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  • Americans view Europeans in general as weirdly comfortable around sexuality. Which is I think just a side effect of Americans in general being bizarrely prudish around sexuality.

  • I like this text. In which Lemmy community can I best share it ? Thanks.
  • It seems to me that all of the reasons they provides are all reasons to get married. Especially raising a child, given the privileges that are afforded to married parents in a lot of places (especially in the case of adoption, or IVF using a stranger's genetic material). Something doesn't have to require marriage for the benefits of it to outweigh the cons for a specific situation.

    The question seems to me to be kind of confusing. What alternative are you comparing it to? Some sort of local structure like domestic partnership?

  • What do you use AI/LLMs for in your personal life?
  • It did say so directly, something that I couldn't find in a Google search because I was asking the wrong question, and getting forum posts with loosely related technical questions about LTO.

    That's not to say that it doesn't just as often give weird answers, but sometimes those can guide me to the right question too.

  • What do you use AI/LLMs for in your personal life?
  • I use Chatgpt 3.5 both personally and at work for tip of the tongue questions, especially when I can't think of a word. Sometimes as a starting point when I have trouble finding the answer to a question in Google. It can sometimes find an old movie that I vaguely remember based on my very poor descriptions too.

    For example: "what is the word for a sample of a species which is used to define the species" - tip of the tongue, holotype. "What is the block size for LTO-9 tape" - wasn't getting a clear answer from forums and IBM documentation is kind of behind a wall, needed Chatgpt to realize there was no single block size for tape.

    It's excellent for difficult to search things that can be quickly verified once you have an answer (important step, as it will give you garbage rather than say it doesn't know something).

  • If given a new life would you choose to be born the same sex that you were?
  • Would switch. Prolly because I'm currently somehow straddling being transfemme and egg. Might depend on the time period though Not keen on being a woman in... most of history. Not really keen on being a man in general though.

  • Revealed: a California city is training AI to spot homeless encampments
  • Do you know how much work it is to live unhoused? How uncomfortable and dehumanizing? If you are completely without shelter, how it is after it rains, or the air is choked with smoke during fire season?

    It seems like you have just one explanation for everything here. When there's a problem, it's because of some moral failing that has to be punished. The publication you reference is telling.

    Your attitude toward both Roma and unhoused is an outside look in, entirely through the lens of criminality. There is no understanding there. You are missing the big picture, the why behind all of the things people do.

    If you really want to scam people, you start an LLC and live comfortably off of other people's work, like, you know, rich people do.

  • Revealed: a California city is training AI to spot homeless encampments
  • You are completely divorced from the reality on the ground.

    A good chunk of the unhoused (at least where I live, US CA) have jobs, it's just not enough for rent or they can't find a place because of poor credit, which means the places available are even more expensive. Rent has increased faster than median income, and way faster than low income.

    Most unhoused are there temporarily. Anything nice they have may be from before they got into their present situation. And what are they supposed to do? Pawn off their cell phone for pennies on the dollar?

    The explosion in number of unhoused people is not just a bunch of people happening to have some sort of moral failure all at once. The simpler explanation is that our economy and society is failing. And what do we expect to see as resources are hoarded by the powerful at exponentially increasing rates? Where do those resources come from?

    Also self report on your attitude toward Roma people.

  • People should direct their anger towards capitalism, rather than being upset with artificial intelligence
  • Job elimination is a problem in capitalism because workers need jobs to survive. In a socialist society, job elimination can be a good thing, as it allows us to either increase access to resources or reduce how much time people need to work without dispossessing the people whose jobs were eliminated.

    The difference is that, in capitalism, workers only survive by proving their usefulness to capitalists making money. Automation is thus a threat to worker bargaining power. If the means of production were socially owned (through for example government run utilities or worker coops), worker bargaining power is then through a vote or through ownership. It is possible to by default distribute the spoils of automation rather than concentrate them in the hands of capitalists.

  • Over 60 percent of Gen Z have an anxiety disorder
  • I mean, plenty of Gen Z end up on the streets too, just like any generation, because housing availability and income is just getting worse for poor people. Anxiety issues are fairly associated with poverty.

    Most the young people I know (California, USA, I'm a young millennial) are precarious, and most feel precarious. They are also watching baby boomers (sometimes their parents and grandparents) end up on the streets in high numbers, but also don't have the extra income to put into retirement or get a healthy savings to secure a future for themselves, much less help their ailing family members. Their health issue incidence is high, and the availability of care for those health issues is low and very expensive. People living off of Gig apps and part time jobs (because jobs with benefits are unavailable without a college education, and sometimes even with). If they live separate from their family most of their income goes to rent.

    And climate change isn't something that affects people 100 years from now, it affects us right now in certain zones. The number of homes destroyed/damaged in various disasters each year where I live has gone way up, and a lot of the people who are displaced end up on the streets or in ever growing slums/camps. There's a general sense that the future will be worse than the present, which makes present struggles feel worse. People turn to drug use, sometimes to self medicate for physical and emotional issues. People don't want to have kids, because they don't see a future for those children, and don't have the resources to provide for them.

    I agree there needs to be more solidarity, especially with the most impoverished. Part of the struggle is worsened by atomization and individualism, and propaganda deriding the impoverished.

  • Far-Right Activists are Planning an Anti-Sex-Ed Convoy Targeting Alberta Teachers’ Association Building
  • Gravity (phenomenon) is neither a theory nor law, in a similar way that a cat is different from a picture of a cat or a dictionary entry describing the word cat or our collective understand of what a cat is. At the same time, gravity is also BOTH a theory and a set of laws in the same sense that you could point to a picture of a cat and say "that's a cat right there", and no one would correct you. The distinction seems silly, but it is important. Theory, law, etc are structures/lenses through which we understand and predict things. A sort of formalized collective metacognition is the basis of science, and this is why we have these terms and distinctions. And theories and laws are fundementally different things in a way that's may be best expanded by critically reading the resources provided by the other commenter.

  • and then they called Moses a socialist
  • I think the meme is fairly clearly making fun of American conservative/fascist discourse. Like the whole watering down of any semblance of a working definition of CRT when referenced by right wing pundits and moral panic board meeting parents, where right wing people call every call to be somewhat decent human beings "CRT" or "wokism", and then have no actual working meaning for those words except as something that seems left wing and makes them uncomfortable.

  • The Startling Age Of A Suspect in Racially Motivated (non fatal) Drowning
  • It's an interesting grammatical thing. In English, proper nouns are generally capitalized. Where proper nouns are names of specific things, not generalizable ideas. Like Bob, England, The Tribune, Christianity etc are proper nouns, while cat or guitar or car are not. This is extended to proper adjectives, which are generally derived from proper nouns but not always. So like "the man was English". We capitalize English because it isn't just a descriptor of a trait, like fat or green, but because it is describing membership to a nation, and nations are proper nouns. Blackness describes a nation type relationship, and when you say someone is Black, you are not saying that the are literally the color black, but rather belong to a Black identity or nationality. In the same sense that you say someone is Jewish or Protestant or Welsh, not jewish or protestant or welsh. Idk English is weird.

  • Sink Spider Friend

    I posted this to reddit a year ago. Back then I was living in the south bay area, and for a while had a cellar spider chilling in my sink. There were a few times I was afraid that I washed her out when I forgot to be careful of her while doing dishes, but she was tough and always held on. Saw her for a month or so, and I hope she moved on to another roost.


    I don't fully understand what this sublemmy is.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Pronouns: They/Them

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