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The greatest food item to ever exist.
  • scalloped potatoes,

    God I fucking love that shit

  • NSFW
    [Short Rant] I'm deeply uncomfortable when people take pride and comfort in being fetishized.
  • I largely agree but my only hesitation is ive seen lots of examples lately on the shitty bird app of trans women and other femme presenting people being accused of "self-fetishizing" and thereby damaging the rest of the community for totally innocuous things. Or for posting sexy selfies or for being sex workers.

    Things like PhilosphyTube posting an old screenshot of her character from some video game in some vaguely fetishistic costume and saying she should have known at the time she was trans, and people shitting on her until she deleted it because that was apparently like playing into stereotypes and shit.

    That... uh.... that bothers me that people will shit on innocuous forms of self expression and self exploration like that.

  • NSFW
    (cw: discussion of consent regarding children) I think I hate "parents rights" people more than any other group of people in the earth lol.
  • This has become (one of) my pet peeve issues.

    Working in childcare made this a number one issue for me. The biggest manifestation of it for me personally was parents ignoring their kids obvious needs and parental rights/perogative being used as a shield. Had a couple kids with obvious autism have it neglected, kids with emotional issues, one with a REALLY obvious learning disability. It went on. So many shitty parents in denial.

  • NSFW
    (cw: discussion of consent regarding children) I think I hate "parents rights" people more than any other group of people in the earth lol.
  • Yeah I'm glad there's an episode for that. Ive been saying "parental rights" is a dogwhistle for a looooong time.

  • NSFW
    (cw: rape) Hey uh StopAntisemitism? Can you keep your fantasies about the children of your political enemies being sexually assaulted to punish them to yourself? I think everyone would prefer that
  • Its unhinged and ridiculous and based on lies, but the idea here is to say "how would you feel if your child was raped and the people who did it were given a country".

  • Absolute banger from the Atlantic
  • These are the greatest two paragraphs ever written in any language.

  • They hate our freedoms.
  • Excuse me I'm a natural born American citizen which means I was born with the right to never think about anything, particularly not international travel.

  • Streeting explains why Labour disagrees with Braverman on ending child benefit cap
  • Labour being flanked on the left by Suella fucking Braverman lmaoooo

  • Streeting explains why Labour disagrees with Braverman on ending child benefit cap Streeting explains why Labour disagrees with Braverman on ending child benefit cap

    Rightwing Tory MP Suella Braverman has surprised many by demanding an end to the two child benefit cap to tackle poverty - but despite internal party pressure it is not a policy Labour will pursue

    Streeting explains why Labour disagrees with Braverman on ending child benefit cap
    How deep is your JRPG?
  • P4 has some problematic portrayals of queerness (well, Kanji sort of depends on interpretation, and I know plenty of queer people who love him and his arc, but Naoto is pretty hard to argue against being rancid). But I dont think its a trash game on the whole.

    (Also did you get the joke here that depth is literal because a lot of people are missing it lol)

  • How deep is your JRPG?
  • Uh... huh. Not suire whats going on there.

  • How deep is your JRPG?
  • Yeah a few people I sent this to had the same reaction. IT too me a bit to get it was a joke too.

  • How deep is your JRPG?
  • My initial reaction when I saw it in a discord meme channel was to take an immediate defensive stance lmao. Then I looked closer.

  • How deep is your JRPG?


    (Cw: ableism) Protests are about aesthetics you see.
  • Idk Ive just always been partial to sharing hot takes and dunking on them which Is why I like the dunk tank. Not the first time that desire has gotten me in trouble with people. Like six people have blocked me in barrcord because of it. But I figured the actual literal dunk tank was a safe place to be doing that sort of thing.

  • NSFW
    (Cw: ableism) Protests are about aesthetics you see.
  • Why do we have to cater to the worst people who want to make a living off of negative attention

    Thats literally what this comm is for I dont know what to tell you. A lot more odious people are posted here than Dasha lol.

  • Todd... literally the opposite?
  • Most of the complaints I've seen is "its just Skyrim in space" so.

  • NSFW
    (Cw: ableism) Protests are about aesthetics you see.
  • Dunk tank is for horrible people saying horrible things shrug-outta-hecks

  • NSFW
    (Cw: ableism) Protests are about aesthetics you see.
  • Are you aware of what comm we're in lol

  • Fantastic image. Trump looks like he's holding in a massive dump.

    Awful news today for my niche special interest community. I am coping by sharing.

    awful news from the survivor community. sonja christopher, memorrable for being the first person ever voted off survivor, and a strange sort of legend for that, passed today.

    recently rewatched the first season of survivor with a fellow Hexbear who had never seen it. they quickly attatched with sonja and had a huge reaction to their boot. just one episode and her loveability came across that much. she came across and sweet as hell. and while it wasnt mentioned on the show, she is also an elder queer, a lesbian.

    seems she lived a long full life though. so i cant be too sad. this was a loss i knew was coming eventually, the other two older contestants from the first season each had passed awhile ago, but it still hurts not that its happened.

    rest in peace sonja christopher. you will be remembered by my community.

    Resident Evil 4 Role Reversal

    Adult games for mature people

    Too stinky

    autismdragon autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]

    A real autism! He/him bisexual man that might be a demiboy but probably not. I like media. Extraordinarily DILF.

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