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How To Turn Off Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” Ad Tracking—and Why You Should
  • Updates generally don't require settings resets. It can happen if there's major changes but that's the exception, not the norm. If Chrome updates revert settings to default with any degree of regularity (I actually don't know if they do, I haven't really touched Chrome in ten? years) that's either gross incompetence or sheer malice.

  • Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam
  • Okay, fair enough, Fo76 was an unmitigated disaster. But what were you expecting from Starfield, exactly?

  • Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam
  • Honestly, I'm amazed by the hatedom for Starfield. It's ... a Bethesda game (and it's actually better at being a Bethesda game than Fo4). I'm not sure what people seem to have expected?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Considering that OP's teachers apparently beat their students (or at least stand idly by while their colleagues do), I'd argue that they do not deserve one ounce of respect.

  • Evidence suggests errant Ukrainian missile – not a Russian one – caused market deaths, NYT reports | News24
  • Agreed. China is openly hostile towards Taiwan, but it has not committed any actual acts of aggression and none of China's actions warrant a military response.

  • Instance blocking should replace defederation
  • Make your own instance then. As long as you're using a service someone else provides for you (free of charge at that), you have to play by their rules.

  • Evidence suggests errant Ukrainian missile – not a Russian one – caused market deaths, NYT reports | News24
  • As evidenced by all those NATO troops on Russian territory. Oh, wait. There's none.

  • Poland is NO LONGER BASED, new orders are to LOVE GERMANY (except for that twat Scholz)
  • No Kompromat needed, just PiS doing PiS things. Poland banned imports of Ukrainian grain (because PiS has a largely rural support base and the farmers don't appreciate the competition), Ukraine filed a complaint with the World Trade Organisation, so now the Polish government is throwing what in political science is called a tamper tantrum.

  • As a child, when did you start cursing or saying things to your friends that you couldn’t say in front of your parents?
  • Kindergarten. But my parents never really cared. I was told "know your audience" not "don't say that".

  • US and G7 Allies Now Expect War in Ukraine to Drag On for Years
  • It's not open to interpretation, it's plain as fucking day. Do you even bother reading Russian media? Because they openly admitted to it.

  • US and G7 Allies Now Expect War in Ukraine to Drag On for Years
  • Then the rest of the world ought to read Putin's own essay on what he thinks of Ukraine, I can't be bothered to link it right now but it's on the Kremlin's official website if you want to read it yourself. This invasion is a blatant, imperialist landgrab.

  • Another country has called Xi a 'dictator' and China is not happy with that description
  • Hate to break it to you but China is a dictatorship. They don't even pretend otherwise, the primacy of the Communist Party is literally part of their constitution.

  • Another country has called Xi a 'dictator' and China is not happy with that description
  • Hate to break it to you but China is a dictatorship. They don't even pretend otherwise, the primacy of the Communist Party is literally part of their constitution.

  • Bethesda: Thank you to more than 10 million Starfield explorers for creating the biggest launch in Bethesda history
  • Imagine having that little understanding of how and why people enjoy modding their games.

  • Another country has called Xi a 'dictator' and China is not happy with that description
  • Nazi Germany had elections. North Korea has elections. As long as there's no actual opposition on the ballot, just having elections means nothing.

  • Another country has called Xi a 'dictator' and China is not happy with that description
  • So you claim that China is a democracy based on... having absolutely no knowledge of Chinese politics?

  • Bethesda: Thank you to more than 10 million Starfield explorers for creating the biggest launch in Bethesda history
  • The engine is what allows the game to have a thriving modding community already.

  • US and G7 Allies Now Expect War in Ukraine to Drag On for Years
  • If only there was a country that could easily end the war by simply withdrawing back behind its borders...

    But do keep cheering for a fascist dictator -- everything to oppose evil America, right? No matter how many innocents die.

  • Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
  • I know it is, developers can block downloads unless the user is signed into a Steam account that owns the game. But as an end-user that's distinction without difference.

  • Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
  • That's even worse though. Plenty of games (e.g. Stellaris and RimWorld) are also available on platforms like GOG or, ugh, Epic. But if you want to use mods and you bought the game on any platform other than Steam it's fuck you.

  • ahornsirup ahornsirup

    Hi! :)

    F - Cis - Bi

    Unapologetic "lib" & Eurofederalist

    Nazis and tankies can fuck off.

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