sam Altman Says OpenAI Would Like to Enable Gore and Erotica for "Personal Use"
  • Redditors: Can you elaborate on this statement in your company's usage guidelines?

    Sam: Yeah, we as a team would like to expand the usability of the product we created in order to meet the demand for adult content, but only if we can still make sure it's being done ethically (for example, no deepfakes).

    Some alarmist who probably didn't read past the headline: ImAginE oNe MaN hAvinG tHe PoWeR tO dEcidE sUcH tHiNgS fOr aLL oF sOCieTy

  • Flavor Flav is the official hype man for the US women's water polo team in the Paris Olympics
  • Ah, so it's basically soccer, using hands instead of feet, while swimming. Looks like it would be a fun casual sport to play with friends and family (but in a much smaller pool lol).

  • Flavor Flav is the official hype man for the US women's water polo team in the Paris Olympics
  • All right, your enthusiasm has convinced me. I don't know anything about water polo, but I'll look up a game on YouTube. Time to broaden my horizons!

  • Utah tip line flooded with false reports of trans bathroom law violations
  • Good. Let's do everything we can to prevent enforcement of these unethical, discriminatory laws.

  • vegetarian cjoll4
    Scrambled eggs, veggies, roasted red potatoes

    Scrambled eggs, salt, pepper, "everything bagel" seasoning; sautéed onion, red pepper, and spinach; Mexican shredded cheese blend; frozen bag of seasoned red potatoes, air-fried; Sriracha hot sauce

    vegetarian cjoll4
    Favorite vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes?

    I'm making this stuffing and some Beyond chili to bring to the family gathering this year. I'm using Country Crock instead of butter for the stuffing so it's all vegan. I'll be sure to post pictures of both dishes later, along with my chili recipe.

    What are your favorite dishes to make on Thanksgiving?

    vegetarian cjoll4
    Veggie melt with sunflower crunch salad

    Sourdough bread, garlic-basil mayo, provolone cheese, American cheese, feta cheese, spinach, tomatoes, salt, pepper. Baked open-faced at 450° F for a little under 10 minutes, finished with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

    The salad is a chopped salad kit from the supermarket, with sunflower kernels and a citrus dressing.

    vegetarian cjoll4
    Biscuits 'n' gravy (with Beyond sausage) and green beans
    vegetarian cjoll4
    "Caprese" pan pizza

    Cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, red onion, basil, balsamic vinegar. It was thick and messy enough to eat with a fork and knife, but damn it was delicious.

    vegetarian cjoll4
    Stir Fry

    Udon noodles, mushrooms, bok choy, carrots, onion, garlic, sesame oil, teriyaki sauce, sesame seeds

    vegetarian cjoll4
    Beyond Steak Fajitas
    vegetarian cjoll4
    It's pasta night

    Cellentani pasta with Beyond Italian-style plant-based meatballs, zucchini, baby portobello mushrooms, alfredo sauce, parmesan, and parsley

    vegetarian cjoll4
    Home-baked focaccia and caprese salad
    cjoll4 cjoll4
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