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Begging for all the Lemmy Audiophiles recommendations on computer speakers!
  • Thanks for taking the time to write a thoughtful answer. Especially that historical perspective was interesting.

    I just thought that AI music is going to be like the ways clothes are manufactured today. Sure, you could get your clothes from a big factory, and many people do. At the same time, there are still many people who make clothes by hand just for fun. There are also some who make clothes the old way and sell them to millionaires who can afford to appreciate that production method and the quality that comes with it.

    My guess is, the same will happen to music industry. Most people who wear cheap t-shirts, will also listen to cheap AI pop. Some other people with the money to hire musicians will do so, just like they’ve done so far. At the same time, many people will also continue to enjoy playing instruments or knitting wool scarfs just because it’s fun.

  • Begging for all the Lemmy Audiophiles recommendations on computer speakers!
  • Bonus question: How do you see AI affecting music production in the future? Sites like Suno can already produce some sort of music, but will that sort of technology enhance or threaten your work? Is this just like the time when the spinning jenny revolutionized the textile industry?

  • Microsoft accidentally lists the benefits of not using a Microsoft account on Windows 11
  • Nah, too much freedom. Use Red Star OS to properly restrict your activities and let NK know what you’re doing.

  • Trump denies mocking soldiers, says only "a psycho" would have called them "losers" and "suckers"
  • Breaking news! Trump said something, and it wasn’t true.

  • Microsoft is reworking Recall after researchers point out its security problems
  • Normies noticed when MS took away the start menu in W8, but didn’t notice when W10 shipped with a ton of spyware “features”.

  • This Hacker Tool Extracts All the Data Collected by Windows’ New Recall AI
  • So when I walk past some bicycles parked outside of a store, and simply use my eyes to determine if they have locks, I’m essentially a hacker.

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • Seems like we’ll get financially viable fusion power plants before that happens.

  • Why doesn't youtube shut down their public web api?
  • I had a very different mindset at the time. Nowadays, I can totally understand the need for subscriptions/ads, but back then I just wanted to get everything for free. LOL. Nowadays though, I care a lot more about privacy so the blocker stays on.

    I’m also paying for services that are worth it, but I’m just not convinced that YT is proving enough value to me. Besides, I’m also shifting towards other video platforms, so I’m less of a burden to YT than I used to.

  • Why doesn't youtube shut down their public web api?
  • That’s probably true for now. Killing the API would be too much of a shock to millions of people, which would obviously hurt business.

    However, making small changes every year is more acceptable. Remember how ads were initially rolled out vs. what they are today? At first, it was just an ad banner below the video, and I was willing to quit YT then and there. Well, turns out ad blockers handled that, so I stuck around. However, a shocking number of people still don’t use an ad blocker, such as Ublock Origin on Firefox, and they seem to just tolerate the ads. These changes happen so gradually, that people get used to them.

    My guess is that YT will keep on making the service worse every year, and eventually it will be the time to kill the API. At that point, everything else will probably be so bad, that nobody will even notice the API any more.

  • Temperatures in Pakistan cross 52 degrees Celsius — that’s more than 125°F
  • And that means that using nail polish remover in weather like that is going to be annoying. That stuff evaporates very easily as it is, but in weather like that it’s all gone as soon as you open the bottle.

  • Deleted
    Gemini doesn't share Google search's AI advice on pizza cheese solutions?
  • Professional photographers use needles to keep things from sliding around.

  • Remove text on TPE phone case?
  • “Dodge this”, Han Solo said and threw the ring in the volcano.

  • Remove text on TPE phone case?
  • I follow the “buy a Windows computer, install Linux, and slap an Apple sticker on it” school of thought. If it’s an Android phone, I would recommend using another Apple sticker.

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • That’s not very far in the future, so it’s going to be really exciting to see how that works out.

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • Looking forward to it, but won’t be disappointed if it takes a bit longer than expected.

  • Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search
  • Basically anyone can get banned by Google.

  • Haters will say it's a fake
  • Regardless of the origin, I totally agree with the gatekeeper part. Linux should be for everyone, and elitism isn’t helping.

  • Decentralized Systems Will Be Necessary To Stop Google From Putting The Web Into Managed Decline
  • I agree with you for the most part, but you omitted the symbiotic (or even mutualistic) relationship users and platforms have. For example, Google provides a video platform, and user provide the videos. Such a transaction comes with a contract we all neglected to read, but accepted regardless. As far as the contract is concerned, both parties should be fine with this situation. Nobody is stealing anything.

    Obviously, this situation has quite a few problems, and the Fediverse addresses many of them. However, self hosting text, audio and video doesn’t happen for free, just like Google can’t run their servers for free. Either you pay directly to the devs and admins, or you find other creative ways to make money flow. That’s where the Fediverse and commercial platforms differ greatly.

  • chaosCruiser chaosCruiser


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