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John Fetterman receives standing ovation after removing Harvard hood during Yeshiva University commencement
  • My greatest point of pride is having NOT voted for this fuck. Because last second I googled "Fetterman palestine" and was like "well fuck this ogre"

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I looked it up and yeah that is so weird. The oldest of them is from 1998, but they are actually way older cause they had been an illegal communist insurgent party since the 60s. I definitely see what you mean by cycles. There are like 3 from 2002, 4 or 5 from 2007, and so on. And that's of all with at least 1 seat in Congress.

    I don't know political culture in Guatemala, how do people pick candidates? Are those somewhat the same just the parties shift? It seems like it would be hard to even remind people who they want to vote for

  • New From Star Wars Lego: The Pole Playset
  • Jenny is always great at providing several hours to burn

  • They're so close to getting it while missing point completely
  • Well yeah, but framing it as the October Revolution is some anti-communist shit by them.

  • They're so close to getting it while missing point completely
  • Didn't like next to no one die during the October Revolution? There was a shootout but mostly injuries

  • Is there a concept of 'imperialist realism'? As in, similar to capitalist realism concept except the default state is imperialism
  • Thanks for the recs. I got my start in the subject from Victor Davis Hanson who in hindsight is a fucking maga nut. So I need some fashy reading on the matter. Much as War Like No Other is well written and he does interestingly frame the Aegean islands as "Greek third world". I got super into this era of Greek history and Hanson unfortunately is the one who sparked my love for reading history that never stopped. Finding out what he really is killed my momentum on the specific subject matter.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • What is so funny is "Petersburg" is a fucking German spelling. The Revolution occurred in Petrograd which was a change made by the Tsar at the start of WW1 because Petersburg was German. So their ignorance leads them to miss an actual case of something approaching Russian supremacism. They cannot and will not learn basic fucking history

  • Is there a concept of 'imperialist realism'? As in, similar to capitalist realism concept except the default state is imperialism
  • Thucydides is so fascinating and frustrating. His writing is great, he provides some incredible perspective, but he also invents or embellishes in ways we cannot discern fully. Particularly with Pericles. Don't we have like a half dozen actual documents from Pericles himself, several of which are just his name, much like Shakespeare? Thucydides did know the man though.

  • Is there a concept of 'imperialist realism'? As in, similar to capitalist realism concept except the default state is imperialism
  • I know they abandoned the countryside immediately but abandonment was not permanent, the war had large lulls and assaulting troops would go back to friendly cities when it wasn't campaign season , but for some reason I remember A War Like No Other implying Thucydides wasn't able to respond as fast because he was cautious about abandoning his existing region. I checked and I can't find anything like that so oops. However his banishment is certainly an early example of the trend that would destroy Athens' military, the banishment of commanders for being unable to do the impossible. Most significantly Alcibiades

  • Is there a concept of 'imperialist realism'? As in, similar to capitalist realism concept except the default state is imperialism
  • Rhetoric was all he had at that point. He served Athens as one of its better military minds and got banished for protecting the rural areas instead of pointlessly heading to the walled Athens. Sat out the rest of the 29 year war watching 2 entire generations of young Greeks be slaughtered for nothing. Thucydides is best read as someone wrestling with the collapse of empire and of being able to actively follow tragedy but not fully square that circle as to why they feel so hollow and depressed.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • How the fuck this bastard's direct spawn manage to live? This shit is why I empathize with the deportations of Germans to Central Asia, it just seems they mostly got the wrong germans

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Pro Stalin but regarded him as right 70% of the time, wrong 30% as Mao said. Stalin and Mao had serious disagreements, but Mao kept to the Soviets because he rightly saw one of the two only successful Communist states as the correct horse to hitch his wagon to even after those disagreements.

  • It’s official: the White Man has declared that genocide is a psyop by Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu
  • Yeah I didn't want to get into the weeds but part of the project falling through was the shutting down of of the JAC. The purging of the JAC is fucked up, but libs feel the need to tie it to the Doctors' Plot for no reason. They are very different in how they got prosecuted and why. Stalin doesn't really comment or seem aware of the prosecution of the doctors' plot after the initial finding that there was no wrongdoing, whereas he did comment on and had ideological disputes with the JAC at the end.

    It is actually what started to divide him and Molotov politically. Another part of the liberal need to use tragedy as a cynical cudgel is calling the execution of the JAC leaders the "night of murdered poets" trying to compare it to the Night of Long Knives and Night of Broken Glass. One of which means comparing them to NSPD members, the other is comparing the wrongful execution and harsh treatment of a few Jews accused of Zionism with the outright slaughter of Jews for merely existing.

    It is really gross. And even by wikipedia standards there is no fucking reason to mention the doctos' plot in that sentence. They just get over giddy at being able to mention what they perceive as atrocities. But yeah they definitely did get executed, that's indisputable. Why, was it justified, etc are all debatable, but it had nothing to do with the doctors' plot charges

  • It’s official: the White Man has declared that genocide is a psyop by Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu
  • I knew about the JAO, but had to look up Crimea to be sure. It was suggested to replace the tatar population and was pushed heavily by the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee before they got purged post ww2

  • It’s official: the White Man has declared that genocide is a psyop by Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu
  • Wasn't Crimea supposed to be used as a Jewish homeland at one point?

  • Alabama '58 - Luke Kelly

    I had somehow never heard this song. Amazing and sincere satire of the "civilized" way in which modern crime and punishment continues the oppression of old while applauding itself as enlightened. Obviously directly speaking to Alabama's Jim Crow laws. This line still works today, as we watch a man die for maybe having a fake $20 bill or previously selling dvds or having a dimebag

    > Last year a negro stole a dollar bill

    > The judge he said "We mustn't be severe

    > Instead of death we'll give him life imprisonment

    > To show there's justice here"

    Decent strategy/sim games in which you can be the Soviets?

    I've seen recommendations around before, but not having much luck with the search function. So I've played Crisis in the Kremlin and while I can't seem to win, I do like the tone/era. I'm wondering if anyone has specific recommendations for any rts or tbs games with late cold war era USSR as playable? Could be modern or old PC like the original Crisis game was or Red Alert, thanks.
