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Missing cold pizza
  • $4 Sausage $4 Eggs $4 Bacon $2 Toast $1 OJ

    The price seems very high for each ingredient but it sounds great as a breakfast

  • You should mind your own business...
  • Reminds me of an interaction I had a long time ago.

        Me: :[
    Friend: Turn that frown upside down!
        Me: ]:
  • Is this fake or was really a boat out there?
  • This is phenomenal footage, and helps to establish how accurate their landing is without putting lives at risk

  • Short Q&A between Chris Hadfield and Jared Isaacman regarding SpaceX EVA suits
  • Does this indicate that the atmosphere within Dragon and the EVA suits is 100% O2? Or is the concern here to mitigate risks if the atmosphere happens to be 100% O2 in an emergency situation?

  • SpaceX targets February for third Starship test flight - SpaceNews
  • Are you unhappy SpaceX has yet to achieve with Starship what it's achieved with Falcon 9?

    Or to put it in another way, are you unhappy with SpaceX for not accomplishing something no one else has been able to accomplish?

  • Starlink confirms direct Satellite to Cellphone connectivity

    >On January 2, 2024, we launched to orbit our first six Starlink satellites with Direct to Cell capabilities. Launch and early tests of the technology were all completed without issue. On Monday, January 8, less than 6 days after launch, we sent and received our first text messages to and from unmodified cell phones on the ground to our new satellites in space using TMobile network spectrum. This validates that our link budget closes, and the system works!

    I'm excited for this service as it'll be the most tangible rollout of new technology enabled by SpaceX's rapid launch approach to satellite mega-constellations to most people.

    ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit
  • HFY = Humanity Fuck Yeah! A place for writers to post their stories about humans being awesome. Many of them were sci-fi space operas which is what I loved.

  • rule of cool
  • I love you, thanks! Had no idea this was already integrated into the keyboard already.

  • rule of cool
  • Hang on, how do you use emoji kitchen with Gboard?

  • US issues first ever fine for space junk to Dish Network
  • I'll bite the bait and ask you to explain how Starlink satellites contribute towards the space junk problem without having to reference astronomy or bringing up you-know-who's name.

  • [Bug] New post body gets erased

    Scrolling to the top of a new post screen erased any post body you may have typed if you scroll back down. This only happens if you happen to have a tall image that you've uploaded to post. Normally the entire page displays without scrolling, which is why it may have gone unnoticed.

    Nested comments get smushed?

    I was looking at the thread for Sync because I was wondering how the same issue might be handled in Connect. Seems like it has the same issue. RIF handled this by having a view more button that displayed child comments in a separate view once the nested levels hit a certain threshold so they weren't smushed against the edge of the screen.

    What's in your thought bubble?
  • Yessss, my thought bubble would be nothing but emojis. The vast majority of them being blobs.

  • [Request] URL Copy/Share

    Currently, Connect will ask if you'd like to open a clicked URL. You only have yes or no options.

    Adding a copy URL button would prevent having to view the page in order to access the copy URL option from there.

    Adding the standard share button isn't as useful to me since I'm only trying to share URLs to friends. But I noticed the lack of this when I'd backed out of a page and figured I'd share it. But ended up having to view it again just to do so.

    Appreciation thread amidst other app hype
  • Here you go

    I have mine configured like this to mimic the RIF layout

  • Sweet tea
  • What's called sweet tea in the US is overwhelmingly sweet. That was my reaction to it the first time I tried it. It's so sweet, the only way you can get that much sugar in it is if you dissolve that sugar in hot tea.

  • number rule
  • As far as we're aware, dark matter only interacts with the universe gravitationally. It doesn't even interact with itself, which is why we don't see dark planets/stars/galaxies popping into existence. It only follows normal matter around.

    As for why it's not called cold, is for two reasons:

    1. Cold gases of normal matter can condense to form stars. Dark matter doesn't interact with itself, which implies it cannot condense into more concentrated forms of itself the way a gas cloud can eventually form a star.
    2. We just don't know what the stuff is, it could be clouds, planets, black holes, neutron stars, brown dwarfs, etc. But our best observations of dark matter are from very large distances away where we can measure the distortion of spacetime due to dark matter. We can't see these smaller objects at these distances. But we should be able to see other clues that would indicate it's normal matter.

    If it happened to be clouds of gas and dust that overall had a net gravitational effect on the background galaxies, we'd be able to detect the spectral lines of these clouds. Same for just about all the other objects in that list. In some cases we do detect intergalactic gas clouds. But in places where there's very clearly unaccounted for gravitational lensing, there isn't any sign of this. So far the only things we can match up to the observations is a mathematical model of the stuff.

  • 2023 July General Discussion and Launch Party Thread
  • Flawless launch and landings as usual 🥹

  • [Feature Request] Community Categories

    This would be a local app-managed setting that adds a toggle to each community.

    When enabled, this toggle allows all of the posts from that community to be combined with all other communities of identical name, from other instances under a common category name.

    Because this is a per-community toggle, this lets you filter out communities of identical names from an instance you may be on, that you want to exclude from this category.

    For example, enabling this setting on the identically named (and themed) communities of and would combined all content from both communities together under a single category called Fediverse.

    If there were another instance with a community of the same name but of a different topic, then leaving this toggle disabled for that community instance would exclude it from this category.

    Categories can then be treated like communities in the subscribed community list, under a separate section just like how communities are split between All/Local.


    As an additional bonus, the app could ask the user if they would like to consolidate identically named communities. It would then provide a list of these identically named communities, with checkmarks beside them to quickly toggle this setting.

    To reduce spam, if a user wanted to submit a post to this category, they would have to specifically select the community instance they wanted to post to.


    Lastly, if this idea of more app-managed consolidation is taken to the extreme, then perhaps allowing users to combine multiple accounts together across each instance could be possible. Where even if two instances defederate, if the user has an account on both instances, they can still view the content as normal. Perhaps this could be called global mode, where accounts only interact with the specific instance they exist on, but combines local feeds from each account/instance together.

    Why have we not done a federated Facebook replacement yet?
  • From a technical standpoint, I can't see media-heavy social media in the format of Facebook lasting too long in a federated environment considering the costs involved to maintain the server instance. Trying to do that while being free is absolutely unsustainable. Another shift in resource management would have to happen before platforms like that would be inexpensive and scalable.

    Currently, Lemmy instances are slowly and steadily growing with each user interaction within, and between instances. Most shared content is link aggregation meaning minimal server resources. But resource usage goes up much faster when images, or even videos are uploaded to be shared. This format will only grow more expensive over time, and definitely won't last in the current format.

  • [BETA] Connect 1.0.96 Released
  • Ah, updated Connect and can confirm it behaves normally, sorry about that! (Thought it had already updated)

  • [BETA] Connect 1.0.96 Released
  • Still loving all the updates and thanks for the amazing work!

    It's not really a bug, just wonky behavior. When viewing a large image that requires zooming, moving around in the image seems to make connect close the image. So I end up trying to view the image several times, or get frustrated enough to download the image just to view it 🥲

  • ViperActual ViperActual
    Posts 5
    Comments 21