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I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all
  • uhhhh that's not how everyone does it?

  • It's been right in front of us for all these years
  • I think "Rotato" might be an actual brand name.

  • And it just seemed like any other show.
  • "Inspired" by / re-done from the B-movie film "Moonrunners"

  • Granted.
  • nope, just the leaves.

  • welp
  • Rate limiting

  • so computer papers don't fall out i think
  • It allowed you to synchronize files between computers over floppy disk.

  • Granted.
  • Rhubarb: now when you bit the water with hair in it, it tastes sour.

  • A cat entered my tent
  • Lol hopefully they have a home close by!

  • CIA Realizes It's Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years
  • Lol.

    A couple years ago someone at work asked me if I had a highlighter, and handed them a sharpie.

  • What's the most notable difference between you and the other people in your neighborhood?
  • Nobody is ever outside, unless they are mowing their lawn. Even when its nice out

  • Austerity has my roommate had her class of 12 kids moved into a windowless side room.
  • Haha, as if any paper had the ability to do anything but publish press releases.

  • Removed
    US Lemmys what could Biden do in the next 6 months to EARN your vote? (other than just not being Trump)
  • do a little actual marketing/advertising on the things he actually has accomplished.

    and he has done stuff.

  • Reddit embracing all out enshittification
  • Yeah, that's marketing for you.

  • shrooms?
  • There is also sometimes an interaction with alcohol.

  • shrooms?
  • Yeah I had my yard full of destroying angels last summer, when they first showed up I was all "sweet! Mushrooms!" Because they look real similar to agaricus. But then I saw the white gills, and was all :(.

    And I made sure to tell my kids not to mess with them and why.

  • US Navy Veteran Who Feds Say Rammed FBI Headquarters Had QAnon-Linked Online Presence
  • "Submarine Technician" with SC plates?

    Fuckin' Nukes.

    (Context: The Navy nuclear power training center is in Goose Creek, just north of Charleston, and the people in nuclear power are all weirdos)

    Although in a link in the linked article, he's described as a Marine veteran?

  • My Easter Cactus decided to grow as a regular cactus for just one segment.

    Just this one segment is like this. The whole rest of the plant, including segments further down the branch are normal.

    [solved - clay pidgeon thrower] What is this tool I found at a thrift store?

    The two arms are sprung so that as you push on the handle they separate, and then return to position.



    Gardening ArgentCorvid [Iowa]
    grape tomatoes!

    cross-posted from:

    > Probably all I'm going to get too, the plant isn't looking good 😭

    grape tomatoes!

    Probably all I'm going to get too, the plant isn't looking good 😭

    Home Improvement ArgentCorvid [Iowa]
    Smoke Detector False Alarms?

    My house is pretty new, 5 years old. It has interconnected smoke alarms in every room (11), as required. I believe they are all First Alert brand.

    We have been getting false alarms from them about every 3 months. Most of them are in the middle of the night which isn't fun for me, and really terrifies my kids (6 & 8).

    There is no apparent cause, no cooking is going on, no dust. They go off for a while and stop on their own. Some of these are CO detectors, but we had the Fire Department come out when it happened one time and they tested and everything was fine.

    When they are going off, I can't find the one that is causing it because they are all going off. However, on these the "ready" light blinks red if it has been triggered in the past, and every one of the units has triggered based on that. I actually permanently removed one because it triggered 3 times in one night. I thought it was a bad unit, but it just happened again at 5 this morning with a different one.

    Nobody has died in this house, so I'm pretty confident it's not ghosts (/s)

    Anyone have suggestions?

    Reconstructed, Searchable Text PDFs of the Commodore 64 User's and Programmer's Guides Commodore 64 Guides

    I recently embarked on a personal project a long time in the making. Having recently returned my Breadbin to perfect working order, I also w...

    Commodore 64 Guides
    Chat ArgentCorvid [Iowa]
    Signs your trip might not be going as planned:

    Large camper in a parking lot, with a ServiceMaster van pulled up to it.

    Gardening ArgentCorvid [Iowa]
    This year's peppers and tomatoes.

    Someone dumped their extras on us and I don't have a plot dug, so in some buckets they go.

    I have grown Romas and Habaneros in double-bucket self-watering planters before, but I didn't have enough buckets this year. This is only half of the plants we got, I passed the rest on to my parents.

    They are: 2x Serranos, a Jalapeno, a Sweet Black Hungarian, and a Bell pepper. Also 2x "heirloom mix" tomatoes, 1 Roma, 2x Abe Lincoln and a mystery tomato .

    argentcorvid ArgentCorvid [Iowa]

    I'm argentcorvid most other places (not Instagram though, that person is not me) I hang around on #metafilter and reddit I don't plan on posing much

    American living in Rural Central Iowa. I don't really post much.

    He/Him, 2 kids, currently catless

    Posts 9
    Comments 159