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Seattle police chief dismissed from top job amid discrimination, harassment lawsuits Seattle police chief dismissed from top job amid discrimination, harassment lawsuits

Seattle's embattled police chief has been dismissed. Mayor Bruce Harrell made the announcement Wednesday, saying he met with Police Chief Adrian Diaz on the previous day and they agreed the chief should step down.

Seattle police chief dismissed from top job amid discrimination, harassment lawsuits

Still gets to be a police officer at the departmeny "because he deserves it" !jokerfied

Comrade Trump, welcome to the revolution
  • Donald Trump announces Claudia de la Cruz as running mate. Karina Garcia slated for top advisor position. Trump vows to "Make Turtle Island Great Again", remove all kkkolonizers by force. Some are worried Trump may not be hard enough on undocumented immigrants, allowing terrorists to enter country. Anonmyous CIA source says Trump is helping America's enemies Cuba and Venezuela to produce a hypersonic nuclear missle that will "Make the Cuban Missle Crisis look like child's play".

  • Israel and US have lost | The West Report
  • No but I don't like how much people try to pretend like like the US isn't still getting just about everything it wants. Like saying that Israel is losing in any way is clearly false because they're literally carrying out the genocide with nothing more than finger wagging as repercussions. The US is doing new evil stuff every day and there isn't any sign that's going to be impeded in any way.

    Pretending the US is "declining" is just a way for people in the West to feel like we don't have to do anything or aren't complicit.

  • Need help with HTML and CSS
  • I added

    .emoji {
        width: max-content;

    Here's me hovering over the wikipedia .emoji element:

    although I guess this is inflexible since you might want some wrapping of the keywords. I think you could just set a max-width on the keywords element, although that's not flexible enough either, since you want large displays to have large line lengths... Looks like you need to set display: <> to something other than inline too to make sure it wraps.

    There's an infinite number of ways to do it. You'll need to modify your grid-template-columns I think to get it to properly space the columns so stuff doesn't overlap.

    Presumably you would actually want the columns to be of the same size right? And then fit the text based on that? So you want to disregard the above.

    But you need to figure out what you really want.

  • Greasing the gears of capital with the viscera of children
  • in any place where that was how using child labor was punished, there would be no need for that punishment (and therefore that punishment would never be used). So idk what the point of fantasizing about the US not being the US but still being the US is.

  • RIP in piss
  • Still rules to take a self-portrait where you look like a tech company executive in a computer advertisement. It's amazing how much looking good in photos makes you seem important.

  • Olaf arrives in China
    Microsoft pushes Bing, GPT-4 in Chrome pop-up adverts Microsoft pushes Bing, GPT-4 in Chrome pop-up adverts

    We thought you people wanted choice, IT colossus sniffs

    Microsoft pushes Bing, GPT-4 in Chrome pop-up adverts

    From the article:

    What's really gross is the next part. Clicking "Yes" installs the Bing Chrome extension as well as changing the default search provider, and Chrome alerts the user in another dialog box that something potentially malicious is trying to update their settings. Google's browser recommends you click on a "Change it back" button to undo the tweak.

    But Redmond is one step ahead, displaying a message underneath Chrome's alert that reads: "Wait – don't change it back! If you do, you’ll turn off Microsoft Bing Search for Chrome and lose access to Bing AI with GPT-4 and DALL-E 3."


    Feels a little odd putting this under "technology"

    Ken Jennings on the imminent revolution Ken Jennings (

    Gate agent just announced that boarding will be delayed an hour because “a tray table in first class won’t go down.” This could be it, the moment that starts the class revolution that burns it all down!


    Registrars can now block all domains that resemble brand names Registrars can now block all domains that resemble brand names

    Registrars can now block people from registering tens of thousands of domain names that look like, are spelling variations of, or otherwise infringe on brand names.

    Registrars can now block all domains that resemble brand names
    Street Level Surveillance (nice website listing lots of domestic surveillance technologies) Street Level Surveillance

    EFF Presents: A Field Guide to Police Surveillance

    Street Level Surveillance

    Most interesting section to me was

    twitter moderation going great

    look up that account name if you want to be depressed

    250 million-plus reserved IPv4 addresses could be released 250 million-plus reserved IPv4 addresses could be released

    A new chapter in the long saga of the 240/4 block is being written. If you want more and cheaper IPv4, maybe you should help

    250 million-plus reserved IPv4 addresses could be released
    Edge appears to import Chrome tabs without user permission (The Register) Edge appears to import Chrome tabs without user permission

    What goes together better than Redmond and respecting people's preferences? Everything, really

    Edge appears to import Chrome tabs without user permission

    Supposedly it's an error:

    > A person familiar with the kerfuffle who has visibility into the Windows giant, though who did not want to be identified, told us it appears that "if a user chose continuous import in the Edge first run experience on some other device, this state may be syncing incorrectly across their devices. This is not the intended feature experience." We're assured that Microsoft is addressing it for the next Edge Stable release.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    blobjim [he/him]
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