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Are we going to see arch based immutable distros in the near future?
  • Not everything should be flatpak’d. In your case, xpipe (and in the future, waypipe) should always be installed in a docker container containing your normal “mutable” OS. It’s why Fedora is evaluating Ptyxis: when you open a terminal, instead of defaulting to your immutable root, it can be set up to go to a container which has your home mounted but a traditional, mounted root.

  • Are we going to see arch based immutable distros in the near future?
  • I think a true arch linux experience can be done with immutable distros by modeling themselves after something like a nixos config or an rpm-ostree treefile. Like, during bootstrapping, you’d feed in a config file which would install everything into a future RO root. Would definitely be a lot of work, though, since pacman does (and probably will never) have the capability to manage multiple read-only roots.

  • Are we going to see arch based immutable distros in the near future?
  • You don’t have to install everything as a flatpak if you don’t want to. You can totally install most things in a rootless distrobox container, then use distrobox export (if you’re using distrobox instead of toolbx) to get a nice desktop entry. It’s how I run VSCode and Quartus Prime, for example.

  • Are we going to see arch based immutable distros in the near future?
  • There have been at least 1 PoCs for arch linux based on ostree:

    In addition, VanillaOS’s ABRoot has been packaged through the AUR

    SteamOS3 is immutable and arch-based. You can see a fan-recreation of the image builder here

    Otherwise, you can use the alpine linux immutable root with atomic upgrades guide.

    Generally speaking, though, pacman is really basic, and the majority of the atomic/immutable magic happens in the package manager. That’s why only existing, complex package managers such as rpm-ostree (which shares a code base with DNF) have full support for it.

  • am i just bad at devops?
  • That’s why earthly exists. Now you can run your pipeline on a container with a “familiar syntax” inside another container with a “familiar syntax” inside of a “reproducible, easy-to-use” VM provisioned on top of probably KVM, as Torvalds intended

  • Search engines and privacy
  • I used to be a Kagi subscriber because I believed in their image for Orion. Their strong views on privacy, imo, directly conflict with their action to keep the product closed source “because it’d slow them down”, so I ended up unsubscribing. Good to see I unsubbed just in time.

  • Are we going to see arch based immutable distros in the near future?
  • Config files are still editable. Most of them (rpm-ostree, for example) have a mechanism for managing packages, and subsequently rolling back if anything goes wrong or completely resetting, and leave /usr/local writable. For stuff like development and working with compiler toolchains, you should be using a container. I use vscode exported in a distrobox running Fedora 40, for example.

  • am i just bad at devops?
  • FWIW, gitlab-runner exec and earthly exist for running tests locally, with others things like nektos/act for GHA as a 3rd party solution. I’ll never get used to yaml, though, all my pipelines are mostly shell scripts. Using a markup language as a programming language was definitely one of the decisions of all time.

  • What are the best proprietary/paid apps for linux?
  • I’d love to see a complete CAD package that feels more in line with Inventor. Ondsel is definitely getting there, but it’s PDM (like git, but for parametric CAD) is still closed source and not self-hostable. Their git repo is also a bit confusing. Apparently part of their patchset on the “flavor” branch they ship isn’t open to the public? Still, nice to see a (partially) FOSS solution.

  • Are all Linux vendor kernels insecure? A new study says yes, but there's a fix
  • It’s funny, because there was research done by UC Riverside which specifically figured out LTS branches receive patches for CVEs significantly later than vendor specific branches. Specifically:

    Interestingly, we note that the picked CVE patches appear in distributions 74.2 days earlier than LTS on average;

    They also conveniently left out the part of Greg KH’s opinion stating that he recommends the use of vendor kernels over stable/LTS branches, too.

    I found this particularly funny:

    It all comes down to a delicate balancing act between security and stability. Some top Linux kernel developers and CIQ are coming down on the side of security.

    Now I know CIQ is “supposedly” different from rocky, but what is CIQ going to do, break bug-for-bug compat and use stable kernels in their supported version of Rocky? This entire article feels like it doesn’t fundamentally understand that not all bugs (especially ones that lead to potential low-ranking CVEs) aren’t worth patching.

  • Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game
  • Most tutorials I can find involve enabling the steam cli, then using steamdb to look up the “depots” of previous versions and downloading the old update in chunks, then unpacking and copying the old game files to your install location. Not exactly convenient.

  • Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game
  • In my particular case, I just didn’t know it was enabled (my modding guide mentioned a way to stop it, but I guess I did it incorrectly). The game hadn’t received updates in half a decade, and I don’t really use Steam for anything else. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one in that boat.

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