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Genocide denial in real time
  • So.. was the US acting on any of this before recent Israel-Palestine escalations? Why didn't Obama or Biden fix any of these problems despite being voted in by a totally working democracy?

  • Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays
  • Firstly, I want to say it's cool you're positively engaging and stimulating a lot of conversation around this.

    As far turing machines go - It's only a concept that's meant to show a fundamental "level" of computing ("turing completeness"), what a computing device can or cannot achieve. As you agree a turing machine could 'simulate' a brain (and we know brains can simulate a turing machine - we invented them!), then conceptually, yes, the brain is computationally equivalent, it is 'turing complete', albeit with some randomness thrown in.

  • Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays
  • We can't yet really read images people are thinking of, but we have got a very vague technology that can associate very specific brainwave patterns with specific images after extensive training with that specific image on the individual. Which is still an impressive 1% of the way there.

  • Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays
  • There's no way we can know that, currently. The brain does work in all sorts of ways we really don't understand. Much like the history of understanding DNA, what gets written off as "random inefficiency" is almost certainly a fundamental part of how it works.

  • Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays
  • This essay is ridiculous, it's arguing against a concept that nobody with the minutest understanding or interest in the brain has. He's arguing that because you cannot go find the picture of a dollar bill in any single neuron, that means the brain is not storing the "representation" of a dollar bill.

    I am the first to argue the brain is more than just a plain neural network, it's highly diversified and works in ways beyond our understanding yet, but this is just silly. The brain obviously stores the understanding of a dollar bill in the pattern and sets of neurons (like a neural network). The brain quite obviously has to store the representation of a dollar bill, and we probably will find a way to isolate this in a brain in the next 100 years. It's just that, like a neural network, information is stored in complex multi-layered systems rather than traditional computing where a specific bit of memory is stored in a specific address.

    Author is half arguing a point absolutely nobody makes, and half arguing that "human brains are super duper special and can never be represented by machinery because magic". Which is a very tired philosophical argument. Human brains are amazing and continue to exceed our understanding, but they are just shifting information around in patterns, and that's a simple physical process.

  • This is just sad
  • You do have to be lucky, but as someone who lost a whole bitcoin I mined from the early 2000s, I still think "even if you had it you would've sold it when it went up in price to like ten dollars". I feel like you have to be lucky with timing AND stupid enough to hold for the exact right amount of time, which I guess is just being double lucky.

  • This post was banned from dbzer0 for being "Tankie" lmfao what a joke of a so-called piracy instance
  • Thanks for the chilled response. I don't think it's an event that will result in much on its own, but it is a silly attitude.

    "unrelated to piracy" when it's directly related to piracy, objecting to calling out the privilege of first-world people to be largely pro-corporate, and the fashionable name-calling of "tankie" does make for a triple whammy of lib-type silliness.

    I'm sure we shall all get over it.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    bumpusoot [none/use name]
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