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Old XKCD, still relevant
  • I suppose it is tar version dependent, but on any recent Linux version I have used, you can just tar xvf <tar_name.tar.{z,gz,xz,etc}> and it will automatically figure out if it is compressed, what tools were used to compress it, and how to decompress it.

    But you are right, x and c are mutually exclusive.

  • My mind was blown today when I learned the female part of this song is just positive k with the pitch adjusted Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    I can't tell you how many times I have heard this song and never new. Soon as someone pointed it out all I can here is positive k's voice.

    How do I (29M) tell my wife (30F) that I want a cuckold relationship?
  • There are (at least) two questions you need to ask yourself before even bringing this up:

    1. have you actually experienced a cuckold relationship? Or is your experience totally just from online porn? I am pretty sure the fantasy is going to be entirely different then actually watching your wife have sex with someone else.

    2. what will your response be if she says no? Are you prepared to take her feelings into account? Again, fantasy vs reality. Certain communities on the Internet make it seem like any woman you suggest this to would jump at the chance but again, reality can be quite different.

  • How did you meet the love of your life?
  • The year: around 1994. I was 14 or 15 and using a borrowed account on a local collage network. A student there shared his modem pool login info with his friend who was also my friend and he shared it with me. My first taste of unix was a DEC minicomputer in some cs professors office. I learned a lot of the ins and outs of unix and the internet... 2400 baud for pirating software and porn mostly. Eventually random ftp sites and netnews got boring and redundant. I got introduced to irc and was amazed at the instant interaction with other computer people. My friend at the time hung out in a specific channel, #chitchat2, and I joined it as well because why not. It was a pretty tight knit group of regulars that hung out there and talked about whatever... Nothing in particular. At 15 I felt pretty accepted by people for the first time in my life.

    Being the budding wanna be hacker and scriptkiddie I also hung out in all the warez channels, #exceed, #ego, #warez, etc, and picked up on irc scripts and whatnot. SrFrog and his seminal lice script was my favorite of the time. I learned about patching and compiling a customer version of the standard unix irc client, and ran lice. It was pretty fun to mess with people and being 15 and relatively immature I spent hours riding server splits and nick-colliding people for the hell of it. There were some dicks that hung out in #chitchat2 so I did what I could to make their life hell. Looking back I was probably as much of an asshole and they were insufferable IT twits.

    I also met a girl there who was in college in another state. She remembers me as being a gigantic asshole and super immature. She hated me and would refuse to talk to me. Over the next 4 years I grew up, turned my script kiddie nature into an actual passion for computer security. As I grew she and i became sort-of friends.

    Eventually, when I was around 19, my family moved across the country, and she graduated college and moved the other way across the country to be with her family. We started talking more and more on irc, private chats, late into the night. Out of the blue she called me on the phone which blew my mind. I had dated on and off but this is the first time I ever had a member of the opposite sex who I felt was actually interested in me. One call turned in to once a week, then to several times a week. I had to get a job so I could pay for 400 dollar a month long distance bills (this was the mid to late 90s and I never invested time in the phreaking skills I probably should have). One day she sent me a message "I bought a plane ticket and am coming to visit you in 2 weeks".

    My heart exploded on the spot. I spent the two weeks saving what cash I could, I found a hotel for her to stay at (my parents were cool but not cool enough to let her stay with us, she was some random anonymous person I met on the computer, as they put it... Stopping short of calling her an axe murderer).

    The day arrived and I met her at the airport at the gate. You could do that then. It was then, at 19.5 that I knew I was in love for real, not just in lust or in dire need of companionship. Our next week together was a blur of every: passion, incredible sex, amazing conversations, and our souls connecting on a level so deep I didn't know such a connection was possible. It went way too fast and seemed to last a life time all at the same time. We even spent some time on irc talking with all our combined friends in #chitchat2. By the end of our time together, we knew we had to be together. I brought her to the airport and walked her to the gate. We were both sobbing but she promised that her next step was getting her shit together and she was going to move to where I lived.

    The next 6 weeks was arduous. It might as well have been 6 years. But in August of 1996, she packed her bags and flew across the country. She lived alone for a couple of years until I had issues with my family and I moved in with her. 4 years after moving to be near me we got married.

    Tomorrow, April 28th will be our 24th year wedding anniversary. It hasn't always been easy but I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

    As for the love of my life, tru64 lead to Solaris, led to slackware linux, Debian, ubuntu, Arch, etc. my lifelong love of unix and unix like operating systems started 30+ years ago with tru64 and I wouldn't change it for the world.

    Just kidding.... It's my wife that is the love of my life. We met "on that damn computer" as my mother likes to put it. Every year on our anniversary we go to where we had our first irl date. I sometimes pop back into efnet on irc to see if anyone has returned to #chitchat2 but so far haven't found anyone. I'm still friends with, and grateful to the guy who gave me access to the colleges modem pool.

  • Repairing bad sectors in an external drive
  • Can you plug the drive in directly and test it? You might also just have a dead drive. Either way if you were planning on using it as a backup medium I would tell you it's probably not a good idea. If you are trying to recover data from it, good luck. Is it making any sound? You could try buying the same, old but good hard drive and swapping the control board on it. You may also have to swap the nvram chip on it to make sure you have the same sector mappings. Either way there is a lot of stuff you can try, but hopefully this is an educational experience for you (as in learning how to recover a dead drive, not as in learning about the need for proper backup methods) as opposed to a desperate attempt to recover data that is most likely unrecoverable.

  • Repairing bad sectors in an external drive
  • You should be able to use smartctl on a USB drive. I've never had an issue anyway. You may need to specify the transport type tho. I had a drive that it couldn't figure out on its own, but since it was an sata drive in an external enclosure, atapi is the transport protocol to use

    sudo smartctl -a -d ata /dev/<devid>

    Using the same switch you can run a long test. It's sort of a pain as it will kill the test on finding a bad sector. But you can take that sector number and plug it into hdparm to rewrite the sector hoping it will remap it. You won't be able to recover the data in a bad sector, But There are these extra sectors on the drive that firmware can replace the bad one with. It does this on a forced write command.Something along the lines of

    hdparm --repair-sector --yes-i-know-what-i-am-doing </dev/<driveid> <sector number from smartctl>

    Again, you have data loss, you can't go back to no loss. All you can do is rescue anything important. You may (probably) need to run a long smartctl test again, and fix another sector. I have saved data off of drives with 100+ bad sectors this way... It's tedious and eventually I scripted it but it does work.

  • How my morning is going...
  • It's not great but it's not really world ending. About a year ago someone filed for unemployment in bot my wife's name and my name. Which came as a shock to my employer as I was was still happily at work. I work for a small mom-n-pop store, my wife works at a mega corporation. She caries insurance etc and one of her companies providers had a leak of ssn and other personal information. We both locked our credit and signed up for a protection pin for filing taxes. We reported to the local unemployment office that they were fraudulent claims. I look back and realized we probably should have locked our credit long ago and got tax pins as well, just for the security side of things.

    The funny thing is my employer brought it to my attention. My wife's employer didn't even notice and was getting ready to pay the claim even tho she was still working there as the system is all automated in her company. Eventually it came out about the leak and they are providing 5 years of credit monitoring for free.

  • Code interviews for a PHP developer roles
  • Sure! I'll hire you without even answering the questions. Of course I'm not the op, I dont work in the it field (any more) and none of my open positions involve programming... But you have a job with my company whenever you need one.

  • TIL that quadruple A batteries exist
  • Since seeing this picture I have disassembled about 50 nine volts looking for this and have found about 3. Some full of coin cells too.

    Edit: I should say it was years ago I first saw this picture. I haven't disassembled 50 batteries in the last 2 minutes

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • That is using messaging for the web through Google Fi. But there is little reason to do that now as Google messages the app itself can be used through there are several stand alone computer applications that use the portal as well (messages in the windows store, messages or google-messages package in most distros. Dunno about Mac. Either way, instead of fi being the backend, the app connects directly to your PC. You just have to pair your phone using the app directly.

  • Political Memes _thebrain_
    Looking to 3d print these to give out just in time for Easter....
    Why aren't more people creating new operating systems, considering that macOS, Windows, and Linux were developed by individuals with computer science and programming skills?
  • There are two major operating systems that are newish and ubiquitous: android and iOS. Android uses the Linux kernel but it is very different then a standard desktop installation of any other Linux based os. And both macos and iOS use the xnu kernel, but, again, iOS is very much a different os then macos.

  • Court agrees to block collection of Trump's $454 million civil fraud judgment if he puts up $175M
  • It's almost guaranteed that we will be back here in 10 days and he will be crying he can't secure the 175 million dollar bond either. It's not that insurance companies won't write a bond that high, it's that they are finally coming around to the fact that he is going to fuck them over no matter what.

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