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Police officer dies after attack at anti-Islam rally in Germany
  • The german right wing Party AFD have or at least had connections and i think some payment with russia. Some oft thr AFD folks even got asked to come to russia as "democratic experts" for the last election.. Such a fucked up party

  • Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing
  • I am in a very similar position. Ableton and some other, smaller stuff is the only program that keeps me from switching to Linux fulltime. Bitwig did not click for me yet, I have to give it a try again soon. But the problem of unopenable projects persist. There are roumors, that the push 3 standalone runs a Linux port of ableton. So maaaybe there will be a Linux version in the future? That would be wild! Until then I just dualboot. I will soon reinstall my windows partition for ableton only.. I am pretty shure if bigger companies would start supporting Linux, it would take off like crazy

  • How the Media Treat Linux
  • Just annoying things like missing video codecs in fedora. Why the heck do I have to install something just to watch a video online?! Or the fingerprint reader in Ubuntu only works for the one session, after that it forgets all my prints again. Or using proton and missing dx11 drivers in pop os, I know they are crappy Microsoft software, but are required for some games. Or that Ableton, fusion360, affinity are not available for Linux. I know it's not Linux fault, we need big companies to invest in Linux in order for it to gain more traction. Or all the package managers. Which should I use? Snap comes with Ubuntu but people say it's bad and flat pack is better. Or that there is no sound output selection or mixer in the gnome top bar, I need to install an gnome addon for that. There are just little things compared to Mac or windows that Linux is missing or has difficulty with. Don't get me wrong, I use Linux full time on my laptop now and try to move to Linux on my desktop as well. Those are just things that tech savvy people would struggle with, and I can't blame them form calling Linux difficult then

  • How the Media Treat Linux
  • I agree with most of it. But Linux can just be a pain, and is not always obvious. Specially if you have no real knowledge of Linux and just wat to use it like Macos or windows. I would say it just is not a drop in replacement. Just starting out and choosing a distro can be overwhelming

  • Capitalists don’t care if we burn
  • I totally see your point, I never said that the west is doing better. I'm not a fan of the us either and I am fucking disappointed in the western governments to not push for more sustainability. I just don't think people realise what is going on in china and I am tired of reading "china is not that bad, look at the us!" China has basically no human rights, they fucking paint grass green so they can pretend to reach their goals. They have laws, forbidding to collect cooking oil out of trash cans and the sewers. They systematically disappear Uyghurs to off site facilities and "coincidentally" Volkswagen builds a new factory directly next to those buildings. I totally see the responsibility with western companies. But on the other hand, forced labour in this extend does not happen in western countries. I know the us government and us companies are doing super dirty shit, like the killings of union workers in south America by Coca-Cola or their involvement in other countries politics. And do you think as a Chinese citizen you would criticise the government in a servey if literally everything you do is monitored, everywhere you go in a city is filmed by cameras, every app in the app store has to be approved by the government? By law every Chinese company has to provide access to all the data of the users to the government. If you criticise China publicly on tiktok (as shitty as Instagram imo) your post either gets removed or you get blocked. I get that the west has to be careful what we say against eastern countries, because we are greatly responsible for what is going on there. But china deliberately shows their "we build green energy" side and hides their "we have the highest build rate of coal plants" side

  • Capitalists don’t care if we burn
  • China is very good at portraying itself as a good country. The fact is, their power demands are rising, so they invest in and build coal power plants as much as no other country. Yes they have solar farms, but I'm pretty sure it's just for publicity. So please remove this china-greenwashing post, it's spreading a wrong idea of this country. It's just a horrible place

  • Buch of questions about Raid, LVM, ZFS and VPN, DDNS, port forwarding and backups.

    Hi! I know this is a kind of dangerous topic to ask :D And I am sorry this got so long.

    I plan on building my own little home server. Currently I will mostly use it for nextcloud, maybe some other stuff, like git. I would like to be able to access nexcloud or git from outside my home (yes, i actually go outside sometimes.. dont know why though). I will run docker and portainer on a pi5 (i guess its enough for one person) and I have 4x4tb disks. I currently plan on creating a software raid 10 with the disks to get 8tb of storage.


    I have two types of disks, a new set of ironwolf and a used set of wd 24/7 drives. How would you arrange them? Put both from one type in raid 1 or mix both types in raid 1? I just heared about LVM. Would you recommend to put that on top of the raid? I dont know If i plan to change the storage setup, but doubt it currently. Im not shure if ZFS would be a better solution for me, but it seems unneccesserry at the moment.


    I dont quite know what i should search for to find a solution about accessing the services from outside. I would like to avoid a (wireguard) vpn so i can log in on a different device without setting it up, or that i can connect to the vpn at work or uni and still be able to use my nextcloud data. So dyn dns with portforwarding seems to be the only option. But I am a little afraid to open up my home network to the outside like this, without another protection like a login. I know nextcloud has that, but im not shure if that is enough or what can be seen and accessed from the outside if i use ddns and port forwarding.


    For backups I plan on using dublicati and storing the backups encrypted to either pcloud (would need to by, additional cost..) or a server at a friends or my dads house. But with the second solution I am not shure how I would create a tunnel to their server, so its secure for both of us. He has a static ip, so no ddns needed. Maybe here would be a wireguard tunnel be best? My dad does not have a static ip but would create a wirequard vpn for me with MyFritz (avm ddns service). Any thoughts on that? I would create a disk image of the completed os (the sd card..) once the services are running, so i can revert if something breaks. I guess a manual image is enough after the setup, because the docker containers reset anyways on restart, right?

    Thank you so much, I am greatefull for every advice!

    What to include in a backup? (Ubuntu)

    Hi! A friend just recommended the backup tool that comes with Ubuntu. I took a look at it and was wondering what you guys include and exclude from the backups. I just installed wire guard VPN and but the config file in the etc/wireguard folder, where it belongs. I would have to include this folder as well if I want to keep my configs. And I guess many programs do the same, so how do you know what to include, so you can just revert to the last backup if something breaks or you get a new machine? Maybe that is a stupid question, but it was going through my head for some time now. Thanks a lot!

    Focusrite scarlet 4i4 and Ableton audio routing

    Hey there! I just found a very nice offer for the 4i4 audio interface. Do I understand correctly, that there are 3 differen audio outputs that I can rout to? So main1 and main2 and headphones? I would like to route my Ableton headphones out (what gets played when selecting instruments and stuff like that) to the actual headphones channel instead of the main out?

    Thanks a lot in advance, happy producing!

    Ubuntu renames files while exporting from google drive connected to "files"?

    Ubuntu just started renaming files while exporting (sending over mail, KDE Connect, Whatsapp web). The folder is my google drive, connected to my google drive. Sometimes it looses its file ending/type as well. The file is called something like: "1Kfhgsji2rjfIS-fi3oo598nf8ajlfoi.pdf"

    I guess its a weird bug, it persist even after a restart. Thanks, maybe you have a solution

    ssh into raspberry without a router

    Hi! I hope this is the right community to ask.

    Next week I will be on the road for 5 Days for work. I have quite some spare time, so I thought I would dig up my raspberry project again and hopefully finish it.

    I need it with me, because it controls some hardware, so a VPN to home does not work. So only option I could think of, is to connect the pi directly to my laptop via an ethernet cable. As far as I understood from some research is that I would need to install and run an DHCP server on my laptop, which they did not recommend. Alternatively they suggested to just take a router and plug both devices in there. I don't really have a spare router, so that's not an option either.

    To be hones it confuses me a little, that there does not seem to be a standard for connecting to a device directly over a single cable and login with a user account.

    Any recommendations how I can work on the pi like with ssh?

    Thanks a lot!

    Raspberry as NAS, multiple HDDs and an enclosure

    Edit: thanks everyone for the suggestions. In the end I decided to buy a icy box usb3.1 4xhdd enclosure for around 100€. In the description it says it only works with mac and windows, but my Linux laptop works well with it, I guess the pi will to as well. I will print an enclosure for the power brick and the pi to screw to the drive case.

    Here is why I choose this option: The pi is rather cheap compared to its power and also power consumption. I already had 4x4tb HDDs which I wanted to use, so at least 4 slots needed. The pi has 2x usb 3.0 connections which can be used simultaneously. One will be used for the 4bay, the other is free for now. I have the option to connect a second Nas case if I need more storage. Usb 3.0 is pretty fast, even if I don't get all the 5gbit/s. It's still faster than 1gbit/s ethernet.

    I also thought about getting 2x 2xhdd enclosures to use the two usb3.0 at the same time. But decided against it because it would be a little more sketchy and I wanted to keep a free usb port for a second drive enclosure.

    There are some enclosures that offer raid (hardware raid?) But I could not figure out if that would mean that all 4 drives will be raided, so I decided for the cheaper variant and would do the raid myself.

    I plan on running 2 drives as raid1 and the other as raid 0 for secure storage and the other for movies and stuff I can download again.

    Thanks again for all the comments!


    It seems weirdly difficult to find a good solution to attach HDDs to my pi. Best case would be for me a enclosure with small power supply, space for my pi, and at least 2 bays for HDDs, rather 4. All that for under 100€ of cause :D

    I could not really find cheap hhd enclosures that connect via usb. Any recommendations? I don't really want to use HDD toasters, they feel not permanent enough for a Nas. I could also not find sata to usb hats for the pi that are available right now

    I have an issue with how SIM cards are handled in most countries

    Almost all countries require official authentication to activate a SIM card. This seems to me as a huge privacy problem, if the country can track sim cards across cell towers and connect them to a person. It seems like a dystopian system, that we litterely can not hide from our governments without turning off our smartphones. It seems incredibly unnecessary to me and just sets up the system to be abused.

    Or do I understand something wrong?

    What can we do against this? There are some sim cards that can be bought second hand, but they will not be a long term solution.

    FN keys 7 to 12 not working properly (fedora 39 on Framework)

    Hey there! I just reinstalled fedora and noticed my fn keys 7 to 12 do not work. The rest do their jobs, but i cant change brightness and airplane mode anymore.

    I could not find any usefull help online, so i hope you have some hints. :)

    Thanks a lot!

    I need some help with linux energy management and hibernation

    Hi there!

    I need some help with my framework laptop and fedora. I want to switch to linux more permanently, but fedora does not enter hibernation properly when closing the lid. I dont care 10-20sec of wakeup time when opening it again. (even windows is more efficient?!) The relatively bad performance on battery life is OK for me, I already installed TLP instead of the default power management. But when closing the lid, the battery drains about 80% over night (10h?) which seems to be more than what other people reported.

    I could not find a guide on this, which i understood (still a massive noob to afraid to mess up my carefully crafted linux partition :D).

    If you have any advice I appreciate it! Thanks a lot! :)

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