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I Pretended to Be a Young Joseph Stalin On Tinder, and It Went Weirdly Well
  • so regardless of the whole attribution question, this isn't even a slightly unreasonable thing to say? It's not like he said "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic - and I think that's a good thing and I'm going to use it to kill seventeen billion kulaks", it's just a statement. It's been true about COVID, it was true about famine and drought in his own time, and it's true both intra-alignment and otherwise - smoking deaths are a statistic, Anne Frank's death was a tragedy, COVID-19 deaths were a statistic, Nex Benedict's death was a tragedy, etc. It's just observational and it's largely true, at least in regards to how people and societies react.

  • AI hype has echoes of the telecoms boom and bust
  • fwiw telecoms (or i guess its direct predecessor in many cases?) is so ubiquitous that it's virtually an appliance. It's unlikely that you even know anyone who doesn't use telecommunications at least five times a day. probably a hot take but: AI sucks, but so did the steam engine three years after it's debut. It was a gimmick that broke all the time and, even when it was working in full, could barely be finagled into doing a very small array of specific tasks. And then it got better. Check back on AI in ten years.

    The reason for this bubble-looking graph is that all of the capitalization of low-hanging fruit gets completed and then the company has to start operating with slimmer margins. Cisco has almost a hundred thousand employees and 57 billion dollars of revenue, they just aren't growing quite as fast any more.

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • you can't just say that people not believing in your chosen conspiracy are "incapable of doing materialism", lmao.

    I've cut through a lot of western lies; big Stalin fan, NATO was composed of primarily Nazis given comfy retirement plans, critical support to North Korea/Venezuela even Eritrea to some extent, China under Mao and Deng was responsible for the greatest alleviation of poverty in history, etc etc. I'm just not sold on this one after processing the not state supplied facts.

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • we know it wasn't literally Bush slipping some hijackers a twenty under the table and asking them to hijack planes. We understand that you're proposing a complex and long-running plan that would have originated prior to the start of his term. He just would have had to be complicit, and as the head of state at the time, the turn of phrase is the easiest by saying that he did it.

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams. But metal loses it's strength while retaining its solid phase as it is heated.

    This is the issue with laypeople speculating on complex engineering failures. The mechanisms of action that one might intuit from looking at a complex systems failure and the ones that actually cause it are oftentimes not related to or even opposite.

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • Okay 9/11 truthers, since it seems that there's a lot of you here, why would the Bush administration do it? To justify an invasion? We could have invaded anywhere we wanted any time we wanted. Thinking that we needed a lot of people to die on domestic soil in order to justify an invasion in the public eye is lib shit. So what's left? Was the government whacking someone in the towers?

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • This really isn't that hard to believe. The black boxes were bolted to the plane chassis and stuck around through the entirety of the fire and collapse. Personal effects like passports and clothing were subject to the intense drafts that any building fire causes and were blown around - possibly out of the plane or building, possibly away from the fire into a cooler part of the rubble. These are virtually certainly not the only paper documents they found, as another user mentioned, they found a roll of undeveloped film.

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • ^this. The furthest extent that there is some kind of 9/11 conspiracy is that the Bush admin might have been expecting some type of domestic event or other to happen that they could use as just cause for an invasion. They did not expect - let alone orchestrate - 9/11.

    Humans have pattern matching brains. It's easy to find stuff like the building owner having a dermatologist appointment that day. And then you completely fail to analyze it in the context that he probably also had a dentist's appointment the last week too. Same goes for every other thing.

  • Officials are gunning for LGBTQ+ library books with sinister ordinance banning 'public homosexuality' Officials are gunning for LGBTQ+ library books with sinister ordinance banning 'public homosexuality'

    A public ordinance in Tennessee which effectively bans homosexuality could be used to remove all LGBTQ+ books from local libraries.

    Officials are gunning for LGBTQ+ library books with sinister ordinance banning 'public homosexuality'



    article text:

    A public ordinance mandate in Tennessee effectively banning homosexuality could see all LGBTQ+ books removed from a local library.

    City officials in Murfreesboro, Tennessee met on Monday (6 November) to discuss removing all books featuring LGBTQ+ themes under an ordinance passed in June.

    The ordinance prohibits “indecent behaviour” in public and outlaws “indecent materials” which are vague enough to include homosexuality.

    It states that the local community has “the right to establish and preserve contemporary community standards” which would ban behaviour that local officials deem indecent.

    The clause used to define indecency links back to Murfreesboro’s city codes which describe “sexual conduct” as indecent. The sexual conduct clause includes “homosexuality”.

    The ordinance gives police officers the right to enforce bans on indecent behaviour under the clause and states that anybody using city funds for events that fall under indecency can be charged with further crimes.

    City officials have since used the passed ordinance to target the LGBTQ+ community, including by removing books from the Rutherford County Library Board that contain queer themes.

    Multiple board members reportedly claimed they had the right to “enforce community standards” and ban books they deemed indecent.

    In August, library board officials decided to remove four titles: Mike Curato’s Flamer, Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan’s Let’s Talk About It, Jennifer Knapp’s Queerfully & Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens and Juno Dawson‘s This Book is Gay.

    The board then implemented a tiered library card system where most LGBTQ+ nonfiction could only be accessed through an adult-only library card.

    Judge temporarily blocks Tennessee public ordinance for drag event

    The ordinance made national headlines after officials attempted to enforce a ban on the BoroPride festival in October.

    A federal judge was forced to temporarily block city officials from using the ordinance to ban BoroPride from taking place on 28 October, after the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Tennessee Equality Project, which has hosted the Pride festival since 2016.

    “We are relieved that the court has taken action to ensure that Murfreesboro’s discriminatory ordinance will not be enforced during the BoroPride festival,” Tennessee Equality Project director Chris Sanders said.

    “We look forward to a safe, joyful celebration of Murfressboro’s LGBTQ+ community.”

    Tennessee is considered to be one of the worst places in the US to identify as LGBTQ+ according to various human rights groups including the Human Rights Campaign, which labelled it as a “high priority” state in fighting to achieve basic equality.

    Independent journalist Erin Reed has identified Tennessee as among the worst states for anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, alongside Oklahoma, Kansas, and Florida. She described state officials as attempting to “legislatively erase trans people”.


    > The leader by will of the people differs from the leader by will of God in that the former is compelled to clear the road for himself or, at any rate, to assist the conjuncture of events in discovering him. Nevertheless, the leader is always a relation between people, the individual supply to meet the collective demand. The controversy over Hitler’s personality becomes the sharper the more the secret of his success is sought in himself. In the meantime, another political figure would be difficult to find that is in the same measure the focus of anonymous historic forces. Not every exasperated petty bourgeois could have become Hitler, but a particle of Hitler is lodged in every exasperated petty bourgeois.

    ~ Leon Trotsky

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    aaro [they/them]

    touch grass, eat ass, abolish class !heart-sickle

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