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[META] Mod search
  • Welcome :), all the help we can get the better.

  • [META] Looking for moderators.
  • Just checked now. Awesome to see, approved now :)

  • [META] Looking for moderators.
  • Awesome! Approved :)

  • [META] Looking for moderators.
  • Great! Approved now.

  • [META] Looking for moderators.
  • Hi! If you're here for modding then I can get that approved, just say any experience ya got if applicable.

  • [META] Looking for moderators.
  • The community is on the smaller side right now so it's not a TON of stuff, but it's pretty much just making sure posts are within the right guidelines and curbing spam. This also allows for verifying others as mods if and when more arrive to this post assuming theyre up for it. There's more to it with a larger group but right now there's not that much.

  • [META] Looking for moderators.

    Hi all, I’m currently the only mod here and I’ve sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities. So posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management? It's still pretty small right now but having the post for later could be good for future approvals, at least while it's smaller.

    If anyone’s interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there, Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.

    [Meta] Looking for potential moderators.

    Hi all, I’m currently the only mod here and I’ve sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities. So posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management? It's still pretty small right now but it's good to get ahead on these early I feel. Some of the other 6th gen communities could also use some as well, but those are currently small enough that I'm starting here first and posting on those later on given the smaller post pool.

    If anyone’s interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there, Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.

    [Meta] Lookin for moderators.

    Hi all, I’m currently the only mod here and I’ve sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities. So posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management?

    If anyone’s interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there, Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.

    [META] Mod search

    Hi all, I’m currently the only mod here and I’ve sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities, so posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management?

    If anyone’s interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there. Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.

    Data is Beautiful Wanderer Lagomorph
    [META] Looking for moderators.

    Don't like making meta posts in image communities, but figured this one is important. I'm currently the only mod here and I've sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities. So posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management?

    If anyone's interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there. Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.

    Having trouble finding one particular map pack.

    I recall one map where you were surrounded by enemies, but they were all fake enemies and your objective was slaying an archvile who would continually resummon them. I don't remember if it was a mod or if it was a map, I recall it being in a pack of maps with a good few weird challenges like that, but I can't remember for the life of me.

    [Text] Looking for Moderators.

    I don't like making text posts in communities formatted like this but I figure it's good for just this once, but if anyone wants to apply to be a moderator, just lemme know in the comments and I can assign that. Preferably say any experience you have and why, that isn't mandatory but it would help a lot to do so.

    StardewHomeDesign - The place for your Stardew Valley interior decorating

    Link !


    I always enjoyed seeing what people made for decorations in Stardew, so I figure I'd port it over to Lemmy. I also run FarmsOfStardewValley over on the .ml instance, but since that site is currently down I can't really share that for now. Not sure if I should try putting that on or not, at least as a fallback.

    Data is Beautiful - Visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps Data is Beautiful -

    A place to share and discuss visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps, etc. DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information. Aesthetics are an important part of information visualization, but pretty pictures are not the sole aim of this subreddit. A place to sha...

    Lemmy - Why did you leave Reddit?
  • Haven't fully left yet, just waiting for data request exports to come in then I'm out since I already got the communities I'm in setup and wiped my posts, but pretty much what you'd expect.

    I used Infinity as opposed to Apollo but same idea applies, I only ever used that or old.reddit, never the new site, so those going away was already a deal breaker for me, but their recent actions beyond that just further motivated me to go full speed ahead on this.

    I'm still lurking in case of any interesting communities that could go here, I spotted about 5 different cat sub's I can list for that, and I'm still waiting on my data to get sent over, but after that then I'm gone for good.

  • TIFU creating a community I don't know how to run...
  • Lmao same, most of mine aren't super huge but there's a lot of em.

  • Squad

    Originally by u/OolongOolongOolong

    Otters make terrible pets

    If you love otters, which we presume you do because you are on this community, we hope that you'll understand that otters are best kept in the wild. Posts that show otters as pets, or as entertainment in "otter cafes", are promoting a new exotic pet craze that is actively encouraging poachers to illegally hunt/trap otters, kill/separate them from their parents and sell them to the public. Very not cool.

    Also, Otters make abysmal pets. Really.

    So, let's not encourage poaching!

    • Posts depicting otter cafes or otters being kept as pets are not allowed and will be removed.

    • Feel free to reach out with any questions etc. Thanks for helping keep otters wild!

    • Edit: Zoos / other qualified wildlife rehabilitation center otters are cool

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    Little penguins to reclaim Tasmanian car park as city-based population thrives Little penguins to reclaim Tasmanian car park as city-based population thrives

    Hundreds of the world's smallest penguins call the foreshore of the Tasmanian city of Burnie home, and they'll soon have more room to move following the reclamation of a car park.

    Little penguins to reclaim Tasmanian car park as city-based population thrives
    Tucked In Kitties Wanderer Lagomorph
    She really loves a good Sherpa blanket
    Tucked In Kitties Wanderer Lagomorph
    He gets mad if you don’t hold him while he sleeps
    Tucked In Kitties Wanderer Lagomorph
    Forever catching z’s

    originally by BigCrumb17

    Tucked In Kitties Wanderer Lagomorph
    A little tucked in Noodle!

    Originally by EvilishMystic

    Tucked In Kitties Wanderer Lagomorph
    Blue-Eyes White Dragon 💙

    Originally by Sleepy_Muna
