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Health Secretary Becerra Touts Extreme Heat Protections. Farmworkers Want More. Health Secretary Becerra Touts Extreme Heat Protections. Farmworkers Want More. - KFF Health News

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra has a plan to protect farmworkers from extreme heat and wildfire smoke, but farmworkers who pick California grapes say they need more, as climate change brings more extreme weather.

Health Secretary Becerra Touts Extreme Heat Protections. Farmworkers Want More. - KFF Health News
‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • Good for you. I'm not voting for her, but I support your right to vote for her! :)

  • ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • I encourage you to vote for whomever you see fit.

    Thank you! I’m voting for the candidate who best aligns with my values. I respect your choice to support whoever you believe in, and I encourage you to do the same!

  • ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • Your exact words were "OP has shown their intentions are vengeance against Dems for perceived slights." and you linked to our conversation.

    What "perceived slights" are you talking about?

  • ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • YOU obviously won’t change your mind,

    But wait, you made this big show and dance about how I MUST be doing this out of revenge, and you quoted our conversation?

    So I'm confused. What revenge are we talking about? Because maybe you know something I don't?

  • Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • So do you think that people mocking openly is gonna help change my mind when it comes to voting though?

  • ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • Lol, there’s no way in hell your decision on how to vote was ever going to be swayed by the civility of Lemmy comments

    But that's what is implying:

    He said my "intentions are vengeance against Dems for perceived slights," then posted a link to my conversation with him where I said democrats should be nicer and not such jerks to people who don't agree with them. Then as a result of that comment, he revealed that as his big "gotcha!' and quoted it as saying he found the real me.

    Are you saying he's wrong?!

    Others have implied that I'm not even American, that I can't even vote, and that I am doing Russia's bidding. Are they wrong too?!

    So is it actually possible that I am not voting for democrats because of my personal ideology after all?!


  • ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • The interview didn't make me change my mind about her.

  • ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • OP has shown their intentions are vengeance against Dems for perceived slights.

    Yep, thanks to you, I guess maybe Harris has just lost another vote.

    I was on the fence because of all the thoughtful courteous replies I was getting, but now...

    Guess ya should have been nicer. Oh well. :)

  • Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • you’re pseudo famous for it as well, we all mock you openly.

    Well, I was really close to switching my vote up for Harris. But since you seem to take so much glee in people mocking me, I guess I won't vote for her after all. So ya just lost another vote. Oh well. :)

  • ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • Yes. But I didn't write the headline. I think it's a misleading headline, but we aren't allowed to change when we post.

    So if mods decide to delete article due to the editorial choice that the news org made, I am fine with that decision.

  • Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • so I’m done responding.

    Good. Because you are clearly not here to argue in good faith.

  • Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • I'm not voting for her, so your distaste for her doesn't matter to me at all. You are def free to your opinion.

  • AOC launches latest attack on Green Party's Jill Stein and gets sharp response in intensifying clash
  • Coming back to check how soundly this statement was beaten into oblivion will forever make me smile.

    Wow, so you are happy engaging in namecalling. That says way more about you than it does me.

    If you enjoy making fun of people, then you are definitely in the right place. Enjoy.

    The fact that you enjoy it so much, actually tells me that my guess about you was right. I think you're the one spreading misinformation and doubt and that maybe you aren't even voting Democrat. I think I know which side you're on. Your actions are proving it.

    And you also seem to care way more about upvotes and downvotes than I ever have or will ever do. lol

    I stand by what I said about namecalling. Proudly. :)

    You lost all credibility when you started namecalling. Try disagreeing without namecalling.

  • Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • Thanks for proving this is about retribution and not ideals. Pleased to meet the real you for once.

    Nice try. But totally wrong. Nothing about retribution from me. I was talking about others and what could be their motivations. Maybe democrats shouldn't be such jerks to people that don't belive in everything they do. You all are not even trying to get 3rd party voters on your side. You just go straight to calling them idiots.

  • Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • Never said I was convinced. Believe I said “guess.”

    Even after I told you that you were incorrect. Sounds pretty convinced.

    Still, there is no evidence currently that you aren’t the bogeyman either.

    And no evidence that you aren't working for the republican party and that you're just trying to sow doubt and confusion so that people are just confused and don't vote at all.

    In fact...guess what my "guess" about you is...

    Because you sure walk and talk like someone trying to confuse everyone and sow doubt so that duopoly can stay in charge. You seem awfully interested in questioning people who don't agree with you. Reminds me of someone...someone orange...

  • Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • Isn't exactly rising above and being the better side either.

    I'm not a Trump voter, so I don't care. But calling half of the country idiots doesn't exactly warm people up to your cause.

  • Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • If only this tragedy could have been avoided by somehow strategically voting to keep Trump out of office.

    If only Democrats wouldn't have been such jerks to people who didn't believe in everything they did. Oh well.

  • Green Party urges Supreme Court to intervene in Nevada ballot dispute Green Party urges Supreme Court to intervene in Nevada ballot dispute | CNN Politics

    The Nevada Green Party on Friday asked the US Supreme Court to weigh into an election dispute with potentially significant implications in the presidential battleground, asking the high court to pause a state court ruling that would keep candidate Jill Stein off the ballot.

    Green Party urges Supreme Court to intervene in Nevada ballot dispute | CNN Politics
    Unions Must Rise Again to Face the Challenges of AI and Automation

    cross-posted from:

    > Brothers and Sisters, we stand at the edge of a great and dangerous frontier, just as our forefathers did when they built the mighty labor unions that once protected working people from the crushing greed of the capitalist class. The power of unions has weakened in the last several decades, with membership shrinking and corporations systematically undermining the strength of collective bargaining. > > The necessity of organized labor is about to become more critical than ever. The rise of automation and artificial intelligence, and the displacement of workers will reach levels that no one—least of all those in power—are prepared for. > > Our jobs, our livelihoods, and the dignity of human labor are under siege, and unless we take a stand, we'll see a future where workers are rendered obsolete in the eyes of the capitalist elite. Look around, it's already starting to happen. > > Automation and AI are being celebrated by the wealthy as the pinnacle of innovation, promising faster production, cheaper labor costs, and higher profits. > > But let me tell you the truth. They're only promising one thing: more power and wealth for those already at the top, while workers are tossed aside like garbage. Just as the industrial revolution was used to exploit labor in the 19th and 20th centuries, AI and automation are the new tools of oppression in the hands of today’s corporate oligarchs. > > Factories, warehouses, and even offices are being retooled not to employ people, but to replace them. Already, we're seeing retail workers, truck drivers, manufacturing employees, and even clerical staff losing their jobs as machines and algorithms take over their roles. This isn’t progress for humanity—it’s regression for workers. > > Of course, not all AI and automation are bad. These technologies, like any other tool, have the potential to improve society, to reduce drudgery, and to provide workers with more time for leisure and intellectual growth. > > But in the hands of capitalists, they serve only one purpose: to further marginalize the working class and concentrate wealth in the hands of a few. > > Billionaires don’t see automation as a way to make life easier for everyone; they see it as a way to cut costs and increase their profit margins by reducing the need for human labor. > > And what happens to us, the workers, when our labor is no longer needed? We’re thrown into the streets, replaced by machines, while the profits continue to flow upward. > > The time has come for us to reclaim the narrative, to demand that these advances in technology benefit everyone, not just the wealthy few. The future of labor will not be about holding onto the jobs of the past, but about fighting for the rights of all people in an economy where machines do much of the work. > > If we don’t act now, we will see a society where millions are unemployed, living in poverty, while the rich grow richer, profiting off the machines that replaced us. Our struggle is not just about better wages or fair working conditions anymore—it’s about ensuring that the benefits of technological progress are shared among all, not hoarded by the few. > > Unions must rise again to meet this challenge head-on. We need a new era of labor organization, one that recognizes the unique threats posed by automation and AI. > > Workers across all industries must come together to demand not just jobs, but a fair share of the wealth that these technologies create. We must push for laws that protect workers from being displaced without compensation, and for guarantees that retraining and new opportunities will be provided. We must ensure that no one is left behind in this technological revolution. > > This fight is not just about maintaining employment; it’s about human dignity in a world that increasingly views workers as expendable. > > The capitalist system is not prepared for the wave of displacement that’s coming. > > They will do what they’ve always done: use their wealth and power to protect themselves, while the rest of us suffer the consequences. > > We must take up the mantle of our ancestors, who fought and bled for the right to unionize, for the right to fair wages, and for the right to work with dignity. The fight for workers’ rights in the age of automation is the fight for the very soul of our society. > > If we do nothing, we will be crushed by the gears of progress. But if we rise, if we stand together, we will build a future where technology serves the people, not the profiteers.

    Boeing Machinists Are on Strike Boeing Machinists Are on Strike

    After overwhelmingly voting down a proposed contract, 32,000 machinists at Boeing in Washington and Oregon went on strike Friday as their contract expired. It’s the biggest strike in the US so far this year.

    Boeing Machinists Are on Strike
    From the labor strikes to the civil rights movement, our history is drenched in the blood and sweat of those who fought for justice, for the working class!

    cross-posted from:

    > The lie that Americans are inherently against socialism is nothing more than an attempt to erase the powerful legacy of socialist struggle in this country! > > From the labor strikes to the civil rights movement, our history is drenched in the blood and sweat of those who fought for justice, for the working class! > > Artist Tovarisch ( captures this revolutionary spirit in a series of posters that remind us: socialism is not foreign—it's in our bones! > > The fight for a just future rages on!

    Pennsylvania high court rules against two third-party candidates trying for presidential ballot Pennsylvania high court rules against two third-party candidates trying for presidential ballot

    The decisions hand a win apiece to each major party, as Democratic and Republican party loyalists work to fend off third-party candidates for fear of siphoning votes away from their parties' nominees.

    Pennsylvania high court rules against two third-party candidates trying for presidential ballot
    Socialist Claudia De La Cruz presidential ballot access by state so far

    cross-posted from:

    > Socialist Claudia De La Cruz presidential ballot access by state so far > > California - On the Ballot > > Colorado - Write-in > > Florida - On the Ballot > > Idaho - On the Ballot > > Indiana - Write-in > > Iowa - On the Ballot > > Louisiana - On the Ballot > > Maine - Write-in > > Massachusetts - On the Ballot > > Minnesota - On the Ballot > > Mississippi - On the Ballot > > New Jersey - On the Ballot > > New Mexico - On the Ballot > > South Carolina - On the Ballot > > Tennessee - On the Ballot > > Texas - Write-in > > Utah - On the Ballot > > Vermont - On the Ballot > > Virginia - On the Ballot > > Washington - On the Ballot > > West Virginia - Write-in > > Wisconsin - On the Ballot

    Socialist Claudia De La Cruz presidential ballot access by state so far

    cross-posted from:

    > Socialist Claudia De La Cruz presidential ballot access by state so far > > California - On the Ballot > > Colorado - Write-in > > Florida - On the Ballot > > Idaho - On the Ballot > > Indiana - Write-in > > Iowa - On the Ballot > > Louisiana - On the Ballot > > Maine - Write-in > > Massachusetts - On the Ballot > > Minnesota - On the Ballot > > Mississippi - On the Ballot > > New Jersey - On the Ballot > > New Mexico - On the Ballot > > South Carolina - On the Ballot > > Tennessee - On the Ballot > > Texas - Write-in > > Utah - On the Ballot > > Vermont - On the Ballot > > Virginia - On the Ballot > > Washington - On the Ballot > > West Virginia - Write-in > > Wisconsin - On the Ballot

    UniversalMonk Socialist Berserker

    Mormon Satanist. Transracial Socialist Workers Party Kopimist Monk. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Woke-free. "Dems/Repubs offer only crumbs to workers while propping up systems that oppress us. True liberation comes only when we break free and ignite the fire of revolution."

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