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I don't understand...
  • I'm not mad I'm genuinely just curious. I cannot help noticing how on one hand it's often men who lose their shit the hardest at the fact that I don't want kids or a husband and insist that I'll be unfulfilled to the point of sitting in a mental ward playing with poop if I don't marry and have kids.

    Yet on the other... jokes like this are common.

    Why do some men love to push something they hate and makes them feel trapped?

  • I don't understand...
  • I definitely see rhetoric about how picky women are and how we won't just give men chances.

    Fair enough...I'm not fussed about relationships and unless you're literally Daniel Naroditsky I'd rather chill in my comfortable armchair than bother going on a date. But why all this complaining if we're just huge annoying burdens you need to be rescued from marrying?

  • I don't understand...
  • I understand that but the whole reason the joke is funny is that it plays on the idea that women are annoying burdens.

    I just find it odd that on one hand we hear so much about male loneliness and how we'll be unfulfilled to the point of psychological annihilation if we don't have a man and screaming kids to clean up after...but on the other hand we're huge annoying burdens.

  • I don't understand... on one hand there's a male loneliness epidemic and women are partly to blame because we're so picky - and yet on the other hand things like this.

    How can we both be desperately needed for your emotional health but also be huge annoying burdens? I don't get it.

    I can't handle how beautiful this song is

    This song made me legitimately berserk. I haven't had that much of an adrenaline rush from a song since I was 13 and just discovered metal.

    Reddit Sessions alternative?

    Is it possible we could get some feature where people can livestream? I really miss Reddit Sessions but they were very clear it’s not being reinstated.

    If it’s not possible or too expensive I apologize - I just thought I’d ask.

    No sleep for me

    I just went to go to bed and there was a god damn big ass cellar spider waiting for me above my pillow. Too rattled to sleep now.

    Thanks eight legged motherfucker. Thank you from the bottom of my adrenal glands.

    Ukulele Voran
    Feel free to post your own uke music!

    I'd feel a bit silly just posting umpteen songs of my own so I've held off, feel free to post yours!

    Ukulele Voran
    Lights played on tenor ukulele by Brittni Paiva

    I absolutely love this, honestly like it more than the original. It's impressive how she can get such luxurious sound out of a purely treble instrument.

    Ukulele Voran
    A new song on my glowing LED uke!


    I ventured deep in the ocean, down to the dark plains

    I felt the weight of the water upon my back

    I swam to a fearsome place where no light penetrates

    I gave in to the yawning abyssal black

    I heard her fingers pluck the strings of a bone lyre

    I lost all thought, caught in the whirling of the ocean gyre

    The siren has drugged me, she's taken my will away

    She's taken the red that was once my rage and pain

    I felt her voice in my sinew, the nerve cords of my spine

    My bones dissolved, oneiroid changes took hold

    My skin swirled blue-grey, my limbs became serpentine

    My neck split to form gills, I no longer felt the murderous cold

    Her fingers danced wildly on the strings of a bone lyre

    I was lost to the world, to the whirling of the ocean gyre

    The siren has drugged me, she's taken my will away

    She's taken the red that was once my rage and pain

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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    Comments 33