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Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more
  • I’m not an American but my impression is the Supreme Court is mainly designed as a last bulwark to ensure the US never under any circumstances ever does anything remotely good and this isn’t exactly improving that impression.

  • Smooth scrolling?
  • Am I doing something wrong, it scrolls fine for me?

  • It's Saturday, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
  • It’s even funnier if you know I’m a trans woman rather early in my transition and that I do, in fact, just barely have boobs

  • It's Saturday, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
  • Our 21-months old torpedo jumped my wife, who was quietly drinking tea in our sofa. Naturally, my wife did the only safe thing; a controlled spill of most of her tea on the side of the sofa that didn’t have the violence toddler attacking. Seeing this, said toddler commented “mommy spilled” and kept laughing like a maniac.

    She’s also very fond of pulling out the top of whomever is holding her, shouting BOOOOB.

    Today she also saw the sun in the morning after yesterday’s thunderstorm (it’s always bright outside here now as far as she knows since the sun sets long after her bedtime and rises long before she wakes up) and yelled “look! The lamp is on!”.

  • Apple finally adds support for RCS in latest iOS 18 beta | TechCrunch
  • Sweden’s mostly on Meta Messenger. WhatsApp is the foreign exchange student protocol.

  • Parenting in an uncertain future, solidarity? Feels?
  • My first is one and a half and change now and after getting out of year one, which was absolute hell for me, I kind of understand where you are. I don’t feel exactly the same as you, but I do feel a lot more hope than I’d have expected.

    My kid is a lot like @MagikShel’s youngest it sounds like, and she’s often extremely angry about my general existence, let alone any of my attempts at parenting her but in a way that comforts me because I see someone able to fight for what she wants at an early age and I’m very proud of that.

  • Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?
  • Can you (or a human) expand NPM, presumably not the Node Package Manager?

  • Task - A Go-made alternative to GNU Make
  • It’s also a lot better than doing it in 100% C++ templates!

  • MiniDisc release: Headspace by Occams Laser

    Sorry I can't do it.
  • I tried but it turns out writing device drivers it very very boring

  • Finnish startup says it can speed up any CPU by up to 100x using a tiny piece of hardware with no recoding
  • Has anyone been able to find an actual description of what this does? I clicked two layers deep and neither explains the details. It does sound like they’re doing CPU scheduling in the hardware, which is cool and makes some sense, but the descriptions are too vague to explain what the hell this is except “more parallelism goes brrrr” and it’s not clear to me why current GPUs aren’t already that.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • The hell? This is precisely what atomic desktops were supposed to save us from!

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • I’m planning on making Linux from super scratch where I start with the kernel and write every other component myself. ETA: 9000000 years

  • General purpose scripting language with no non-Rust dependencies
  • The only part of a JIT compiler I don’t understand how it works is the part that swaps in compiled routines during interpretation. That’s the point I’m unsure of how to write in Rust because it seems like it would require very custom control flow. It might be that you can handle this by storing your compiled instructions somewhere using the C calling convention and then having Rust call your compiled function like a C function.

    In essence, what you have is a Rust program that has to produce machine code (easy!), store it somewhere in RAM (also easy, I think), and then somehow call it (how???). The final part seems like the difficult one since passing execution into arbitrary memory they just wrote is just the sort of thing programs aren’t normally supposed to do.

  • General purpose scripting language with no non-Rust dependencies
  • According to the readme, that’s Lua bindings and not the language itself, that’s probably why it’s not on the list since it wasn’t written in Rust.

  • Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • Shows how much I know! (Nothing)

  • General purpose scripting language with no non-Rust dependencies
  • Thanks, I think Rhai is what I’d try at this point. Pretty much ticks all my boxes!

  • General purpose scripting language with no non-Rust dependencies
  • Sure you could JIT Rust, the question is if you can write a JIT compiler in rust since it needs to do some quite scary stuff to swap in compiled routines when evaluating code. I’m not even sure if unsafe is enough for that, you may need goto or arbitrary function pointers (which is kind of the same thing)

  • General purpose scripting language with no non-Rust dependencies

    Is there a good general-ish purpose scripting language (something like Lua on the smaller end or Python on the bigger) that’s implemented in only Rust, ideally with a relatively low number of dependencies?

    Have you used it yourself, if so for what and what was your experience?

    Bonus points if it’s reasonably fast (ideally JITed, though I’m not sure if that’s been done at all in Rust).

    How can I open federated links in my home instance?

    I’m trying to find content on other instances (primarily communities but sometimes posts). Sometimes I have the @-handle, sometimes I have a URL. I want to open them in my instance in Mlem.

    So far I’ve tried the standard search-for-the-URL trick which works for links on the web, but not at all in Mlem.

    How do I get Mlem to open a link to a community or post in my active instance? Or, even better, in an arbitrary instance I have an account for?

    amanda Amanda
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    Comments 40