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  • Ranch water made from Topo Chico lime + Pantalones Tequila. But I prefer the black peppery hints of Don Julio, so I tried dropping a few whole black peppercorns in the bottle of Pantalones, and I think it actually got the flavor closer to where I wanted it. Or maybe it was in my head.

    Anyways, cheers!

  • Robert Winnett will not join The Post as editor
  • One down, one to go. Who Will it be?

  • NSFW
    File:2000 Fremont Solstice Parade - blue women.jpg
  • Oh, that Fremont. Like, troll bridge Fremont, not old Vegas Fremont.

  • Biden to ban US sales of Kaspersky software over ties to Russia, source says
  • In 2017, the US government banned Kaspersky on government systems, if that's what you're thinking of. This new ban sounds to me like the recent TikTok ban, where it would affect the US population at-large and not just government systems.

  • To give perspective on the 48k monthly active users on Lemmy, and the 4.5k on kbin+mbin, Discuit has 6787 registered users
  • I think you're going to lose a few people with that first number being off by a decimal place, but the substance of what you said is still relevant and gives insight about the Lemmy experience right now.

  • Any tips on making quesidillas?
  • I think quesadillas are where corn tortillas really shine. Be sure to soften the tortillas with a little butter in the skillet. I've always used jack cheese for these.

  • I never thought of it that way before...
  • Could have little tiny proto shrew cheese curds.

  • Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • I hope this doesn't just dissolve into hand-waving and general dismissal based on "he said / she said". Someone call the bluff and let's see the cards face-up.

  • What is a good second career?
  • Infinity has a subscription concierge service.

    I don't know how to apply or what qualifications they're looking for, but it sounds like it could be a good gig for computer-savvy telework.

  • Grumpy
  • Do I upvote or downvote this? What does that cat want from us?

  • Eating your veggies
  • Part of it, too, is selective breeding (aka genetic modification, but that's a dirty word).

    Edit: I may be misinformed. I thought selective breeding was technically considered GM, but it sounds like only editing outside of breeding might be what qualifies. Didn't mean to make this post about technicalities, just meant to point out that genetics has also played a part in arguably more palatable plants.

  • How typical
  • Combine that with the stupid piped-in engine noise (through the sound system) and you can make anyone feel right at home in last century's technology.

  • BIP BIP mf !
  • No microwave I've seen has ever actually varied the wattage. It just essentially does pulse width modulation, so 60% power might be on (at full power) for 6 seconds and off for 4 seconds. It averages out to the desired power, but it's not exactly the same as what it kind of implies.

  • Mexico's new president!
  • I think everywhere you've posted this has been relevant to those particular threads. I appreciate you carrying that torch.

  • Mexico's new president!
  • Because our "first to the finish line" voting system favors demagogues. As long as two parties keep us voting against the other party, they'll retain control, and that requires polarizing candidates, not necessarily qualified ones.

  • What's been the craziest moment of your life?
  • Small event that may only have been exciting to me.

    I'm casually into amateur astronomy and stargazing. I like to count satellites if I'm outside on summer evenings, maybe haul the telescope out if some night is particularly clear. But I really don't get out very often. Emphasis on "casual."

    We moved to our current house some years ago and were just enjoying the nice, big backyard for one of the first times, sitting in some folding chairs fully reclined to look straight up at the sky. Whenever we do that, which is maybe once every several years, even then it's always too cold, too hot, too many mosquitos, etc., so this was rare and nice.

    Right above our heads, right where we were both looking, an Iridium flare swept across us. I'd heard of those satellites reflecting "flares" being particularly spectacular, and I'd thought about trying to get in the path of a predicted one someday, but I don't think I really thought I'd ever really make the effort or have any luck if I did. Not expecting it and seeing it happen, I couldn't decide if I was dreaming. I hopped on right afterwards and, although I didn't see that flare predicted, it confirmed an Iridium pass had coincided with the sighting, so I'm convinced.

    So, something spectacular and somewhat scarce that many people wouldn't notice and many would either find boring or think was a UFO was something we got lucky to accidentally see together right in our backyard.

  • Eight Senate Republicans vow to oppose all Biden nominees, Democratic legislation
  • I guess their statement is news because they just said it, but the behavior is classic by this point. GOP--the "O" means "obstruction".

  • Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • Was it the cops saying that, or mostly just the Commander In Thief? It certainly wasn't all cops.

  • ‘Largest Botnet Ever’ Tied to Billions in Stolen Covid-19 Relief Funds
  • I hope they keep pursuing this inquiry:

    At the time of writing, it is unclear whether these virtual impersonations resulted in any criminal investigations or charges against US-based victims whose IP addresses were hijacked as part of the 911 S5 botnet. WIRED is awaiting a response from the Department of Justice regarding this concern.

  • Sound baffling at a concert venue [OC]

    This faceted structure that I think is sound baffling always catches my eye when I go to concerts there. The angles catch the stage light in different ways. I wonder how many others stare at this stuff.

    Reddit Was Fun atx_aquarian
    We've gotta go, baby!


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