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S. Korea experiences the worst case of overdue wages
  • Steal $50 from your employer and you'll to jail. Employer steals trillions and nothing happens.

  • Moving away from Kindle
  • Ok, I played with it and it seems like the recognition only works in the "Notes" app. It doesn't work as a general text input for applications.

    It works pretty well, though. You select the text with the pen by circling it, and then you can copy it to the clipboard or replace the drawing with the actual text.

  • Moving away from Kindle
  • Battery life is good, I use it with the wifi off and only had to charge it once, and I read a full book on it.

    I haven't played with the handwriting recognition yet, let me take a look and I'll report back.

  • Moving away from Kindle
  • I bought a Mobiscribe recently, for the same reasons. It's an eReader with an eink display, but it's an Android tablet. I installed F-Droid, and then NextCloud (to access my ebooks) and Librera Reader. I also use it for listening to podcasts (via Bluetooth, since it's an Android tablet) and taking notes with the stylus.

  • I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?
  • This is amazing advice! Saving it for when I have a kid.

  • Internet Archive: Digital Lending is Fair Use, Not Copyright Infringement * TorrentFreak
  • Staying true to the centuries-old library concept, only one patron at a time can rent a digital copy of a physical book for a limited period.

    So sad that we solved the problem of knowledge scarcity, and because of greed we need to add it back artificially.

  • Frosty Rule
  • I thought the same. Definitely the same vibe.

  • Apps that shouldn't be Subscriptions
  • There's was a scanner app that I loved, for Android. Turned into a subscription, even though most people use it less than once a month and even though the app was basically complete and never got updates.

  • 1.1 History
  • Inflammable means flammable? What a country!

  • I can’t believe I’m siding with the South Park guys here
  • Because wait staff can be (and are) paid less than minimum wage due to the tips.

  • Based Linus rule
  • Singular they has been used for something like 7 centuries.

  • How do you recognise a comrade in the wild?
  • No one needs an AR-15 for self defense.

  • How do you recognise a comrade in the wild?
  • Ugh, I had a trans coworker who was conservative. Had an AR-15 "to defend herself", and was against non-binary people and immigrants. Joined the police as a volunteer, and was doxxed for hanging out with some white supremacists.

  • Tinder Now Letting Rizzless Sad Sacks Pay $500/Month to Message People Without Even Matching
  • There's a big conflict of interest in dating apps: if you're successful you stop using the app, and of course the company doesn't want that.

  • Russian Academy of Sciences says climate change is caused regional variations in the ozone layer as the Southern and Eastern Pacific oceans have cooled.
  • The report in the first link is 1 page of affirmations, without any evidence, backing, nor references. Followed by 50 pages of names of random people, including a veterinarian and my old scuba instructor (really!).

    That's not a report. I'll pass.

  • [Discussion] How did you get into production?
  • I signed up for a 2-hour Ableton class that was being offered at work. Not sure why, it just caught my attention. I was amazed by how the instructor could write a cool song in just a couple minutes! I had no idea that was possible.

    That's how I started, I bought Ableton and a small MIDI keyboard. Followed tutorials on YouTube and started writing a song every week for the song-a-week subreddit. I took a few online classes on music production and kept learning.

    A few things that clicked for me:

    • I don't have to do EDM just because I'm using Ableton and all the YouTube tutorials are about EDM. I can make ambient.
    • Notes sound better when they're not quantized.
    • There are no wrong notes to play.
    • Finishing songs is really important.
  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • No one is suggesting that the transition would happen overnight... It would be just like any other job that became obsolete in the past, it would gradually phase out.

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • No, but you can just take B12 supplements, the same ones that are given to cattle.

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • "poorly planned vegan diets that do not replace the critical nutrients found in meat, can lead to serious micronutrient deficiencies." (from the article)

    Yeah, switching your diet to anything has that risk, obviously. You need to understand what you eat.

    And your daily life is already supplemented with pills, the only difference is they're given to the animals you eat. Cattle is given B12 because they don't graze and don't have access to enough cobalt.

  • Music Production Beto
    Bespoke Synth

    Bespoke is an amazing free modular synthesizer. Check out this video explaining how it works... it's an amazing product of love from the developer.

    Music Production Beto
    How to Record a Masterpiece in Your Bedroom

    Amazing video showing how to record Radiohead's "Weird Fishes" in your bedroom.

    Lemmy instance for musicians

    Hi, folks!

    I'm running, an instance focusing on communities for musicians. We have a few communities for song feedback, making ambient music, but creation is open to users. You're welcome to join, explore, and start communities.

    Thanks, and please remove if this is not appropriate!
