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Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)
  • In my world, aggressive would be: you are poor, you are fat, you are in debt, and you are a drain on your parents. The best thing that ever happened to you was covid because then you could try to hide behind covid instead of anxiety and general inability to motivate yourself to, you know, do something with your life.

    You aren't going anywhere, there is no road up from where you are, and regardless of the who wins the presidential race, you're still the type of person that everyone looks down upon. You are a parasite that thinks if you cry enough, you'll just get to keep being the fat, lazy piece of shit you are. Good luck.

    That, in my world, would be aggressive.

  • Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)
  • Resist. Reorganize. Endure. Survive. Same as we've always done with presidents.

    Idk what settlers are gonna do. Probably what they always do: whine, move to someone else's land if they're seriously inconvenienced, steal their shit, ruin that too, complain about how this keeps happening to them.

  • Removed
    Self-Driving Tesla Nearly Hits Oncoming Train, Raises New Concern On Car's Safety
  • Read the development notes from the first years of any technology you use. The research you're "referencing" is six years old at this point.

    What's next? You going to criticize an iPod Nano to make a point about the broken screen on your iPhone 8? Criticize Google assistant from 2019 to harangue OpenAI?

    Look at what six years of development means:

  • Removed
    Self-Driving Tesla Nearly Hits Oncoming Train, Raises New Concern On Car's Safety
  • Not really. They just removed unprompted nag. If you're not constantly keeping a hand on the wheel and looking at the road, it nags more and will pull you over if you ignore it.

    If you turn off the internal driver monitoring camera, you can't engage FSD or even use lane assist.

  • Additional classified records found in Trump’s bedroom after Mar-a-Lago search
  • Yeah, instead, based on polling, we will just elect him president. Every month we get closer to the election, the better Trump's polling numbers get.

    So, figure out what to do when he's president, because if you're someone who would like to bet serious money on the election, the smart money is on Trump.

    Welcome to 2025.

  • Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk
  • I'm sure you knew that is what I meant already, or you wouldn't have bothered responding.

    In the same way that if I asked how many people have fucked your mom, I wouldn't be asking who your dad is. Those would be two separate questions.

  • Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk
  • First of all, a vodka martini isn't a classic martini. That's why you have to say "vodka" before martini if that's what you're ordering. A martini is made at any reputable establishment with gin. I'm sure you could say "rum martini" and any established bartender would raise an eyebrow but make your order.

    That said, I order my martini the same way every time: pure Everclear stirred with a single ice cube. Wave a bottle of vermouth over the glass while looking in the direction of France.

    One olive or three, never even numbers. I'm not a savage.

    Then after I've vomited on the bar, they wheel me home on a dolly.

    Edit: my actual standard order is Beefeater, extra dry, one olive. Keep it simple and classic.

  • Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk
  • I'm sure you "think" a lot of things. Unless you hang out exclusively with white people, there are a lot of people that think drinking a glass of milk is weird. They just don't tell you, because they're polite.

    If you're in the United States, perhaps you've heard of the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The show characterizes the McPoyles as particularly weird people. One of the ways they create that characterization? Them guzzling milk.

    Dairy "products" are a different concern. Most people produce some level of lactase, but a glass of cow's milk is a separate thing.

    Aged cheese, for instance, is a different thing. Why would aging cheese add distinct flavors? Because bacteria is digesting the sugars (lact-OSE) and converting it into other things.

    I love cabot cheddar myself for cheap stuff. If you want to know the lactose content of cheese or other dairy products, if there are no added sugars, just check the sugar content. That's lactose. If it says zero, it's near zero.

    I've never met an adult in my life, of any color, that orders a glass of milk and drinks it. I'm sure it happens, but I guess just not in the circles I run in.

    You'd have to actually be around people regularly to see that it's unusual. If you're just in your own house or with the same people every time you go out, then no one is going to mention it.

    Honestly, it's unusual. I make a high salary and part of my job requires regularly socializing with new people--clients, investors, new friends, etc.

    I've never seen a grown adult order a glass of milk and drink it. I wouldn't judge someone for doing it, but I would criticize their perspective if they thought that was normal, and I would try to figure out the context they're from where that's normal behavior, purely out of curiosity. If they're already in a social environment with me, there's already some social capital committed, so I'm interested to know more about why someone would think that's normal behavior.

    "Internet guy that likes Halo" does not qualify, so, while I think you're being obtuse, I don't care enough about you to continue this conversation.

  • Wall Street is to blame, why are we suffering?

    Ok, so obviously no one here has done anything to make this world what it is. Wall Street, corporations, and racist social structures are why the world is how it is, and that is just the truth.

    I don't understand why I should feel bad about anything when obviously all of these rich assholes and structures of oppression exist. I didn't make them.

    Until the corporations and wealthy people change, why should I feel guilty or bad about things. This literally isn't my fault, they did this, so I just feel like I should be able to live my life and not have to worry about all this. Why can't I?

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