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Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals
  • I got a bogus moving violation ticket in a ghetto. Decided to fight it. Watched as minority after minority got their ass handed to them in traffic court. Cops are super rude about everything. Few months later I get jury duty. Hispanic man accused of a violent crime...ok yeah. I have already seen how the sausage is made.

    Now I didn't get picked they had enough before they even got to me but I admit I would be very disinclined to take the justice systems word. Maybe that is the wrong attitude to have. Just because the justice system is very very imperfect doesn't mean that there is no crime.

    Everytime the justice system does something like this. Mistreats minorities or the poor, refuses to go after the powerful it weakens it's authority. And we are all worse off.

  • Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals
  • Meanwhile at work I can't take a gift over five dollars and if I get like a box of chocolate I leave it in the break room.

    Amazing how much integrity you must show is inverse to the amount of damages not showing it will cause.

  • Risk of major disruption as UPS strike looms in US
  • It already is. Look I am an automation engineer.

    A generation ago I would have my own draftsman, a secretary, and three techs. The draftsman is gone, because you can train an engineer how to CAD. The secretary is gone because of email, and the techs are gone because you can order the parts now. I am the one engineer in my department who has a tech report to him and we will see how long that lasts. Basically doing the work that 5 people used to do. Did I get paid their salary?

    But it gets worse. We have new software at work. Used to be there were two engineers plus a consultant part time doing my sub branch. Because of the new software when they retired they weren't replaced. I am now doing the work that used to take 2.5 engineers to do. What about their associated secs and drafts people and techs? All me now. I should be pulling a million a year and if you look at what I am making my employer that number adds up.

    Oh and on top of all this business has expanded. So now little all me, software enhanced, is doing the work that it took about 20 people to do. Don't believe me? 5 years ago my company produced a baseline model twice a week. In 2022 we produced one on average every 6 working hours.

    Where did all the money go? Because I sure as hell aren't seeing it in my pay. Meanwhile I am replacing workers for a living. Making better and better processes that can do more with less human effort. Again, where is the cost savings going?

    Go to any chemical plant these days. With the exception of places that are always about to explode (power plants) or ones with new chemical process constantly (some of the newer biotechs) plant operators are gone. The only ones left are maintenance, engineering, management, and business operations. If you have ever drinken a glass of OJ on the eastern seaboard of the US chances are overwhelming that I was in the plant that made it and can assure you the operators are gone.

    Sorry for the rant but it's starting to piss me off. I like my job. I am destroying horrible dehumanizing jobs. The fucking beancounters are soring me on my work.

  • Atheists Urge Supreme Court to Protect Free Speech Rights on Social Media
  • Justice Clearance "brought to you by Harlan Crow" Thomas wrote that this judgement could overturn other ones such as Crow v. Virginia which established the right of atheists to not be put in stocks and have rotten fruit thrown at them.

  • Christian Nationalism is Authentically Christian — And According to a New Poll Most White Evangelicals are Supporters
  • One of the larger Chinese Evengelical Churches in the US is a stone's throw away from my place. I know a few people who attend there and their children are taught the Bible in Hebrew and Mandarin.

    Everytime I pass it I get this odd feeling like this is going to be a source of some Dues ex machina one day. Like out of nowhere there is going to be this wave of Chinese American Christians who are trained to organize and do apologetics. Suddenly there is a new group that can terrify any political leader.

    Or it will be a footnote to a footnote in US history.

  • The terms 'sunset' and 'sunrise' enable flat earthers.
  • It's a thing about humanity. Sunrise on a heliocentric solar system looks the same as geocentric. And yet every single culture put us in the middle. It could have been 50-50 but instead we were all wrong together.

    My point is that we see what we want. No, don't change the words to suit them.

  • Now that you've all tried it ... ChatGPT web traffic falls 10%
  • I have been using it to do deep dives into subjects. Especially text analysis. Do you want to know the entire voc of the Gospel of Mark in original greek for example? 1080. Now how does this compare to a section of Plato's republic of the same size? About 6-7x as large.

    So right there we can see why Mark is often viewed as a direct text while Plato is viewed as a more ambiguous writer.

  • Now that you've all tried it ... ChatGPT web traffic falls 10%
  • It definitely has its uses but it also has massive annoyances as you pointed out. One thing has really bothered me, I asked it a factual question about Mohammed the founder of Islam. This is how I a human not from a Muslim background would answer

    "Ok wikipedia says this ____"

    It answered in this long winded way that had all these things like "blessed prophet of Allah". Basically the answer I would expect from an Imam.

    I lost a lot of trust in it when I saw that. It assumed this authority tone. When I heard about that case of a lawyer citing madeup caselaw from it I looked it as confirmation. I don't know how it happened but for some questions it has this very authoritative tone like it knows this without any doubt.

  • Short story about a shrine

    I was by one of the more popular shrines in South East Asia and you could hardly see the dang thing for how many food offerings, associated flies, and incense were around it.

    Behind the shrine I could see three homeless men hiding from the noon day sun.

    Yeah that about summarizes religion for me. People lavishing resources on an inanimate block of metal and wood that can't do anything. While real living breathing humans were right there to help.

    That's it, afraid it isn't an interesting story.

    18 Hasidic Schools Failed to Provide Basic Education, New York City Finds 18 Hasidic Schools Failed to Provide Basic Education, New York City Finds

    An eight-year investigation determined that the religious schools were breaking the law by not offering thousands of students adequate instruction in English and math.

    DebateReligion afraid_of_zombies2
    Physicalism is we got

    The most common objections to physicalism are

    -there remains gaps in our knowledge

    -we don't know what we don't know

    -since we can imagine violations of it there can be violations of it.

    Addressing each point:

    1. Gaps in our knowledge do not mean you can insert whatever you want.

    2. We haven't established that there is even something we don't know.

    3. Imagination does not have veto power over the universe.

    Royal family

    Why is everyone talking about some married couple traveling around upset about money? How does race factor into it? One of them is named Harry right? Did they have to change the rules about who gets to be queen because of this?

    DebateReligion afraid_of_zombies2
    Every supporter of prayer in school is a member of the faith that has demographic dominance in the area

    Never ever do you see a minority religion demand a mandatory prayer for all students. Which demonstrates that there is no theological basis for it.

    DebateReligion afraid_of_zombies2
    Pat Robertson's legacy is a big deal [Christianity]

    Given his prominence and duration you can't just write him off as not representing the christian faith. I dont know where the line is but he +50 years is passed it.

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