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[Fil quotidien] Discussion du jour 30-06-2024
  • (à partir des millennials on est tous et toutes d'origine quelque chose par nos parents),

    Est ce que d'ailleurs, les Français de souche ça existe ? Je connais pas beaucoup de gens dont les 4 grands parents sont Français. Et une partie de ceux là sont trop basané pour l'extrême droite (tant pis pour leurs arrière grand père Harki ou tirailleur).

    Meme des gens blanc comme sur une affiche des LePen ont bien un grand parent étranger (meme Belge ou Suisse c'est étranger). On parlera pas des alsaciens et des gens du Nord qui ont parfois le village d'à côté à l'étranger et meme de la région depuis toujours ont pleins d'étrangers dans leurs famille

  • Deleted
    What's the easiest song or melody someone with not experience can play on an acoustic guitar?
  • Get a teacher, it really helps. My teacher has small group class, which IMO are the best bang for your bucks, 2-3 students make the class cheaper than one while letting you time to play. Then as intermediate you can have bob plays the chords and Alice the melody which is great.

    With 2 weeks of self practices, don't expect to play anything properly. It's called being a beginner, it's normal. At your level focus on switching open chords with a metronome (slow, like 40 bpm)

    Easiest song I know would be come as you are by nirvana, usually the first new guitarists learn. Then here comes your man by pixies may be achievable(ospecially if you can play chords) then anything pop punk (the offspring) is super si le but may be fun r next year

  • Qu’est-ce que la sous-bourgeoisie ?
  • Tout à fait, le vrai problème, c'est le pouvoir et le salaire donné à certains "manager", pour un travail et une contribution qui ne le justifie pas.

    Oui c'est important d'avoir une vue globale sur Il faut 3 mois pour recevoir des pièces, et Marie marie est impliqué sur le projet TOP jusqu'à l'automne, donc je dois commander les pièces avant fin juillet pour avoir tout ce qu'il faut pour que ça avance (Car manager c'est pas juste harceler les gens pour avoir des nouvelles des tickets parqué chez eux), oui pour être viable une société ne dois pas faire trop de travail gratuit, donc ce qui n'est pas dans le contrat doit être reporté. Puis il faut quelqu'un qui peut annoncer les mauvaises nouvelles (car pour les bonnes on manque jamais de volontaires, et communiquer c'est un métier)

    Mais c'est pas les gens compétents pour définir la roadmap d'un produit compliqué, ou même la stratégie long terme. Et surtout la création de valeur, elle vient des sachant techniques, pas de la structure de support. Je veux bien que jouer sur un banc de test soit plus amusant que de finir un budget, mais même si on s'amuse plus dans un labo à la cave, c'est souvent moins comfortable et plus dangereux qu'un bureau dans les étages.

  • Handicap : une journée dans la peau d'une personne aveugle et sourde, "des situations méconnues, de plus en plus nombreuses"
  • Ici ils le font en mode hardcore en cumulant sourd et aveugle, respect. Après, IMO, tous les élus locaux devraient faire ce genre de journée.

    Sur le sujet, un beau reportage 21 jours dans la peau d'une aveugle où la journaliste se fait poser des caches sur les yeux pendant 3 semaines. (et d'ailleurs toutes la série est excellente)

  • [Fil quotidien] Jeux de mots du jour 28-06-2024
  • #SUTOM #903 3/6





    Aujourd'hui j'ai fait 13115 – Moyenne 655 à Accuracity Europe ! –

    Top 3 : Anderlecht (16km), Istanbul (38km), Monaco (39km) Flop 3 : Pátra (1293km), Kaunas (1661km), Bender (2216km)

    Et pour la france

    Aujourd'hui j'ai fait 4199 – Moyenne 209 à Accuracity France ! – Top 3 : Le Raincy (7km), Apt (23km), Mulhouse (26km) Flop 3 : Argelès-Gazost (248km), Niort (454km), Ancenis (587km)

  • [Fil quotidien] Discussion du jour 28-06-2024
  • Boulot,

    Ça y est, le 'management' a mis un coup de ménage, le gros projet qui m'a occupé à 2/3 ces 2 dernières années va être mis sur pause. C'est parti pour un été à essayer de faire de la doc la plus claire possible pour pouvoir tout rouvrir dans 2 ans.

    Je m'inquiète pas trop pour mon boulot, je me suis déjà placé en support sur un autre gros projet qui est en train de monter, Donc au moins je sais où je vais transferrer mon temps de travail.

  • Qu’est-ce que la sous-bourgeoisie ?
  • Le truc, c'est que tu peux faire des hierarchies matricielles, impliquer des "experts" dans le processus de décision et tout, mais en pratique, dès que tu dépasses une certaine taille il faut.

    • Une voir plusieurs personnes qui mettent de l'huile dans les rouages et s'assure que les gens se parlent et que le budget n'explose pas. Donc des projects managers, tech-lead, principal engineers. À un moment il faut respecter les terme du contrat, le prix, la réglementation et la stratégie globale, et donc des gens capables de garder ça à l'oeil (et d'aller négocier si il faut), et de comprendres les implications de certaines décisions.

    • Des gens qui ont une vue sur la charge des équipes, s'assurent d'avoir un peu de buffer et trouve une solution pour reprendre le travail de Jean-Luc qui part en mi temps parental jusqu'à l'année prochaine

    • Des gens qui réfléchissent à la stratégie moderne, qui peuvent dire aux vendeurs d'arrêter de fumer avant de signer, et qui peuvent dire aux équipes sur quoi elle doivent travailler

    Après en effet, tout ce beau monde ne doit pas être manager. Définir la roadmap d'une boite de "technologie" (au sens large, airbus est aussi une boite de technologie) c'est un travail d'expert technique avec doctorat, pas de manager sortit d'école de commerce

  • Far-right leader Le Pen questions French president's role as army chief
  • This is a valid point of view. However, in the current french constitution, as it, the elected president has the final authority over the army, which even without the majority at the parliament makes the president able to manage foreign policy. (Sure the parliament can not vote the budget which would technically limit this power).

    If Macrons wants to send troops to Ukraine next year, Le Pen, won't have many way to stop him. Well, the parliament can not votes the budget which would strongly limit the ability of the "troops" to work effectively, but that's it. In the previous case of cohabiation, it wasn't a big proble, conservative and socialists are reasonable person who can work together well enough to find arrangement on foreign policy. Think can be more complex with neo-liberals like Macron and far-righter like Le pen

  • [Jeudi Tech] Posez toutes vos questions !
  • arrête, tu me donne envie de resortir X-plane voire de retourner sur VATsim.

    Mais je suis beaucoup trop mauvais pour des liners en IFR, je me contente des petits machins en VFR c'est beaucoup plus simple.

  • IGC viewer on Linux ? (Glider/plane GPS traces)

    It may-be a bit too niche for lemmy (and ! is empty or even de3ad)

    But is there a local software to visualize GPS traces ? One of my vario provider has it's own online UI, and the other has a web igc viewer, but sometimes I'd like to visualize them locally, especially with a way to see the airspace around

    LE RN VEUT PRIVATISER LES MÉDIAS - Nouveau Front Populaire en Isère (Traduction LSF)
  • Par rapport au reste des idées du RN, ça me choque pas. Des médias privés, quand on a déjà France 2 qui coure après TF1, et des réseaux sociaux privateurs qui dominent, c'est du libéralisme classique, j'irais pas me battre contre cette idée.

    Non franchement, je prends 1000 fois la privatisation des média si j'échappe aux politiques racistes et antisémites que le RN veut mettre en place. Rappel que toucher aux droits des bi-nationaux, des minorités religieuses, ou des LGBT, c'est en pratique toucher aux droits de tout le monde.

  • PSA Migration de c/ vers !europe@feddit.ORG

    publication croisée depuis :

    > See title, given the current state of feddit.DE, please update your subscriptions to the new Europe community: !

    Pourquoi certains hommes hétéros se font passer pour gay sur les applications de rencontre ? Pourquoi certains hommes hétéros se font passer pour gay sur les applications de rencontre ?

    Sur les applications de rencontre, la concurrence fait rage. De nombreuses techniques sont développées par les internautes...

    Pourquoi certains hommes hétéros se font passer pour gay sur les applications de rencontre ?

    CW : Est-ce homophobe de se faire passer pour gay afin de draguer ?

    How did we switched from "Dinosaur are giant lizards" to "Dinosaur are giant birds"

    When I was a kid, I learned about Dinosaur being "giant lizard", and it's been may-be 10 years, that I hear "Birds are dinosaurs".

    I am curious on how the concept evolve, both among paleontologists, and among the general public.

    Inauguration du premier supermétro de la région parisienne, reliant Saint-Denis à Orly, avant les JO Inauguration du premier supermétro de la région parisienne, reliant Saint-Denis à Orly, avant les JO

    Après des mois de course contre la montre, le prolongement de la ligne 14 accueille lundi ses premiers voyageurs, pour relier Saint-Denis, au nord de Paris, à l'aéroport d'Orly, au sud, juste à temps…

    Inauguration du premier supermétro de la région parisienne, reliant Saint-Denis à Orly, avant les JO
    Les binationaux et les « Français d’origine étrangère » dans le viseur du Rassemblement national Les binationaux et les « Français d’origine étrangère » dans le viseur du Rassemblement national

    Alors que Marine Le Pen distingue plusieurs catégories de Français, le parti d’extrême droite entend inscrire dans la Constitution l’interdiction, pour les binationaux, d’accéder à certains emplois publics.

    Les binationaux et les « Français d’origine étrangère » dans le viseur du Rassemblement national
    Ma playlist qui emmerde le front national #pouetradio

    J'avais commencé à prendre des notes, puis j'ai vu le thread de Par là

    Donc voilà ma playlist sans aucun ordre particulier, sinon ça arrivera une fois qu'on aura My little pony première ministre

    Les Berru Porcherie

    Sinsé La flamme

    Les bettervaes un couscous pour JM

    Sexy sushi J'aime mon pays

    La ruda salska : Orange (Live)

    Tagada jones Mort aux cons :

    Les sales majestés, Marine

    Saez fils de France

    Kenny Arkana, Ah bas le front de la haine

    Je le met sur plutôt que sur forumlibre, car vachement trop politique pour là bas

    René Binamé quelques mots sur le cirque éléctoral :

    >Un petit Cobra avec Pour nous les français :

    >Peut être moins rock (et beaucoup moins alternatif), et moins ciblé sur FN/RN, mais je propose aussi Dernière Danse de Indila, et Nouveau Français d’Amel Bent. Marine de Diam

    Une météorite pourrait être à l'origine de la secousse ressentie en Corse Une météorite pourrait être à l'origine de la secousse ressentie en Corse

    Une mystérieuse détonation entendue en Méditerranée, dans l'archipel toscan et en Corse, et que les autorités, les habitants et des touristes ont d'abord attribuées à un tremblement de terre, pourrait avoir été causée par...

    When was the last time you bought a paper map and why ?

    Just out of curiosity, are you full digital do you still buy map often ?.

    Larp season is coming, here are some of my "tips"

    We don't have much lemmings talking about larp, and as I am moving forward in the prep of my next game, I thought about sharing some my tips/thoughts On this thread, I will focus on the typical "2-3 day heroic fantasy larp" with 80-200 players and some faction/PvP mechanics. The larp scene is pretty huge, and not all of my points my transpose to what you play nor your local game culture. So take it as a blog post with my view on-it, which may not fit yours

    Expect that the logistic team will fuck up

    If the writers fuck-up, you end-up with a boring story, if the NPCs fuck-up you end-up with wrong information. But in both case you end-up drinking and eating with your friends in a costume. Not that bad. On the other hand, if the only drinkwater tap is after the orc camp, or if the cook under-estimated how hungry the player are you end-up thirsty and hungry, add the lack of sleep and the fun week-end turns into a nightmare. So please plan to have extra water/food (also a whole ham on the table is a great diplomacy tool) worst case, you end-up storing some leftover at home after the game.

    Another classic one in larp with "toilets" is that the toilet end-up clogged at the end of the week-end. So plan that you may-need to manage otherwise.

    Finally, even though it's not a fuck-up from the logistic, plan for any possible water and adapt your playstyle. You may have temperatures above 40 or heavy rain, and sometimes both at the same game. So have a hat in your kit, extra socks, and choose the right shoes if rain is expected.

    Self care

    It's a bit linked to the previous point, but as much as beer can be refreshing and spiced wine can help negotiation, it doesn't hydrate. Bring water and drink water.

    Force yourself to get some sleep, Game never stops, it usually get a bit quieter between 3 and 9 but that's it. However, I would seriously advise to still try to get some sleep. It can be tempting to keep playing until the dawn, and then be dragged in the day-game. But at a point the lack of sleep will catch-up, especially when you're driving. I don't tell you to get your 8h of sleep per night, but 8h for the whole week-end isn't reasonable either.

    If you're not comfortable with something, or feel that a situation is physically dangerous speak-up. Can be the battle "near the stairs" which would make sense in a real combat but is a great way to break some legs in a game, can be the torture scene which is bit too realistic. speak-up if you see something dangerous physically or emotionally, most player would try to find a reasonable way to do it.

    In game

    Avoid the not my problem attitude, if you catch a plot hook pull it. It may not be your character main goal, but if some "game opportunity" come to you, take-it or (especially if you play a busy character), delegate to someone from your faction.

    In the same category, in case of doubt say yes, you might have missed who was the great priestess of the sun, or that you had a side quest about building an orphanage. Also, sometimes, it's obviously "a trap" but the proper attitude is so what Yes you'll end-up jailed, tortured and executed, but you'll have more fun than sitting in the tavern

    On the character

    Remember that combat is a very small fraction of a larp. So you don't need to play a warrior in heavy armour to have fun. There is plenty of game where I didn't pulled a sword (and sometimes didn't even carried one)

    Remember that you need a character you can play for 3 days, avoid the "loner type", or the "weird accent that you cannot keep on the long term".

    Try to match your character with your faction, either by asking the faction which hypes you which kind of character they need or by asking the factions who would need the kind of character you want to play.

    Character do die, especially the ones with some visibility, so have a second kit ready in case off.


    Thrift store are a great ressource for a beginner kit, it may not be fully period appropriate but can be a generic costume basis (linen trouser/skirt, pirate-shirt) at a cheap price (well nowadays thrift store got trendy)

    Layering works damn well. get a neutral basis layer, add stuff like doublet/cape to give a style to your character, and finish with accessories. Obviously expect that anything you'll bring to a larp will be lost or damaged. Make-up and hairstyle can do a lot for a character to.

    Depending on the faction/character, adding some uniformity helps a lot. 10 persons with the same green/white cape/tabard looks way more impressive than 10 persons with random costume even if each one is way better than the common costume.

    Remember that you're not doing cosplay, you'll be moving with these clothe, so try to craft some robust stuff. In the same category, unless you can afford decend larp shoes and the game-site permit it, better wearing some leather hiking boots and keep your feet safe and dry than twisting your ankle in period appropriate shoes

    You never have too much pouches, try to keep your "out of game" stuff in a pouch, and keep the in-game items in another.

    Print some "out of game sign" so you can indicate a robber visiting your camp which crates/boxes are "out of game"

    Ok time runs out, I feel like I already wrote a lot, pretty sure some of you will have stuff to add, or stuff that do not apply to their games (which is fine), so I stop the thread here

    Forged in the dark : one large clock, or stacking small clocks ?

    A very short question, for people used to Forge in the dark games.

    To manage a situation evolving negatively or positively on the long term, do you use a large clock, or stack several one small ones with a concrete impact every time they fill?

    let’s say the PC are asking questions they shouldn’t be asking about “the bad guys”. Would you say

    3 times 4 tick clock : leading to “bad guys hear rumours about someone asking question”/Bad guys Finds out who asks the question/ Bad guys guards find the PC.

    A 12 tick clock and continuously increasing the pressure on the PC as the clock is filling ?

    The related question, is how do you handle the consequence of the clocks filling beside the : Enemy guard found you (or missing accomplished when it’s on the PC side). Just by role-playing, or would you change the PC position or is it as often in rpg “it depends” ?

    How much did the transition to cashless impacted inflation ?

    Is used to be common for store owner to put the cash directly in their pocket. Which is not possible with electronic payement. Meaning that you add 20% VAT to the price, an when transforming the money in a salary need to pay for unemployement/health/retirement insurance to finally get a taxable income.

    But I am curious on how much "not being able to easily fraud" pushed shop owner to increase the prices ? Any study on it ?

    You're the GM, but haven't prep anything for tonight. How do you make tonight game a succes ?

    Pretty sure it happened to everyone, you lacked time to prep tonight session, and now the first player just arrived

    Bonus point if you explain how to do it when tired.

    Solved [Stoner-doom] (Stable Diffusion Juggernaut XL)

    Electric Wizard, Funeralopolis


    Funeral planet, dead black asteroid Mausoleum, this world is a tomb Human zombies, staring blank faces No reason to live, dead in the womb Death shroud existence, slave for a pittance Condemned to die before I could breathe Millions are screaming, the dead are still living This Earth has died, yet no one has seen Funeralopolis I don't care, this world means nothing Life has no meaning, my feelings are numb Faceless masses filed like gravestones Sacrificed for the glory of one Funerary cities, flesh press factories Corporate maggots feed on the carrion Funeralopolis, grey morgue apocalypse Black clouds form to block out the sun Funeral planet, dead black asteroid Mausoleum, this world is a tomb Human zombies, staring blank faces No reason to live, dead in the womb Funeralopolis Planet of the dead Funeralopolis Planet of the dead Death shroud existence, slave for a pittance Condemned to die before I could breathe Millions are screaming, the dead are still living This Earth has died yet no one has seen Funeralopolis Planet of the dead Funeralopolis Planet of the dead Funeralopolis Funeralopolis Nuclear warheads ready to strike This world is so fucked, let's end it tonight Nuclear warheads ready to strike This world is so fucked, let's end it tonight Nuclear warheads ready to strike This world is so fucked, let's end it tonight Nuclear warheads ready to strike This world is so fucked, let's end it tonight Nuclear warheads ready to strike This world is so fucked, let's end it tonight Nuclear warheads ready to strike This world is so fucked, let's end it tonight Nuclear warheads ready to strike This world is so fucked, let's end it tonight

    Reddit Was Fun Ziggurat
    Reddit-OpenAI deal: ChatGPT gets access to social media platform Reddit-OpenAI deal: ChatGPT gets access to social media platform

    OpenAI and Reddit reach deal that will give ChatGPT access to content on the social media platform.

    Reddit-OpenAI deal: ChatGPT gets access to social media platform
    What was your most intense "game" experience ?

    I'll recycle a discussion from the Francophone ! link but obviously the answer were more focused on video game.

    We're on a RPG community, so I expect to hear more about RPG and LARP, let's talk about made you feel "bleed"

    [EU Politic] which "European party" has done the most to prevent a new Qatargate ?

    In the context of the European election next month. I am surprised that the Qatargate where several elected official have been charged for receiving Qatari money against service ( ) isn't more discussed by media.

    So I am curious, at the European level, which "party" (e.g. PPE, S&D) has done the most to prevent such a case to happen again ?

    Annecy, France [OC]

    One of the most common photo taken there. But god myself a second hand Canon EOS 250D, and as I was travelling there it was a nice opportunity to do the same photo as thousands of tourists.

    What do you enjoy in "actual plays" ?

    I am a bit old, and never got why so many people watch "actual play". I've done it once or twice to get the mechanic of a game, but found the experience more technical/boring than fun.

    I get having a guest or candidate player watching an in person to see how rpg work, or whether they click with the group, but somehow watching video of strangers playing RPG doesn't sounds fun to me. But I might miss something considering how popular these actual plays are

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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