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bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • Electrified rail is expensive and has safety issues. It's the best option for long distances for sure, but here in the UK we are still trying to electrify the main rail lines, the branch lines and city lines aren't even in the cards. Being able to recharge trains at stations with rapid charging is the best option for branch and commuter rail services not already on electrified rail (most of them). If we can do that using something other than lithium batteries that would be great. Sodium seems promising. Also I am in Europe you muppet. It also doesn't solve grid scale storage, which is something we need. I am hoping iron oxide batteries work out for the grid scale storage tbh.

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • You were also decrying them spending money on battery storage. Yes there will be batteries needed if you want to implement large scale renewables, which it seems is happening even without renewables. We need batteries for battery electric trains and cars too. Hydrogen isn't necessarily good enough for grid storage, though maybe it could be one day. It seems it might be an option for vehicles in the cases where batteries don't work such as in cold weather or for vehicles that need to travel great distances. Batteries also aren't an option for planes yet and hydrogen could help here too.

    You also complain about them spending money on advanced nuclear reactors. You need nuclear until you have sufficient grid storage. That's an unfortunate fact.

    I am against them using money on carbon capture from fossil fuel plants. Direct air carbon capture could actually be useful technology though. If not today then someday in the future. We won't know if we don't put money towards it.

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • I agree with everything you said here except America having promise. America doesn't have promise, it's been holding the world back for a long time now, and bullying all the other nations. It would be best for it to crash and burn like all the other nations it made crash and burn.

  • First they tried to "cure" gayness. Now they're fixated on "healing" trans people.
  • Unlike what some people may have told you children aren't allowed surgery, and are rarely allowed hrt. Sometimes they get puberty blockers, which is somewhat controversial, but is also used in cis children with precocious puberty. It's been demonstrated that even small children have formed a gender identity (can't remember the exact age but it's around 5 or 6 years old), and that this doesn't really change. It is possible for someone to not know their gender identity, though I think this is more common with non-binary people and those who aren't taught about gender identity.

  • Dangerous? Signal Blasts Google Effort to Use AI to Scan for Scam Phone Calls
  • It's not just google who have AI stuff built into their phones. All recent SoCs I have seen have had NPUs going back the last couple generations. A lot of older or cheap phones won't have one, but the new devices will.

    I don't see the problem with using the phones normal GPU. This shouldn't be more insecure than making a call currently is. I am pretty sure android phones don't have a secure enclave just for making calls as you can give different apps access to calling features, and most calls I make are through third party apps anyway, not via POTS. That being said android is pretty secure anyway provided you don't give permissions to the wrong app. It's more secure than your average Linux system, as each app has its own user and is only allowed to access things it has explicit permissions to access. Secure enclaves aren't all that in my opinion.

    And let's not forget that if the phone can listen to your conversation to detect malicious intent, any country can legally compel Google to provide them with the data by claiming it is part of a law-enforcement investigation.

    The point of doing it locally is the audio never gets sent to google directly. That being said they could definitely do some dodgy things by training the ML model to search for words like abortion, drugs, transgender, etc depending on what the laws are in the country the phone is being used in.

  • Skill
  • You're not just being pedantic, you're also misinterpreting what people mean, probably deliberately. You're also ignoring the fact that some people have more skills than others.

  • Skill
  • My dude it's not about rarity. It's about how long it takes to acquire a skill, and what kind of aptitude you need to have, and how difficult it is. Also one person can have more skills total than another. You can't say that learning to flip burgers is as difficult and time consuming as learning how to do brain surgery. Are you nuts?

  • Skill
  • Some skills take longer to acquire. Much longer. Some require certain aptitudes. As you say you can be more skilled than another worker at the same job, because you have more experience, training, aptitude, or you just care more. How is paying them all the same in any way fair?

    Oh yes and some people have a greater number of skills than others. How is that not being more skilled than another?

  • rule
  • The issue I think I have with a lot of this stuff is that's it's been written well over 100 years ago. The language is hard to understand, and these authors rarely get straight to the point. It's hard enough to get my head around modern political texts, never mind the old ones. This isn't just a criticism of Krapotkin, Marx is even worse in this regard. I still don't really understand half of what the communist manifesto is talking about if it's even relevant anymore. Old texts don't always deal with issues like climate change or overpopulation. It's easy enough to say we can feed people now, even with the overpopulation, but once climate change kicks in hard it's another issue.

    I would also worry about counter-revolution and why anarcho-communist revolutions haven't stuck to the extent other revolutions have. There are lots of nations that have tried marxism, few seem to have had anarchism for a similar length of time.

  • Skill
  • Some jobs require more skill, and some workers are more skilled. You can't get around that fact. That doesn't mean anyone should be making poverty wages. I think it's fair though that workers are paid more for learning skills. That can be either though paying them more at work, or paying them while they are in education. Note I don't just mean free education, I mean actually giving them money to study. That's the only way to make paying skilled and unskilled workers the same a fair system.

  • Broken home configuration in NixOS

    How do I fix my home dir with nix? It seems I have messed something up and now I can't install home manager. Anytime I try to install a package with nix-env it gives this error too:

    error: this derivation has bad 'meta.outputsToInstall'

    How to sync local and remote calibre servers

    I have a calibre server setup on my home server and was wondering how to sync it to the version on my desktop so I can upload books to an ereader using USB.

    Best way to do aria2 on Proxmox

    Trying to figure out how to setup an aria2 server. It seems to rely on XDG dirs which isn't normally setup on LXC containers. I don't want to setup a whole GUI VM just for one application.

    Real debird issues

    I have been having issues using real debrid. One of the big issues is downloads getting stuck continuously retrying. I think this is because I am using 5G internet that has issues with latency and occasional packet loss. Similarly I get buffering issues when using Stremio.

    Another problem I am having is with the permission set by the real debrid client if I use the docker version. It doesn't allow for changing the UID and GID the real debrid process uses. This causes problems for the other services, though I can work around this using a manual installation in an LXC container.

    Does anyone with more experience know how to fix this?

    Edit: I can't edit the title to fix the spelling. You will just have to deal.

    Edit2: Fixed the permission issues. Also managed to work out that the problem isn't 5G. The download client is just bad. Apparently you can use external downloaders, but this requires deploying services like aria2c, which it turns out is actually quite hard.

    Should I use authentik with or without nginx proxy manager?

    I am a bit lost as to how you use authentik to do single sign on.

    I can connect things that have external access quite easily using the reverse proxy provider that's built into authentik. I am struggling with how I would connect things that are on a docker network and can't be accessed directly. Normally with nginx proxy manager I would put it on the same network, but I don't think this is correct for authentik. Am I supposed to create a docker outpost?

    Other people are using authentik + nginx proxy manager and I am a bit lost why they are doing that.

    Working around lack of router settings

    I am currently living with my parents and we have just started an Internet contract with a 5G wireless company.

    The issue is the MFND settings are behind a password and likely not allowed access by the ISP. Even if they weren't doing port forwarding on 5G likely isn't possible because of CGNAT. I think I can use cloudflare tunnels or tailscale to get around this, and not many things need to be directly accessible from the Internet.

    The more annoying thing is that setting DHCP reservations likely isn't possible without getting access to the settings. It's going to make setting up static IPs difficult too.

    Before anyone asks fixed line Internet almost certainly isn't practical in this area. Getting our own modem while possible is more expensive and potentially difficult, and would mean cancelling the contract.

    Is there a reasonable way to work around these issues?

    Any help or advice would be appreciated.

    Music streaming for BSD

    Hello based people of lemmy,

    I have recently started trying out BSDs as an alternative to Linux and found out that Spotify isn't supported. Before you say try it in a browser this doesn't work as spotify has DRM that doesn't work on BSD OSes.

    Now is there a way to stream music similar to Spotify? I know there is a downloader program available.

    Furthermore do you know what self-hosted options are available? I already have a basic *arr stack and am always up for convoluted server and Linux hijinks.

    Jellyfin on FreeBSD

    I am having issues with Jellyfin not finding ffmpeg on FreeBSD. Is there any solution to this?

    I am lost on chemical stabilisation

    I have been struggling to stabilise things in my last few brewing attempts. I had been using a combination stabiliser (sorbate and sulfite) from the department store Boyes. It doesn't seem to work.

    I know have sorbate powder and I already had campden tablets. I am wondering how you dose them correctly. From what I understand it's dependant on the ABV and the pH. Is there an easy way to calculate this? I take it there is no easy and cheap way to do a free SO2 test.

    I am begging to think buying a sous vide and doing pasteurization is easier and more reliable at this point.

    Proxmox + nvidia without subscription

    I've setup proxmox, and switched to the community repos.

    The issue is the kernel it's now running doesn't have a headers package in said community repos. This means I can't install nvidia drivers properly. I can only install older kernel versions and headers. I tired removing the newer kernel and it tried to remove proxmox-ve meta package.

    Do I need to remove proxmox-ve package and install community version or like what?

    K50/K50 Pro and

    Chinese ROMs come without support for many languages. Even when using English there are still things which are in Chinese.

    The people selling the devices on AliExpress are selling then with a "global rom". The issue here is that the rom doesn't exist officially. So no updates are available and you don't know what's actually inside it. provide a modified version of the Chinese rom with language support and some other things. The issue is they charge for this through patreon for any mediatek devices. You have to keep paying if you want security updates. This is immoral and probably illegal as they don't own MIUI or Android and copyleft is designed to prevent this kind of thing.

    To add insult to injury they started offering some mediatek roms for free. When people stopped paying the patreon they removed them from the download sites.

    Shame on them and shame on the AliExpress sellers. If anyone knows a good course on building android roms and reverse engineering them let me know. Maybe I can fix this situation.

    Looking for a modern, usable Linux OS preferably immutable

    I have been trying some of the immutable linux OSes because from what I understand they are more modern and feature better security and reliability. What I have found so far is shocking. Half of these don’t support my laptop (probably because it’s nvidia optimus). Some I tried like guix were very difficult to install, configure, and use with sprase documentation. Good luck trying to use KDE, wayland, or pipewire for example. BlendOS was notably better and could at least run on my laptop but chocked with nvidia driver issues.

    I have switched to pop os on my laptop for now but looking at alternatives and what to install on my desktop.

    Looking for a modern, usable Linux OS preferably immutable

    I have been trying some of the immutable linux OSes because from what I understand they are more modern and feature better security and reliability. What I have found so far is shocking. Half of these don't support my laptop (probably because it's nvidia optimus). Some I tried like guix were very difficult to install, configure, and use with sprase documentation. Good luck trying to use KDE, wayland, or pipewire for example. BlendOS was notably better and could at least run on my laptop but chocked with nvidia driver issues.

    I have switched to pop os on my laptop for now but looking at alternatives and what to install on my desktop.

    Two yeast mead

    Was running out of Kveik yeast (my last brewing yeast), and too impatient to wait for more to arrive so decided to co-pitch the one gram I had left with some sourdough starter.

    What does anybody think will happen?

    The starter has worked well at fermenting strawberry wine in the past, but it was looking a lot less healthy this time.

    Honestly this was an impulse decision to do this but I will be interested to see what happens. Maybe it will sour? That would be exciting.

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