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‘They call us Nazis’: inside the wealthy German town where the far right is on the rise
  • If it’s popular in Germany, given by a German parent to a German child and based on a Hebrew root word, I’d argue it’s a German name as much as it is Portuguese, Spanish, or Italian.

    It’s all semantics though, I assumed your original question was about how common the name was in Germany, not about its linguistic roots. It seems fairly common. If you’re looking for a deep dive on the history of the name I’ll let you do your own research because I honestly don’t give a shit and you’re being kind of rude.

  • ‘They call us Nazis’: inside the wealthy German town where the far right is on the rise
  • Wikipedia says the root is Hebrew. So…. a European name? Seems pretty popular in Germany.

  • In Norway it is required by law to apply a standardized label to all advertising in which body shape, size, or skin is altered through retouching or other manipulation.
  • Maybe it would be more useful if it was like a chemical hazard label. Add symbols for what kind of alterations were done, i.e skin texture removed 🫥, body shape changed 🧍‍♀️, teeth whitened 😬, etc…

  • And now you get the bad ending
  • I love the way Fallout 2 (maybe also 1, it’s been forever and I can’t recall) changes your dialogue options if you have low intelligence. It’s like a whole other game.

  • Dad is full of surprises
  • I read it as Dad told the cop why he was going so fast, and cop thought it was funny and decided to help him win. Not totally unrealistic; cops get bored and hate paperwork, and love breaking the law.

  • cheugy af
  • It’s VERY mild approval. Like a step above OK. I’m acknowledging the existence of the thing and maybe nodding my head or giving a thumbs up, but I’m forgetting it immediately as soon as it leaves my field of view.

  • Removed
    bro and bear chillin in a hot tub... we don't need no hassle!
  • This is the world feminists want. Dude is happy, bear is happy, lady is hiking without being attacked.

  • A bit late
  • Your condescending tone and weird insistence that we only talk about very specific topics in very specific ways makes me think you’re not interested in a good faith discussion at all.

    You seem upset, so I won’t push any more. Hope you feel better soon!

  • A bit late
  • What aspect of your post are you interested in discussing? I found your assertion that the fear was irrational interesting, but if that’s off-limits we can talk about some other part…

  • A bit late
  • Ok. If you don’t want to discuss why post?

  • I don't need any of that in my silly little life at all
  • I’m certainly not arguing that the US’s behavior in this case is good, I’m just not seeing the connection to fascism.

    Authoritarianism is about a government’s relationship to its own citizens, not its posture towards foreign governments. An authoritarian country can be completely isolationist, like North Korea, or warlike and expansionist like nazi Germany.

    For fascism a hallmark is government capture of business within the country. It can take the form of cooperation like the US’s relationship with BP, but ultimately this kind of cooperation is about fulfilling the totalitarian regime’s goals, not the businesses.

    Primary to fascism is NATIONALISM, like your second quote states. Arguably the US is well down the road to fascism, we have a cult of personality building around Trump, focused on making the US “great again”, demonizing and othering his opposition within the country. If he were to seize power I’d argue we’re there. I just don’t think our colonialist mindset towards other countries is a symptom or indication of fascism. It’s just yet another way we’re a garbage country.

  • A bit late
  • What percentage of women do you suppose have had a man threaten to rape or kill them? Get violently angry at them? Sexually assault them or a friend? I reckon it’s near 100%.

    The fear isn’t that all men will assault them, it’s that any man might. It’s not irrational, it’s based on experience. There are men in this thread arguing that women should be arming themselves to stay safe, right alongside men arguing that fear is irrational.

    Fuck the men with hurt feelings. Your fellow men have proved themselves dangerous, time and again. Women will treat you like dangerous predators until men as a group start policing their own and building a world where women don’t have reason to fear.

  • I don't need any of that in my silly little life at all
  • Is your definition of fascism essentially anti-democracy? Or military aggression/ colonialism? Honestly asking, because I’m not seeing what I’d consider hallmarks of fascism in your description.

  • Whales is whales
  • If both trout and sharks are fish, then so are whales. Mammals are more closely related to trout than trout are to sharks.

  • Old photo
  • Oh dear, he doesn’t know that humans can’t reproduce through mitosis yet. Ask your mom about it honey.

  • Israel Briefs US on Plan for 'Ethnic Cleansing' of Rafah
  • Are you disagreeing with the thesis of the comment above, or just critiquing the quality of their data?

    If you disagree with the thesis, can you explain what your position is?

  • Sad
  • Easy, that’s just nRT/P, assuming the pineapple is an ideal gas.

  • Florida’s 6-week abortion ban set to take effect this week
  • Maybe? Found this in an NPR article:

    The six-week ban will allow exceptions for rape, incest and human trafficking up until 15 weeks of pregnancy. It also includes exceptions for fatal fetal abnormalities. And like the current 15-week ban, it will allow abortion in order to save the life of the pregnant person.

    So you’d just need to find a doctor willing to say she’d die without it. In practice these kinds of exceptions put doctors at risk, so they may be more unwilling to perform abortions in “borderline” cases. They might have opted for some other treatments until your wife got “bad enough” to justify the d&c.

    I’m really sorry for your loss, I’m glad the doctors were able to treat your wife promptly and she didn’t have to suffer through the pain and delay many women in Florida will have to endure in the coming years.

  • Suggestion to make comments more compact

    The new buttons for commenting and voting take up a whole bunch of space at the bottom of each comment. I think it would be more compact and readable if those buttons move up to the top of the comment.

    The comment button could move right next to the three dot menu (or comment could become an option in the three dot menu).

    The vote buttons could be combined with the vote counters already displayed (i.e. click the upvote arrow or upvote count to upvote the comment).

    I feel sorry for men who have to wear pants

    I can wear a dress to work and nobody criticizes me. I’d be really sad if I had to wear pants all the time, they’re just not as comfortable. Let’s normalize pretty dresses for dudes!

    My bird viewing a birb meme

    I framed my favorite birb art from the internet, here’s a photo of my little buddy checking it out. He looks rather unimpressed.

    atomicorange atomicorange
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