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Trump Brags His Brain Worms Are Still Alive and Very Strong
  • "said an enraged Kennedy Jr."

  • Oxygen
  • In rust we trust!

  • How do people actually dumpster dive to get free food? Are there any other cheap/free ways like this to get food?
  • Probably even better for OP if they have no money is the Olio app, where people give away free food (and non-food). It depends on activity in your local area, but in many areas there are people who regularly collect food from supermarkets at the end of the day to give away. I've given away portions of meals before when I've cooked too much to freeze it all.

  • What animals do you dislike for unusual reasons and why?
  • I will be forever scarred by not one but two duck gang rapes I witnessed. The second one involved them raping another male duck to death, presumably because all the females were hiding as far away as they could. Absolute bastards.

  • What was your best decision in life?
  • I realised a relationship was doomed when I had a pregnancy scare. I was overjoyed when I got my period, and he told me he was sad. The man already had 3 kids by 3 different women, none of whom he saw, and I was like wtf how does he think I'd have a kid with him?? We broke up not long after. And every time I see him around town I thank my lucky stars I didn't get stuck with him, as well as embarrassment I was with him in the first place.

  • The miracle of childbirth
  • 😭😭😭

  • How do you listen to / discover music?
  • Mostly through friends, Bandcamp, sometimes BBC Radio 6. And catching random bands at festivals and liking them.

  • The miracle of childbirth
  • I don't feel like I'm having fun here...

  • Mandelbrot
  • What does the 'B' in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for?

    Benoit B. Mandelbrot

  • Spain approves plan to compensate victims of Catholic Church sex abuse. Church will be asked to pay
  • The church is a guilty institution, it provided abusers with authority and power over their victims, and actively covered up crimes and enabled abusers to continue committing crimes. While demanding money and devotion from it's millions of followers, many of whom were the victims. Abusers should be punished for their crimes, but we're talking historic abuse, most perpetrators are probably dead. The church should most definitely pay reparations.

  • Country Music
  • Jolene slowed down to 33rpm made me really appreciate the song anew

  • A map of North America using countries with comparable climates
  • And let's not even get into the labelling of the UK and Ireland as one country... We still haven't sorted out the mess from last time.

  • Lemmyvision - The Results Are In!!
  • Well yeah obvs. I meant in the present and future. I was still a kid when we won last, and I'm old af now.

  • What destinations are experiencing "undertourism"?
  • It's not just tourists that need to worry about that stuff. I have friends with Somali heritage and they don't want to go there either, even with having family there.

  • Lemmyvision - The Results Are In!!
  • This is genuinely the closest we will ever get to a Eurovision win, ever.

  • duck duck
  • Yeah but you try saying 'ununderstandable' after a couple of drinks

  • barn owls
  • How about carpet beetles and clothes moths?

  • Removed
    Guy who tortured a wolf and paraded it's body around is now receiving death threats
  • Nah I'm not a fan of advocating for rape as punishment. It's pretty, erm, rapey.

  • How do you Lemmings like your tea?
  • I am a huge tea drinker and also like the Tiger tea like that, just with oat milk not cow juice.

  • My social battery is so depleted! (Rant)

    I just spent a little over 24hrs with 3 really good friends for my bestie's 50th birthday. We had a lovely time, but I spent a lot of it wanting them to all to shut up / fuck off. I feel horrible. I have to go to work today and the thought of having to be around people again makes me want to cry. I just want to lie on the sofa and be angry on my own.

    This year I found out why this is called the Lipstick Plant!

    My friend said "that plant's feeling horny!"

    I didn't know this flowered, and liked it for it's foliage, then where these appeared I remembered it's name and did a 'doh!'

    charlytune charlytune

    Bona fide idiot

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