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But but... If gun owners are tracked, we can be targeted! 😭😭😭
  • Precisely. They aren't even trying to hide it. The writing is on the tin.

  • Cannes: ‘Furiosa’ World Premiere Greeted With 7-Minute Standing Ovation
  • Got it. Yeah the duration definitely adds an element of oddity. I have never really been comfortable witnessing that long of an ovation.

  • Nearly all major car companies are sabotaging EV transition, and Japan is worst, study finds
  • The only reason Toyota is pushing back against EV is because they are so heavily invested in hydrogen powered vehicles, which isn't going to happen.

  • I thought this was gonna be easy
  • There was apparently a bug as well. Something about kills being counted more than once that was addressed in this past patch.

    Found it.

  • Tips for fighting bots?
  • If you enjoy assault rifles I strongly recommend the sickle. It's one of the most accurate weapons in the game and effectively has infinite ammo. If your aim is decent you can drop most enemies before it overheats. You're not going to be topping the kill count, but that isn't the point of the game.

    Someone else mentioned the Quasar/EAT and I cannot echo that loudly enough. I prefer the Quasar for bots due to the increased frequency that I find myself needing anti-tank but it's a little more difficult to use than the EAT.

    Everyone wants to stick to the Autocannon meta but it really doesn't work for me and there are some jobs that other tools do better. I can take out dropships with the EAT all day long where as the Autocannon can only hope to knock the bots off the bottom at best. This also frees up you backpack for the shield generator, which IS a crutch but will allow you a ton of breathing room against the bots in particular.

    For armor against the bots you really want the perk that reduces explosive damage. The bots' laser fire isn't all that bad but for whatever reason they have pinpoint accuracy with rockets.

    I don't think that avoiding bot patrols is the right answer. You really want to avoid ACCIDENTALLY engaging bot patrols or engaging them before the team is prepared. If you can get the drop on a patrol it's almost trivial for a team of helldivers to wipe them out without triggering dropships.

    This game really thrives on communication, so encouraging any kind of dialogue between your team members is the best way to improve how your missions go.

  • Daemon calls kill -9 on children
  • Back in the early 2000s (when Apple Minis were introduced) there was a rare system error that you could get that ended in a wall of script/code. What has stuck with me to this day was the screen ended on the line "panic: we are hanging here".

    Never did puzzle that out.

  • Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam
  • Haha ok so you're just one of those people whose understanding of the universe isn't capable of expanding beyond "this good, that bad".

    I haven't defended anyone and never intended to. I'm just saying get your comparisons straight. "Hey this game has a bunch of annoying bugs" =/= "Yo this shit is effectively non-functional and empty".

  • Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam
  • I'm not downplaying anything, but comparing a dumpster to a dumpster fire and saying they are the same thing is, at best, a little misleading.

    The release of Witcher 3 was bad, but it was industry standard bad. Cyberpunk shipped straight up broken and incomplete. It has been fundamentally reworked at least twice since launch.

    I don't think anyone is apologizing for The Witcher 3 at launch, but let's not pretend they are the same thing. There are more shades than black and white.

  • Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam
  • CP2077 was far worse, but that doesn’t mean the Witcher 3 was okay, it was still absolutely botched.

    This is literally a rewording of what I just said.

  • Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam
  • I'm not so sure we're talking about the same scale of horrendous here.

  • Florida deputies who fatally shot US airman burst into wrong apartment, attorney says

    It is seeming more and more every day that the only way this situation is going to change is if more people start shooting police that are trespassing on their property. It's become readily apparent that non-violent systems intended to prevent this kind of behavior do not work.

  • Hell yeah
  • Meanwhile in America, we had to take my daughter to the hospital to have a penny unstuck from the roof of her mouth. The only reason I couldn't get it out is because she was being hysterical and nearly hurt herself in the process. Removing it took 2 mins, a suction tube, and a q-tip. It cost us $300 out of pocket.

  • Don't forget to tip your doctor for a good service
  • Lol what job did this replace? Also, while I obviously can't speak for everyone, I wasn't hiring artists for the "art" that AI is creating for me now. I was just going without. So no one is out a job.

  • We meet again
  • The real reason Obi-wan fled to Tatooine.

  • I just want to play this awesome game.

    Y'all, Helldivers 2 is just so much fun. I would not have assumed at the beginning of 2024, just after completing Baldur's Gate 3, that I would be championing an always online squad shooter - but this game is just so damn enjoyable. Furthermore, the community has been so engaged and invested in the spirit of liberty that it's made me prioritize a style of game that I thought I had mostly left in my past.

    Now we're in the middle of this huge nonsense with PSN and it has completely sucked all the air out of the room. I understand why people are upset and I don't agree with the shit that Sony is trying to pull. I just want to keep this magic going.

    I don't have much to say other than try to maintain some empathy for Arrowhead, as this seems to be out of their hands. They genuinely seem to want to just make a kick-ass game.

    Keep up the good work Helldivers.

    Say the truth, Arrowhead!
  • I mean... Just open a Gmail account for spam and tie it to that. Creating a PlayStation account takes less than 5 min. I don't see why you need a high security email to associate with a video game account, but different strokes right?

  • Say the truth, Arrowhead!
  • That seems extreme for a game requesting you make an account if you are otherwise enjoying the game.

  • I just wanted some insights from other fathers...
  • Step three is to be kind to yourself and your partner. Raising a kid can be mentally and physically draining at times. Give your partner some alone time, and take some alone time for yourself if at all possible.

    Step 1 is fantastic, but step 3 is going to be mission critical. There will be times where you will feel like you can't take one second more of screaming, or later one more "what do ducks do?". Give yourselves time to disengage from the children. They really don't require much hard work, but they do require nearly constant attention when they are young.

    We're all making this up as we go buddy. You'll have good days and bad days. Don't beat yourself up too much about the bad ones. Love your children, and don't be afraid to tell them when you make mistakes.

  • Turns out Helldivers 2 uses a real life game master.

    Arrowhead has been curating the game with a Game Master named Joel. Everyone thank Joel for giving our missions that human touch.

    ThunderWhiskers ThunderWhiskers
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