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Are police radar detectors in a car worth it?
  • Some places may have speed traps, so it may just be a way for the police/local government to make quick money.

  • Do we live in a computer simulation like in The Matrix? Proposed new law of physics backs up the idea
  • This is where the brain damage starts to show in full force.

  • Bazinga
  • god damn

  • if you standardise one thing, what is it and why
  • Gonna have to disagree there.

    Each language is a culture and each is special, different from every other, and removing or transforming them changes that.

  • What are some harmless ways to prank someone?
  • idk if that's harmless

  • Why must we be done this way?
  • They still need to teach with something, and textbooks are expensive

  • Future of social media in 5/10 years from now?
  • I love the optimism

  • Throat Waffles
  • How has it been so far?

  • What browser do you use on your PC/Mac?
  • Yep, and their system software is my main OS

  • Vice City was my favorite one
  • Only played Chinatown Wars, Prairie Cartel's nice. Also DFA

  • What Cars do You Swear By?
  • This is the way to go

  • Nintendo Switch Successor Rumored To Have Been Shown To Press/Devs At Gamescom
  • In the top right corner, it says Nintendo Switch Up

  • Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)
  • Rosalina's story in Super Mario Galaxy.

    I haven't played the second version, so idk if it's there.

  • Built-in software ‘death dates’ are sending thousands of schools’ Chromebooks to the recycling bin
  • Right? It's basically short term thinking on the school's part.

  • Bluesky allowed people to include the n-word in their usernames | Engadget
  • What is going on with social media right now

  • aio2 abc

    i post stuff :)

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