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  • This is very touching, but please mark this NSFW

  • Discretion
  • Fuckin' Holland, baby!

  • Artificial Intelligence Isn't Real Artificial Intelligence Isn't Real

    The first 100 people to use code SOMETHING at the link below will get 60% off of Incogni: This video has been approved by John Xina and the Chinese Communist Party. Check out my Patreon: Second channel:

    Artificial Intelligence Isn't Real

    Video by Adam Something. Sponsor ends at 3 mins 7 secs.

    Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • What about trans women? Will they be pushed out?

  • Part One: Tech Bros Have Built A Cult Around AI | BEHIND THE BASTARDS Part One: Tech Bros Have Built A Cult Around AI | BEHIND THE BASTARDS

    🛎 If You're New Subscribe ► Part One: Tech Bros Have Built A Cult Around AI | BEHIND THE BASTARDS Robert sits down with Ify Nwadiwe to talk about the weird cult that's formed around AI, and some of the most powerful people in Silicon Valley. (Adapted from his article ...

    Part One: Tech Bros Have Built A Cult Around AI | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
    The Luddite: A newspaper that has a lot of Anti-AI themes, and interesting perspectives The Luddite

    An anticapitalist tech blog. Embrace the technology that liberates us. Smash that which does not.

    Adam Savage's Issue With A.I.-Generated Art Adam Savage's Issue With A.I.-Generated Art

    How does Adam Savage feel about A.I. being used in filmmaking? What's something Adam never noticed about a prop until he saw it in person? What has the biggest impact on portraying emotion in a film: actor, script, score or lighting? In this live stream excerpt Adam answers these questions from Test...

    Recognize the mother of Wifi
  • I don't know who this guy is. Did he do something to Lamarr?

  • Downvotes I Want To Understand

    I just want to say that, for some reason, there's been a lot of downvotes on articles, and no comments. Why is this? What is bothering people about the Operations Log? I can help people who criticize a post, but not people who simply downvote it. Everyone opposed to image theft is allowed here, and your opinion will be listened to. Please say something instead of just downvoting. Upvotes without comments are a similar problem, but I want to fix things that are wrong.

    And if you're downvoting this because it shows up in your feed and you don't want it, just say so. I have a hunch that it's Boosters fueling their agenda, or Doomers having nihilistic fun, but you can't trust hunches.

    Bro what the fuck happened to Reddit?

    I was trying to browse the site, and I think it might be faced with a few problems.

    AI In Terms Of Marxism - Discussion

    So I've talked in an Operations Log about defining AI, and I'm glad we're getting close to defining what the "AI" in "Fuck AI" is more specifically, because I see that, in programs like MdJ, StD, and ChatGPT, there is an element of class warfare in it. I really want tech workers to pile in here, because the entire success of these programs -- those in which a prompt is written, and an uncannily detailed image is made, or a long yet coherent passage is typed -- is built entirely on the efforts of workers. The reason I want to delineate AI from other things is because programs like the A-star algorithm, autocorrect, 3D modeling programs, and Vocaloids do not require an absurd amount of data to operate.

    This article here most certainly explains why everything works so smoothly, as does this, and there is a book called Ghost Work that I'm going to read after my current one which illuminates a massive, hidden proletariat beneath the Silicon Valley bourgoise. If you are an artist whose work has been scraped, you can probably add to this testimony.

    I had a hunch about AI being not as mighty as it seemed, and altho it's not wise to trust hunches, those articles, along with ones I sent to this community daily, prove thus: No technological capability of AI can exist without the labor-value of countless workers, whether taken from previous commodities (scraped images and text), or taken from workers continually (the business investigated by Dzeiza).

    If you are an illlustrator, photographer, author, or other artist whose work was scraped, or someone else whose field is going to be "replaced with AI", this means you! Yes, you are the proletariat! Just like how a factory worker is only paid by how little the robber baron can get away with, so too are you only paid by how little a tech-bro can get away with.n1 And when there's a machine that a tech-bro can use to pay you nothing at all for your work, they will gladly use that machine.

    I know that Marxism may be misappropriated by regions across the world, or that there are Tankies who champion Marxism but do not advance worker's rights. Well, if a Booster claims to be a Marxist, I will not believe them. AI has allowed people to pluck the labor-power from the proletariat as easily as one would click a mouse. I'm certain that Marxism is an ideal way to discuss why AI can and should be opposed.

    He gets us!
  • Good god that car.

  • Another podcast for you guys about resisting AI development Charles Logan

    Gettin' Air with Charles Logan. A Learning Sciences PhD student at Northwestern University, Charles joins the show to chat about resistance and refusal of educa

    Cory Doctorow on Google's AI Hype Circle Google’s AI Hype Circle

    We have to do Bard because everyone else is doing AI; everyone else is doing AI because we’re doing Bard.

    The Computer As A Brain Metaphor

    This was originally going to be posted on Fuck AI, but it really applies to technology far more generally.

    Some changes, and Boosters vs Doomers

    I want to apologize for changing the description without telling people first. After reading arguments about how AI has been so overhyped, I'm not that frightened by it. It's awful that it hallucinates, and that it just spews garbage onto YouTube and Facebook, but it won't completely upend society. I'll have articles abound on AI hype, because they're quite funny, and gives me a sense of ease knowing that, despite blatant lies being easy to tell, it's way harder to fake actual evidence.

    I also want to factor in people who think that there's nothing anyone can do. I've come to realize that there might not be a way to attack OpenAI, MidJourney, or Stable Diffusion. These people, which I will call Doomers from an AIHWOS article, are perfectly welcome here. You can certainly come along and read the AI Hype Wall Of Shame, or the diminishing returns of Deep Learning. Maybe one can even become a Mod!

    Boosters, or people who heavily use AI and see it as a source of good, ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE! I've seen Boosters dox, threaten, and harass artists over on Reddit and Twitter, and they constantly champion artists losing their jobs. They go against the very purpose of this community. If I hear a comment on here saying that AI is "making things good" or cheering on putting anyone out of a job, and the commenter does not retract their statement, said commenter will be permanently banned. FA&FO.

    ChatGPT, Galactica, and the Progress Trap (Internet Archive) ChatGPT, Galactica, and the Progress Trap

    When large language models fall short, the consequences can be serious. Why is it so hard to acknowledge that?

    ChatGPT, Galactica, and the Progress Trap
    Now the Humanities Can Disrupt “AI” (Last post before bed) Now the Humanities Can Disrupt “AI”

    The world’s humanists might just be the new MVPs in the struggle for the future of critical thinking.

    Now the Humanities Can Disrupt “AI”
    Actually, I'm going to link to The AI Hype Wall of Shame for some good reading. The AI Hype Wall of Shame

    The AI Hype Wall of Shame Welcome to the AI Hype Wall of Shame. Our goal is to draw on the community of experts in order to combat the pervasive “hype” that currently misleads the public about &#82…

    The AI Hype Wall of Shame
    consider the implications for a post scarcity future
  • Ahem. Please don't use Twitter

  • $1.33 billion Powerball jackpot won by single ticket in Oregon
  • Did you know that Oregon has its lottery funds go straight to the government? I guess having only eighth place is a good thing

  • consider the implications for a post scarcity future
  • Remember what Conservatives said about "not enough power"? I think that might be a lie

  • Germans: what genocide?
  • Forgot to say: Is your username "cumskin_genocide"? I'm not using it as an argument, just amused

  • Germans: what genocide?
  • Just give all of Israel to Palestine. It belongs to the Palestinian people. The former Israelis can live in Palestine--there were already Palestinian Jews--but they do not deserve an Israeli government, and ought to give the Palestinians their homes back.

  • Workers united!
  • First of all, I agree with RBN. Most companies absolutely can pay their workers a higher wage with barely a dent in their profits. The payment is simply taken away from millionaires who spend it on luxury cruises and lobbying, or simply hoard it (which is even worse for the economy).

    However, It seems you're using Twitter. I politely ask you never to post anything from that site here, because then people will need an account to respond. It isn't just the content on the site that is awful -- the website mechanics, like the removal of dislikes, blue checkmarks, and lack of characters, make it impossible to say what you mean. Tweeting your opinion is like trying to talk with clay in your mouth, or trying to write while your hands itch. As for me, Twitter does not constitute any valid information. All Tweets are useless prattle, and the massive presence of the site outside Twitter -- and the internet itself -- is a horrible thing. So, please, source your memes from somewhere else.

  • Fewer people are using Elon Musk’s X as the platform struggles to attract and keep users, according to analysts
  • As for me, it should be dead. I'm tired of having people link Twitter, as if any good person will join a discussion on there. It's a digital parasite feeding off ad revenue and it should be taken down so people stop linking to it and posting on there.

  • Fewer people are using Elon Musk’s X as the platform struggles to attract and keep users, according to analysts
  • Whenever I browse Twitter I do it because others link to it


    , and a lot of porn originates from there

    . I'm glad that people are moving away, because that means these not as many people will use it as a primary source, and post art and other stuff somewhere else.

  • Social
  • It's a media-opoly, a media-opoly~

  • Paying your rent: it's that easy
  • You've a lot of good points. Sometimes a woman enjoys sex work, and that's okay. I was just worried about the people who think "women have it easier because men horny".

  • Paying your rent: it's that easy
    • Not all women have features everyone finds desirable
    • Not all women want people to look at their naked body, especially people with weird fetishes
    • Prostitution is a failsafe, not "having people willing to pay your rent"
    • People can usually access porn for free, so models on sites like OnlyFans have to really put in the work
    • Sometimes creeps can message women and harass them
    • Not all women are attracted to men
    • It's important not to have too many strangers know you naked
    • You need room for doing chores around the house, not just taking naked photos
    • Sometimes being naked isn't enough
    • You need to make sure not to get obese and keep your skin clean
    • Periods
  • What are some games that too few people have played?
  • Checked out a gameplay video and it looks nice!

  • We've had a few killer games recently
  • There's also tons of REALLY good games that are made by small developers and cost about as much as an energy drink.

  • "Gifts of Life" by Wuzzy
  • This land is my land, this land is your land...

  • VerbFlow VerbFlow
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    Comments 21