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Holy feck Facebook got really bad
  • I moved towns a while back, and it feels like everyone in this town is still on facebook, and organizing stuff via facebook. It's odd to return to a platform I hadn't been on in like a decade.

    Am I imagining this? Is social media use real regional within the US, where one town is on insta, another is on facebook, and another is on twitter?

  • NSFW
    LUSTSICKPUPPY- EGO BRUISER (excited they're touring right now)
  • They use they rn, I think. Big agree.

  • Tom Waits - Just the Right Bullets [cabaret]
  • Yeah. It's for sure on mine. I also adore that track. It just draws up such dark fairytale images in my mind. I'd love a cartoon adaptation of the album in the style of Over The Garden Wall.

  • Tom Waits - Just the Right Bullets [cabaret]
  • I only learned a little bit ago that this, along with a couple other albums, are meant to be rock opera/stage productions. I wish there were versions of the stage productions (in english), that were easily available. Black Rider has a german production floating around on yt.

    Blood Money is a musical production of Woyzeck. Herzog also made a movie of Woyzeck, but I'd love to see a Waits stage production.

  • Help me: I'm imagining dating a guy who just got one of those dedicated AI gadgets.
  • He didn't hear me break up because he's too busy fiddling with the settings. He's still on my couch. What now?

  • Help me: I'm imagining dating a guy who just got one of those dedicated AI gadgets.

    Youtube has been serving me videos of these gadgets that are like "personal AI assistants" for people who want to carry around an extra device that is just chatGPT with a voice prompt. It's a super weird niche because we already have phones that do the same thing. It just seems like maybe they're just kickstarter scams for gadget nerds who are bricked up over AI.

    Anyways, every time I see one of these things, my cursed brain goes immediately to "god, what if I was dating someone and they had just gotten this thing after having preordered the kickstarter 6 months ago. Now they're trying to find every possible excuse to use it in order to justify getting it."

    We're at a restaurant and he's like, "what are the best qualities in a carbonara," or whatever.

    Please help me escape this mental prison. Why am I doing this to myself?

    You son of a b...
  • You could actually tell who a lot of the hidden checks were because they were ranked high up in the replies but had practically no engagement.

  • Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu
  • I kinda wouldn't recommend distros downstream of the big guys for new users because if they go down that road, they're going to get into terrain they don't know how to read. They won't be able to tell a shady or poorly supported project from something more serious.

    Also, small downstream distros are harder to troubleshoot for newbies when there're issues, because there're fewer people answering questions.

  • Pink Floyd gives gooper £100,000 for "winning" their animation contest by submitting ai goop.
  • How embarrassing. This video will age so poorly. It already looks dated.

  • Why do people fall into Islamic fundamentalism?
  • I always figured it was for roughly the same reasons weird kids convert to be fundies or tradcaths.

    I figured roughly the same (or smaller) numbers too, but that it gets played up in the media because it plays into the "They're coming for your pure white children, and They'll have cells in your rural village" narrative. But I'd love to know if there's actual numbers on it.

  • Taiwan/ROC's territorial claims
  • You think that's impressive, you should see my personal territorial claims.

  • (warning: rapidly flashing colors) I'M GONNA HURL
  • Yeh, I didn't know it was an amd thing, but that makes sense because I just changed to an AMD stack. I figured it was a ryujinx vs yuzu thing because I switched that at the same time. So thanks for mentioning it.

  • (warning: rapidly flashing colors) I'M GONNA HURL
  • Seems to be the only track with an issue. Been thinking of overwriting it with a mod track.

  • Damn, guess Jonathan Blow went fash
  • Rami Ismail seems like a really good guy too.

  • NSFW
    George Lucas did whaaaat???
  • What's the bit here? 400 views so I'm guessing this is your content or someone close to you. It says Lucas killed a bunch of people, but I don't really get the joke.

  • Sister dodged a bullet
  • Oh, it's more doge meming? I thought it was at least a wolf or something.

    I gotta be honest that all the cringe doge stuff in the last couple years has really ruined the whole shiba inu breed for me. Throw this on the pile, ig.

  • Sister dodged a bullet
  • Out of the loop. What's the figure? Is it elf on the shelf for ukraine flag emojis or something?

  • New "pokemon go to the polls" just dropped.

    "This is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's an attempt to make TikTok better. Tic-Tac-Toe. A winner. A winner."

    -- Rep. Pelosi

    Just got this ad on twitter

    Edit: this is probably the wrong thing to focus on, but I'm increasingly upset they didn't do the alpha transparency right on their profile pic. It's 2024 ffs. More evidence this is boomer fueled.

    Just played some libertarian Mario Kart

    No looter items (blue shells, bullet bills, stars, etc), and you're only allowed to shoot shells backwards.

    Why "Linux Sucks" sucks -- about Bryan "mozilla funds antifa" Lunduke (cw: sa, transphobia)

    I remember watching one of Lunduke's video at some point, not knowing he was a massive transphobe antivax weirdo.

    How do you not lose it when interacting with health insurance?

    Or really any other company that jerks you around for profit?

    Real question.

    Every single time I interact with my healthcare, they drag me through some maze of processes where they're just waiting for some minor clerical error so they can deny a claim. Then like, they'll "screw up" and deny a claim through multiple rounds of review, only to approve it 6 months later after sucking away weeks of my life fighting it.

    The maze they set up has me going to places multiple times, and getting turned away because X doctor isn't in Y system because it's two separate systems that are not meant to go together, but they were the cheapest options so my insurance will only cover them.

    I actually need a better way to cope with this because I'm putting off healthcare because I dread the fight. And whenever I'm fighting it, I'm just picturing myself trying to fight claims when I'm fighting cancer on chemo or something and I just don't know how I'd manage.

    How do you all manage? (if you even have healthcare at all)

    I want to find a cringe bedding for when my friend visits. Any suggestions?

    I'm looking for queen size. Here's the best I could find so far:


    Any ideas what else to look for?

    When you get surprised with breakfast in bed, are you supposed to pretend you don't have to get up and piss?

    I'm not sure this happens irl. Is breakfast in bed a real thing or just tv? I don't want crumbs in my bed.
