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  • As people said, you can backup your private keys to a flash drive. You can put them in a safe deposit box. You can give them to your lawyer or other fiduciary with a legal responsibility to act in your best interests (who also knows how to protect digital property if they keep digital copy). You could write it with lemon juice onto the back of the Declaration of Independence at the National Archives. You could have a laser thingie that displays it on a wall surgically implanted into your arm. Pretty much all the ways people protect gold or cash in the real world you can do with a piece of paper with your private key.

  • Please Stop
  • Well, if those licenses are entries on the blockchain, they could be transferred on the blockchain. You could sell your game used when you’re bored of playing it. You can’t play it after you sell it but someone else can. Publishers hate resale markets though, when people buy used games they don’t make any money. So they’ll probably never go for this.

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  • Oh. “Chapo Trap House is aligned with the dirtbag left, a style of contentious left-wing political discourse that eschews civility in favor of casual, blunt, often vulgar expression.”

    Guess I gotta get used to looking all this shit up while browsing. No more browsing Lemmy on my phone. No wonder Egon thought I was doing a bit.

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  • "Hexbear has had a track record of antisocial users who will do anything to get offended at anyone, for any reason." --Hexbear front page

    OK, that explains a lot.

    I left out abolishing the Electoral College because that would require a Constitutional amendment, which is much more difficult to do than get a bill through Congress, or a state bill through state congress, which is all those other solutions would require. Amending the Constitution is also a possible solution for any political problem in the United States, I thought it went without saying.

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  • I thought you were the one who said the Democratic and Republican platforms are the same. Now you're noticing that the examples of winning with scaremongering are all Republican wins. Are you doing a bit?

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  • Where did I shame anyone? I've been trying to be polite, I haven't thrown an insult once. I've extended more civility than has been granted to me. Though half of it seems to be residual anger at Reddit.

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  • I can fathom that’s what they want, but you can’t always get what you want, especially if what you want is neither a Democrat or Republican to win a state-wide election in the United States. Wanting something does not change the reality of the situation.

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  • Nice of you to acknowledge that I’m mostly being insulted and dunked on, but if that was going to stop me from commenting why would I even use Lemmy, or any social media?

    Voting in Cuba is pointless for national elections. It’s a one-party state so each candidate runs unopposed in their district. One-party states are bad. There is nothing the U.S. can learn from voting in Cuba, it is one of the least democratic countries in Latin America.

    Voter turnout has been 88% or better in Australia since 1925. Why didn’t you list them as an example? Voter turnout is good there because voters are fined a few hundred dollars for not voting. They have a mandatory voting law. That could increase voter turnout in the United States, but if it didn’t come with rules that employers must give their employees time to vote, and states must have fair standards for registering to vote, then it would just be fining poor people for being poor.

    Other things the United States could do to increase voter turnout: make Election Day on the weekend instead of a Tuesday, which was selected so farmers traveling by horse and buggy could get to the polls. We don’t have that many farmers anymore, much less ones that travel by horse and buggy. That’s really the only rule at the federal level on how states run elections, other rules to increase voter turnout would be implemented by individual states. Early voting, mail-in voting, the ability to register to vote when you’re interacting with a state office anyway, like when you get a driver’s license, or pay your taxes. Letting people vote after they’ve served their prison sentence. Letting people vote while serving their prison sentence. &c.

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  • But he’s not having to campaign in the primary, and he is winning it. So I guess he is popular enough.

    It’s ironic that people who dislike Biden so much still don’t know Dean Phillips exists.

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  • I’m not defending Biden, I’m simply pointing out that unless one of them dies, either Biden or Trump is going to win the 2024 presidential election. The only scenario where Biden loses is when Trump wins. So I am asking what about Trump winning is preferable. If you don’t think either of them will stop supporting Israel then what’s another reason why you’d want him to win?

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  • Literally since the founding of the country we’ve never had 50% or more turnout. People who abstain from voting have been the majority in this country this whole time. If not voting fixed a broken system why isn’t it fixed if the majority already don’t vote?

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  • God didn’t give us the two-party system, first-past-the-post voting did. If you really want to change the system you should push your state legislature to adopt ranked-choice voting in federal elections, like Maine. Then you can rank your choices, vote third party without a spoiler effect. You’d still have to decide whether to rank Trump over Biden though.

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  • First-past-the-post voting incentivizes voting against the candidate you don’t want to win by voting for the candidate most likely to beat him. So scaremongering about the other candidate is a strategy often used to great effect. Trump used scaremongering against Hillary in 2016. Trump’s using scaremongering against Biden now. George H.W. Bush famously used scaremongering about crime to win.

    Also their platforms are not the same. Trump has Project 2025.

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  • Not really.

    If you’re not in a swing state then you could throw your support behind your preferred third-party candidate, or write in the name of literally any person you can think of who would cut off aid to Israel.

    But not voting just says you’re OK with whomever the other voters pick for president. It says you don’t see a meaningful difference between Biden and Trump. And if you honestly don’t, OK, you’re allowed to think that. But in November, unless one of them dies, either Biden is going to win the election, or Trump is. The want to discourage people from voting against them. If you’re not voting you’re neutral so they don’t care as much.

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  • Regardless of who they vote for, there are only two possible outcomes to the election, unless one of the nominees dies before then. Either Trump will win, or Biden will win. If you want Biden to lose, that only happens if Trump wins.

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  • You don’t think a 2nd Trump administration would fund a genocide? Why? What about Trump says to you, “Oh yeah, this guy would definitely put a stop to the mass-murder of brown people”?

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  • Technically he’s not unopposed, at least not in some states. But no incumbent president has ever done well in the election when he has to campaign in a primary, if he was challenged the most likely outcome would be he’d win the primary but lose the election.

  • Swiss vote to give themselves a bigger pension
  • As someone from the USA, don’t you know how this works? Congress votes for stuff without worrying about how to pay for it all the time. When there are hard years, you issue more debt. When there are easy years, you issue less debt but still don’t really reign in debt because your constituents demand more stuff and less taxes.

  • What exotic science fiction technology would you finance research into, if you had billions of dollars?
  • If we controlled the world government, then what are all these politicians who run on a platform of exposing the secret government that already controls the world going to do?

  • Let's discuss: DOOM
  • Spider Mastermind is a pushover, Cyberdemon is the best boss in Doom.

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