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StreetComplete vs Organic Maps
  • SC redownloads map data if it is over 12 hours old on your device, so you're likely seeing up to date information. And you can always download manually in an area to see the absolute freshest data, if you think that's necessary.

    Organic Maps doesn't update the data nearly as often, as it's not really meant for editing. That being said, unless you are in a busy area, the chances of a fellow mapper already having submitted that data since the last update in OM is slim.

    At the end of the day, you should just do what is convenient for you and allows you to contribute easier.

  • Typed Dictionaries have finally been merged to Godot 4.4!
  • Neat! Now just need nested typed collections...

    Also: Woah! The total number of issues+PRs is at 96K. There are 13K currently open. Just closing this many would be a good day's work, nevermind actually considering them!

  • Finally an xkcd comic about OSM 👀
  • Ah! I would assume the imported sources were decent enough, at least!

    I think mapping them might be decent with SCEE. (Might be in normal StreetComplete as well.) You have to enable the quest type as it is disabled by default, but then it offers the quest and even displays recently used values.

    That is if you know your stuff, me I would have to have a tree identification book in my other hand, so I guess a specialized app with that functionality would be neat.

  • Which (web)apps do you use to contribute to OpenStreetMap?

    Do you only contribute what is useful for your own use cases, or whatever you can improve the map with?

    I can play Fallout 4 in full screen

    For years I was stuck with a setup where my main monitor was plugged into the GPU via HDMI, but my secondary monitor only had VGA, for which the card did not have a port. My motherboard does have one, though. Using that basically worked... with random issues popping up both now on Linux and way back in the dark times.

    One of these issues was that FO4 would not display correctly in full screen. It looked fine in windowed, but the cursor would be confined to the top left area of the screen, unless I had my second monitor, physically on the left, virtually on the right instead.

    I just inherited a new card and I took the financial hit of a cheeseburger's worth for a VGA-DisplayPort adapter, and now it works just fine in full screen!

    Godot gold level sponsors

    > A screenshot of some of the current Godot gold level supporters. The one supporter highlighted has chosen the name "TaraSophieDev (pls fix #43093)"

    The issue is still open! The merge request seems to be almost ready. Though there hasn't been any new development since May.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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