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Critical support to the Japanese Communist Party
  • That Vice documentary was... uh... I can't even put it to words, this is absolutely disgusting. I knew the pedophile problem was bad, but I didn't think it would be that bad. Holy shit.

  • Critical support to the Japanese Communist Party
  • I mean, this is literally from the same website 🤣

  • Critical support to the Japanese Communist Party
  • Sorry, should be fixed now. (I don’t think I’ve ever utilized the link feature before)

  • RIP BOZO 💀💀💀💀🪦🪦🪦🪦🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬

  • are pianos fascist?
  • CCP revisionist fascist confirmed?????? Deng Xiaoping did this 😡😡😡 /s

  • American Conservatives be calling California communist…
  • Do you mind telling us what that forest was?

  • By any means necessary
  • Wasn’t he murdered by the Nation of Islam over leaving their religion? I mean, he had a target on his back placed by the CIA but they weren’t the ones who finished the job.

  • American Conservatives be calling California communist…

    cross-posted from:

    > Like, I fucking wish they were. As a California (and especially a Bay Area) resident, we wouldn’t have to deal with the bullshitery of living under sky-high costs as tech billionaires and landleeches have the privilege to simply walk all over us. Like, California is as much a part of the Capitalist American country as Mississippi… in fact maybe even more so with the presence of Silicon Valley and all the companies stationed over there. Along with this, a communist California would not allow themselves to become such a car-centric hellhole that it is. Yet, no matter how much the Californian government will suck up to lobbyists and billionaires, they will still be called communists for doing the absolute bare minimum for women’s and LGBT+ rights and for having restrictive gun laws (which was actually implemented by none other than their messiah, Ronald Reagan out of the fear of the Black Panthers). > > Like, I want to live inside their fantasy of a communist California. It would do away with so much of the bullshitery that I have to deal with living here.

    American Conservatives be calling California communist…
  • Yeah, the California weather and nature are a thing of beauty, same as in the rest of America. It’s a shame that such beautiful lands are being ravaged under the United States government.

  • American Conservatives be calling California communist…

    Like, I fucking wish they were. As a California (and especially a Bay Area) resident, we wouldn’t have to deal with the bullshitery of living under sky-high costs as tech billionaires and landleeches have the privilege to simply walk all over us. Like, California is as much a part of the Capitalist American country as Mississippi… in fact maybe even more so with the presence of Silicon Valley and all the companies stationed over there. Along with this, a communist California would not allow themselves to become such a car-centric hellhole that it is. Yet, no matter how much the Californian government will suck up to lobbyists and billionaires, they will still be called communists for doing the absolute bare minimum for women’s and LGBT+ rights and for having restrictive gun laws (which was actually implemented by none other than their messiah, Ronald Reagan out of the fear of the Black Panthers).

    Like, I want to live inside their fantasy of a communist California. It would do away with so much of the bullshitery that I have to deal with living here.

  • Here’s to 50 more years of friendly relations between Malaysia and China.

  • $2600 a month
  • Average r/Urbanhell post

  • Deleted
    power, authority, and communism.
  • Ig this was a bad time to post on Lemmygrad

  • Lost Everything. Xi Jinping Drama. Congressperson in Brazil
  • Xi fell off 😔😔😔

  • Socialism vs. capitalism
  • But… but… what about the highly manipulated map which shows South Korea with a lot of light and North Korea with no light.

  • heated arguments with my dad
  • When I was a social democrat, I discussed about my politics to my parents, and, it didn't go well. Since then, I don't even bother discussing about politics, because if they didn't like me being a social democrat, it's only gonna be worse if I tell them I'm a Communist.

  • NSFW
    [CW: ableism being mocked] Autism discussed on Reddit starter pack
  • Redditors mocking autistic people should look in the mirror.

  • Tomorrow is September 11th, you know what that means
  • Brock Purdy certainly has had a way more impressive career than Josh Allen so far. Really, the only bad game he has had so far is the NFC Championship game where he got injured. Talk about consistency. And, even after he got injured, he still comes into next season looking as good as he has been. You don't see players coming back to their height after that kind of injury, especially like how Brock Purdy did. Although this season so far has been a very small sample size, he definitely has looked good. And who knows? Maybe he will be the one to take the Niners team to a super bowl. The bay area is truly blessed by his talent.

  • What are your opinions on Just Stop Oil?

    Been seeing a lot of outrage thrown at them recently their protests and been seeing a lot of people trying to disrupt these protesters for “disrupting” them and that they could cause inconvenience to emergency services but at the same time,I feel as though these actions are necessary sort of to better spread the message since the bourgeois media is going to turn a blind eye to it. So, since I’m not really familiar with the whole thing, I want to see what you think of them.

    What are some non-Communist symbols that you think can work well with Communism?

    Kinda curious because a lot of our heraldry and vexillology, although it looks great, it always include the same 2 or 3 symbols, like the hammer and sickle, red star, etc., and there isn't much variations in the symbols used. So, staying away from stuff already used by Socialist states and movements, what are some non-Communist symbols do you think are a good fit for it?

    Milk allergies rant

    I’m extremely allergic to milk so I have to avoid it at all times, and in the United States, there is milk in so much things and in random places that shouldn’t be there like in bread. What does milk even contribute to it? Asides that, milk is in cheese, and cheese is in many places, as well as the many milk products like whey and buttermilk, limiting me heavily in what I can eat. Besides that, whatever alternatives there are to replace foods with milk is way more expensive than its milk counterpart, making me spend way more money because of my damn allergies. Like, why???? Besides, I’m literally the only one in my family with these allergies, so talk about shitty genetics. To add to that, not many parties and restaurants couldn’t give a single fuck about my allergies, putting me at way more risk, as most restaurant menus don’t have indicators for if it has dairy or not, like I could die if I literally eat those, incompetency. And besides, consuming dairy is literally culture over there, leaving me alone. I wish I could live in denial about it.

    I’m also allergic to peanuts but, peanuts aren’t used in much, so I’m alright about that, but dairy allergies really suck.

    I’m also considering maybe becoming vegan, it probably wouldn’t be that hard to adjust to it.

    Seeing libs seethe about “too many tankies” is really funny.

    On stuff outside of lemmygrad, we are receiving a lot of hate, especially by those who just moved from Reddit. Guess they lost their hidden privilege at Reddit as their rhetoric used to be almost universal over there, while genzedong and our other subs get censored and banned. And now, on lemmy, their stuff isn’t universal, as we are more prevalent here. Seems like they really want that hidden privilege back

    How good was Eugene debbs

    Being one of the most notable characters during the socialist movement during the early 20th century. He was there when socialism in the United States was probably at its height. So, I am curious about his views on the October revolution and the Soviet Union in its early times, and his views in Marxism in general.

    aidnic aidnic



    🇲🇾 living in 🇺🇸 :(

    Chin Peng should've won.

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