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Not too bad for my first time painting nails in years :)
  • I like the color. And if you didn't already know: your nail polish will hold longer if you first apply one layer of clear nail polish as a base coat and apply one layer of clear nail polish as a top coat at the end. Gives it more durability and that way I can sometimes wear it for a week sometimes even more. If you already knew that pretend I didn't say anything past the first sentence :)

  • Featured
    How's your week been?
  • I am 5.5 weeks on HRT now and recently noticed some different feeling tissue underneath my nipples that are definitely the beginning of my breast buds. So I'm beyond happy currently 😊

    At the same time I remembered how worried I was prior to starting HRT (though I never hesitated to get closer to HRT and eventually start it) because I always thought about what if I don't like any of the changes of HRT especially the permanent ones but now I can only laugh about that because I definitely like those changes very much 😂

  • Is Privacy Worth It?
  • Do you have a link to that guide of yours?

  • Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead"
  • Nobody cares about that in EU

  • NSFW
    After what time on HRT did you experience a female orgasm?
  • With that I mean that women usually have more of a full body experience during an orgasm which can also last longer, takes longer to build up and has no refractory period after.

    Unlike the male orgasm which is more centered around the genitals and has more of an "explosive" end this lasts much shorter and there is of course the refractory period where you can't keep going after having orgasmed.

  • Officially Coming out to Lemmy, And Looking to Make a Community for Help with Trans Voices
  • It does have a spectrum view.

    Edit: I just checked out Spectroid and the spectral view in that app seems to be better though.

  • WitchSpring R - Release Date Trailer
  • It's a cute and fun JRPG, I already played it on the Steam Deck and can definitely recommend playing it.

  • The annual gender census of 2024 is now open

    cross-posted from: >cross-posted from: > >Link to the survey itself:

    The annual gender census of 2024 is now open

    cross-posted from: >Link to the survey itself:

    The annual gender census of 2024 is now open

    Link to the survey itself:

    Who has been your biggest support during your transition?
  • My mom and my best friend (cis woman). My mom immediately accepted me and told me when I came out to her that she would love and support me no matter what I'm about to tell her. She accompanied me to every appointment whenever she could so far.

    My best friend immediately made me feel like one of the girls and treated me like any other woman. She was the second person I came out to. I can talk to her about anything and she is very empathetic and gives me great support emotionally.

    Edit: but I also have to add that I didn't make any negative experiences since my coming out so far.

  • Photon v1.29.0
  • I kinda like not having infinite scroll. Makes it less addictive.

  • Aurora in Bayern
  • In Mittelhessen. Man konnte es auch sehr gut mit dem bloßen Auge sehen.

  • Based on recent events
  • I'm not quite sure how Sync for Lemmy handles the link in your comment.

  • Based on recent events
  • It says the thread has 5 comments so far but I can't see any of them.

  • Homeserver Ansible Playbook
  • I know but I also learned that it's generally better to use the specific module for the package manager (just can't remember why from the top of my head) and I never intended this playbook to be generally usable.

  • Homeserver Ansible Playbook
  • The apps service just borked itself and I couldn't get it to properly start anymore. Also deploying apps always took a ridiculously and annoyingly long time (like about 15 minutes to deploy NPM).

  • Homeserver Ansible Playbook
  • Thank you! 🙂

  • Homeserver Ansible Playbook
  • It should be pretty easy to adapt it for Debian. The only thing you need to change as far as I can see is the usage of the dnf module to the apt module.

  • Homeserver Ansible Playbook
  • If you look inside the file you will see that it's an encrypted file created via ansible-vault

  • Homeserver Ansible Playbook GitHub - Tywele/ansible_homeserver

    Contribute to Tywele/ansible_homeserver development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Tywele/ansible_homeserver

    After getting fed up with TrueNAS (after it borked itself for the third time and I would have had to set it up AGAIN) I decided to learn Ansible and write a playbook to setup my homeserver that way.

    I wanted to share this playbook with you in case someone might find it useful for their own setup and maybe someone has some tips on things I could improve.

    This server will not be exposed to the public/internet. If I want to access a service on it from outside my home network I have Wireguard setup on my router to connect to my home network from anywhere.

    Keep in mind that I'm relatively new to sysadmin stuff etc so don't be too harsh please 😅

    How's your week been?
  • Three and a half weeks into HRT and my nipples hurt. But I'm so happy about it.

  • [SOLVED] ETIMEDOUT Error when trying to access Immich GUI

    Edit: I found the solution. I was missing a few environment variables.

    These are the functioning Ansible tasks to deploy Immich:



    • name: create Immich network community.docker.docker_network: name: immich-network state: present

    • name: deploy Immich-Redis community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-redis image: restart_policy: always networks: - name: immich-network

    • name: deploy Immich-Postgres community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-postgres image: restart_policy: always volumes: - "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data" env: POSTGRES_DB: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}" POSTGRES_USER: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}" POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}" networks: - name: immich-network

    • name: deploy Immich-Machine-Learning community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-machine-learning image: restart_policy: always volumes: - "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/model-cache:/cache" networks: - name: immich-network env: DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}" DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}" DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}" DB_DATA_LOCATION: "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres" DB_HOSTNAME: immich-postgres REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis

    • name: deploy Immich-Microservices community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-microservices image: restart_policy: always command: ['', 'microservices'] volumes: - "{{ hdd_mount_point}}/immich/library:/usr/src/app/upload" - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro networks: - name: immich-network env: DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}" DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}" DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}" DB_DATA_LOCATION: "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres" DB_HOSTNAME: immich-postgres REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis

    • name: deploy Immich-Server community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-server image: restart_policy: always command: ['', 'immich'] volumes: - "{{ hdd_mount_point}}/immich/library:/usr/src/app/upload" - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro ports: - "2283:3001" networks: - name: immich-network env: DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}" DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}" DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}" DB_DATA_LOCATION: "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres" DB_HOSTNAME: immich-postgres REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis ```

    I'm trying to install Immich via Ansible and so far so good. The containers are all running and as long as I don't try to access it the logs all look fine but as soon as I try to access the GUI I get the following error spammed in the immich-server container log and the browser just shows a timeout and doesn't connect to the GUI.

    [Nest] 7 - 05/02/2024, 9:20:45 AM ERROR [TypeOrmModule] Unable to connect to the database. Retrying (5)... Error: Connection terminated due to connection timeout at Connection.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/node_modules/pg/lib/client.js:132:73) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:632:28) at Connection.emit (node:events:518:28) at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:63:12) at Socket.emit (node:events:518:28) at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:337:12)

    Error: connect ETIMEDOUT at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/node_modules/ioredis/built/Redis.js:170:41) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:632:28) at Socket.emit (node:events:518:28) at Socket._onTimeout (node:net:589:8) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:573:17) at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:514:7) { errorno: 'ETIMEDOUT', code: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect' }

    Here are my Ansible tasks to deploy Immich:

    Ansible tasks with missing ENV variables

    ``` yml

    • name: create Immich network community.docker.docker_network: name: immich-network state: present

    • name: deploy Immich-Redis community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-redis image: restart_policy: always networks: - name: immich-network

    • name: deploy Immich-Postgres community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-postgres image: restart_policy: always volumes: - "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data" env: POSTGRES_DB: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}" POSTGRES_USER: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}" POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}" networks: - name: immich-network

    • name: deploy Immich-Machine-Learning community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-machine-learning image: restart_policy: always volumes: - "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/model-cache:/cache" networks: - name: immich-network env: DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}" DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}" DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}"

    • name: deploy Immich-Microservices community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-microservices image: restart_policy: always command: ['', 'microservices'] volumes: - "{{ hdd_mount_point}}/immich/library:/usr/src/app/upload" - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime networks: - name: immich-network env: DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}" DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}" DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}"

    • name: deploy Immich-Server community.docker.docker_container: name: immich-server image: restart_policy: always command: ['', 'immich'] volumes: - "{{ hdd_mount_point}}/immich/library:/usr/src/app/upload" - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime ports: - "2283:3001" networks: - name: immich-network env: DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}" DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}" DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}" ```

    The variables are: immich_postgres_db_name: immich immich_postgres_db_user: postgres immich_postgres_db_password: postgres for testing purposes.

    I'm currently running this on a Hyper-V VM running Fedora 39 Server Edition.

    I don't know how to fix this issue, can someone help me?

    I found this issue on the Immich GitHub where I found a possible fix regarding the firewall that it might block something but it didn't really help.

    So I'm thankful for any ideas you can throw my way. Tell me if you need any more info.

    Edit: Overlooked an error in the log and added it to the post.

    [Help] Which modules for BTRFS or ZFS setup with Ansible?

    cross-posted from: >Hello, > > I need some help here. I've been trying to write my own Ansible playbook to setup my homeserver. The storage devices on this server are 1 NVMe SSD and 2 HDDs which I want to setup as a mirror. I want to setup all storage devices as either BTRFS or ZFS but I'm having trouble finding the correct modules to use in Ansible for this. > > I have also found some roles in Ansible Galaxy but those are either not explained enough for me to use and seem overwhelming to use (especially in comparison to the terminal commands that are needed to setup the BTRFS volumes or ZFS pools). But just using the builtin command module in Ansible somehow feels wrong and not the right way to go about this. > > Can someone point me in the right direction? Right now I think I will prefer using BTRFS.

    [Help] Which modules for BTRFS or ZFS setup with Ansible?


    I need some help here. I've been trying to write my own Ansible playbook to setup my homeserver. The storage devices on this server are 1 NVMe SSD and 2 HDDs which I want to setup as a mirror. I want to setup all storage devices as either BTRFS or ZFS but I'm having trouble finding the correct modules to use in Ansible for this.

    I have also found some roles in Ansible Galaxy but those are either not explained enough for me to use and seem overwhelming to use (especially in comparison to the terminal commands that are needed to setup the BTRFS volumes or ZFS pools). But just using the builtin command module in Ansible somehow feels wrong and not the right way to go about this.

    Can someone point me in the right direction? Right now I think I will prefer using BTRFS.

    I finally started HRT(!) but I have a question about applying patches

    I have finally started HRT and applied the first patch yesterday evening but I'm wondering if the place and how I've applied is good enough/fine like this? Just want to make sure I've done everything right and don't want to find out in 3 months that I've been screwing this up the whole time.

    [Solved] How do I unfollow a creator on Patreon?

    I remember that it was possible at one point but now I don't seem to be able to find the option to do so.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    And I don't mean cancelling the membership.

    Solution: At some point Patreon turned all "Followers" (there used to be an option under the creator name in the 3 dots menu to "follow" someone) into "Free Tier Memberships". On the website you can't see these "Free Tier Memberships" under Settings->Memberships. You have to go to each creator you have in your list on the left, go to the membership tab and click on the pencil icon to edit your membership, where you can cancel it.

    In the app this whole thing is much easier as you get to see all your memberships including the "Free Tier Memberships" under the memberships point when clicking on your profile. From there you can click on every creator, then on the 3 dots menu in the top right, select "Your membership" and there you can cancel the membership.

    I have no idea why this has to be so convoluted.

    Edit: Oh and if the creator doesn't exist anymore you need to block and unblock them again to remove them from your list because you can't cancel a membership of a creator that doesn't exist anymore.

    VMWare black screen after installing all updates with Fedora Linux

    So I'm trying to play around with Fedora in a VM with VMWare Workstation Player (v17.5.1) but I'm running into a problem I don't know how to solve. I use the Fedora 39 1.5 ISO file which is the most current version that's available for download and after installing it in the VM everything works fine. I setup the install and I can use it, still working after rebooting it. But as soon as I do sudo dnf update or update everything via the Software Center the screen of the VM goes black and I can't use the VM anymore. No matter if I reboot it or not. When I power off the VM I can see the Fedora loading icon for a short period but that's it.

    This also happened with NixOS but not with Fedora Server. I guess it must have something to do with the DE as both distros were installed with Gnome but I don't know how to solve it. I already tried reinstalling VMWare to no avail. I will try installing a distro with KDE to maybe rule out one cause.

    Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? I'm running VMWare on Windows 11.

    Gnome Workflow Description/Tutorial?

    I've always read that Gnome uses or expects you to use a pretty specific workflow.

    Is there a blog post, video or something else that describes this workflow in detail?

    How to disable one speaker in a stereo speaker Android phone?

    Is there a way to disable one speaker when I have stereo speakers on my Android phone? It's a Pixel 7 for reference.

    I'm doing voice training and it would be helpful if I could play white noise from just one speaker instead of both.

    How can I clean my mouse wheel without taking apart my mouse?

    I noticed that my mouse wheel when scrolling up would sometimes scroll down instead (and vice versa). I figured it's probably because there is some dirt and grime inside the mouse wheel casing that's somehow interfering with the sensor.

    How can I clean it without taking the mouse apart? I guess I could fill it with some isopropyl alcohol and wait a bit to shake it out or something but I don't know how well that would work and I don't want to make it worse obviously.

    Does anyone have a better idea maybe? It's a Logitech G703 Lightspeed

    Best wireless VR headset that is not the Quest/not from Meta?

    What is in your opinion the best wireless VR headset that is not one of the Quest headsets/from Meta?

    Currently I have the Valve Index but I would rather have a wireless headset because I think I would use it more when there is less effort to set it up in my living room to start playing.

    Starting facial laser hair removal before starting HRT a good idea?

    Hey girls,

    I was wondering if starting facial laser hair removal before starting HRT is a good idea. I know that it will take a long time to finish so from that perspective it's most certainly a good idea. And then there is also the possibility of the facial hair getting lighter with HRT where the laser won't be as effective anymore so that's also a plus for starting before HRT.

    But what gives me some hesitation and doubt is that if I start laser hair removal without suppressed T that completely new hair follicles would grow which would ruin the results of previous sessions. Is that possible? Or are all the hair follicles I have in my face now all the hair follicles I will ever get/have and I don't need to worry about that? (I hope you understand what I mean)

    I'm amazed that Android doesn't have a built in way to connect to a network drive like iOS/iPadOS has

    I have a TrueNAS server at home and thought I could easily connect it to my phone (Pixel 7) as a network drive but was surprised to learn that Android doesn't have a built in feature for that.

    iOS/iPadOS does have this to my surprise built in via the 'Files' app.

    Or did I just not look hard enough in the Android settings? (I know there are 3rd party apps for this)

    What to use as offsite backup?

    What do you use for offsite backup? Since best practice recommends 3 copies on 2 different devices where one device is offsite.

    I thought about renting a storage box from Hetzner to use as an offsite backup but I was curious what you are using. And also if there might be some cheaper alternatives to my proposed solution that are equally as easy to setup.

    Nginx Proxy Manager on TrueNAS SCALE Gateway Time-out

    Edit: SOLUTION: I had to use and port 81 for the proxy host that points to the NPM admin page

    I'm trying to follow this tutorial from Wolfgang's Channel: but I'm using Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) on TrueNAS Scale.

    I managed to get the SSL certificate working (the challenge is successful) but after setting up the proxy host for NPM I'm unable to reach the WebUI of NPM like he does in the video after setting that up.


    This is the setting for my proxy host.


    But when trying to access the WebUI through the domain name all I get is 504 Gateway Time-out. Does anyone know what I did wrong?

    Nginx Proxy Manager is also properly setup to use ports 80/443. So when I access the IP address without any port I get sent to the default site of NPM.

    Need some help understanding Mastodon filters

    I want to create some filters for my Mastodon account to hide certain content.

    For example I want to hide all posts that contain spoilers for a game. I can't just add the keyword "spoiler" or "leak" to the filter because that would hide them for any game obviously. But how do the filters in Mastodon work when I add multiple keywords to one? Do they act as logical AND or OR? So when I add "game name" and "spoiler" as separate keywords to a filter, do I hide every post that contains "game name" or "spoiler" in it, or do I only hide posts that contain both keywords.

    The UI in Mastodon doesn't really make this clear tbh.

    Edit: And do the filters only apply to non-followed accounts or to all?

    Tywele Tywele

    🌿 Vegan 🌿

    🏳️‍⚧️ She/Her 🏳️‍⚧️


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