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I just fucking need a hug
  • whats up buddy

  • Is Hexbear dying?
  • It used to be around 500 daily users , now it's at 900. So, it's not decreasing, but maybe not increasing by as much I guess.

  • Very good documentary on Marielitos

    There's a movie/film/tv portrayal of Cuban immigrants from 1980 as some sort of criminal invasion. Things could not be further from the truth.

    We are entering the Cool Zone.
  • Zero chance of recession this year.

    Here's the explanation. Most recent recessions have been self-manufactured through credit expansion and rapid deflation through interest rate rises. Right now they're holding steady. If they raise interest rates this year, there would be a chance of recession. But here's your explanation of why they won't raise rates this year: the fed's job is to be seen as a non political actor. If they manufacture a recession in an election year, they come off as favouring the challenger, instead of the incumbent. So, they're not going to meddle with interest rates this year.

  • Removed
    Yeah! Today is 18 Years of openSUSE
  • Suse is older than 18.

    The first version appeared in early 1994, making SUSE one of the oldest existing commercial distributions.

  • 10/10 gender. Would share again.
