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What games did you have a good time with that you just never finished?
  • Baldur's Gate 3.

    I played through one single player save and two multiplayer ones with different groups, enjoyed it all - but only got a little ways into Act 3 on any one save. A combination of middling performance with my older rig and just having sank so much time in I burnt out a little.

    Still think it's a fantastic game, but I don't know if I'll ever go back to finish it - I feel like I'd have to start a whole new save.

  • Slander, extortion and doxxing - beneath the surface of TF2’s bot crisis
  • I will buy the explanation that the game is too old to continue to support when they stop adding new microtransactions every six months or so

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • Convenience and familiarity, mostly. If you go to a McDonalds you know exactly what you'll get and you'll be able to get it pretty quick.

  • rule
  • Not relatable

  • [Update] Version 0.19 Upgrade - Done!
  • Good luck lads.


  • [Update] Version 0.19 Upgrade - Done!
  • Scaled sorting is gonna be huge I think. Really looking forward to that

  • ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit
  • People like to think that they've made some far-reaching change with what little actually happened. The painful truth is: they didn't. There wasn't a big hit to the userbase, most people on Reddit already hated moderators and didn't give a shit if they got removed, and overall people caved far too quickly (how many people folded instantly when their internet moderator position was threatened? (I say this as someone who was one of those moderators that flat out quit everything and nuked my account rather than continuing to toil for free for a corporation that hates me)).

    The actually important thing that was accomplished by the protesting was platforms like Lemmy getting enough of a userbase boost to become stable - in the future, Lemmy and others may be able to act as viable alternatives to Reddit, because there's already a community here (however small). Reddit will continue to enshittify, and people will continue to leave in small numbers that may escalate to big numbers if they commit a truly massive fuckup. The more heavy Reddit users (read: more invested, not necessarily more active) are small in number compared to the vast majority who lurk, don't give a shit about any ongoing meta-drama, and don't particularly care about any changes to the UI or browsing experience as long as they can still get an endless feed of memes.

    Even if it hurts to realize this, it's important to make sure people get this message beat into their skulls so that we aren't stuck with a bunch of Redditors (derogatory) with over-inflated egos that think Reddit will bend over backward to appease them, then cave as soon as they receive literally any pushback from the corporation running the site.

  • It's quiet - too quiet.
  • Exactly, you get it!

  • Oh *you*...
  • It's quiet - too quiet.
  • It has the employee keycard for this level of the dungeon

  • It's quiet - too quiet.
  • A gelatinous cube rotates through the area every 8 hours to hoover up any leftover char

  • Fey be like
  • Smells like fey propaganda to me

    You can't fool me, trickster

  • Oh *you*...
  • The ancient trials redefined for the modern age

  • "Roleplay Among Yourselves"
  • I feel like we scare our DM with this sometimes, when he takes a single player into another room to discuss something private and comes back to an in-character discussion over how easy it would be to poison a major NPC

  • Humanities be like
  • X is ten, as the Romans do

  • Cave Bear
  • Pantomiming to ask if they take commissions

  • Removed
    Steam: Get Half-Life for FREE
  • Appears to no longer be free, so I'm gonna take this down for now. If it was an error and it becomes free again, feel free to repost!

  • What are some small or mundane things that illicit strong feelings of nostalgia within you?
  • the smell of heavily chlorinated water. i used to spend a heck of a lot of time at the pool when i was a kid, and where i live now there aren't nearly as many pools, so it's not something encountered often anymore.

  • back from vacation

    Gonna slow down with posting, but posting will continue.

    Steam Workshop :: Borrowed Bones [Medic Taunt]

    Video demonstration:

    Really like this one, as it's A) actually a "taunt" taunt, where you're making fun of the guy you just killed, and B) both Halloween themed and all-year-round Medic themed.

    Rest in Peace, maggot

    Really like the bits of Rotunda that are themed like an abandoned/destroyed base

    "i've been working on a custom VScript spells library for the @tf2maps 72hr #TF2Jam." - @Sarexicus

    Direct Twitter link:

    I think this is super cool, and something i hadn't though could be done up until now.

    HADES II Development Update | Supergiant Games [Sept 14 2023] HADES II Development Update | Supergiant Games

    Supergiant Games is a small independent game development studio in San Francisco, known for its award-winning titles Hades, Pyre, Transistor, and Bastion.

    > Back when we first revealed Hades II at The Game Awards in 2022, we said to expect more information on our plans for Early Access sometime in 2023. It's time we shed some light on those plans! > > Early Access Starts Next Year > >We now can confirm we're planning for Hades II to launch in Early Access in Q2 2024 on Steam and the Epic Games Store. We'll have more details on the exact date, pricing, and system requirements closer to that time. > >Thank you for your patience as we gear up for this launch! You may be wondering, why can't we launch in Early Access, like, right now?! The game looked pretty far along in the first trailer! The reason is, Hades II will have at least as much content from day one in Early Access as the original game did back when it launched in Early Access on Steam. And, even though Early Access inherently means a game is not yet complete, we still want to do everything we can to make sure Hades II is worth your while as soon as you can play it in any capacity. > >You can add Hades II to your wishlist on Steam or the Epic Games Store and join our email mailing list to find out as soon as our Early Access is available. > > >Prior to That: The Hades II Technical Test > >Also in Q2 2024, shortly before we launch in Early Access, we're going to run a technical test with a limited sample of players. The purpose of this test will be to find and solve any technical or compatibility issues we might have missed, to ensure anyone who tries Hades II in Early Access can have a smooth play experience. To that end, this technical test will contain much less content than what's in store for the Early Access launch, and likely be limited only to a relatively small subset of players who express interest in participating. We'll announce more details about the Hades II Technical Test closer to when it's ready. > >More About Early Access & Beyond > >Early Access was vitally important to the entire idea behind the original Hades -- we decided it would be an Early Access game before deciding literally anything else about it, such as the Underworld setting. We've approached development of Hades II knowing Early Access will be no less important this time, though now knowing a bit more of what to expect from Early Access development, as well as more about what a Hades game needs to be. We believe the timeframe we're planning for will be the "sweet spot" where the game is far enough along that player feedback won't mostly consist of stuff we already know isn't there yet, but isn't so far along that it's too late in development for us to act on the feedback we receive. > > >Similar to how we approached Early Access with the original, following our Hades II Early Access launch, we'll have several Major Updates adding the rest of the game's core content and refining what's there based on player feedback. The story will expand with each update, as we introduce more characters, and deepen relationships with existing ones. This process will culminate in our v1.0 launch, which will feature the conclusion to the story and any other finishing touches. > >We don't yet know exactly how long it will take us to get to v1.0 of Hades II, as our experience developing in Early Access has taught us (among many things) to expect the unexpected. For now, our focus is to keep building core content -- environments, characters, weapons, Boons, story events, music, and more -- as we gear up for our Technical Test and Early Access launch in Q2 this coming year. Thank you again for your patience and support as we work to ensure our first sequel meets our standards, and hopefully yours, too!

    Looking for Moderators!

    We are looking to pick up some more moderators to help out with ! Things aren't too hectic moderation-wise; what we really need is those willing to help with some community engagement. Things like helping find relevant news to post, helping construct pinned discussion posts, and the like.

    The only requirements are being somewhat active on Lemmy and having a Discord account - we use Discord to organize and communicate. Reply below if you are interested!

    The Weekly Discussion Topic - 4X Games - 30-08-2023

    Back again! We are going to shuffle around the days we do these discussion posts, if you're paying attention.

    This week's topic is 4X games. 4X is a subgenre of strategy game that is defined by the "four Xs" that make up the genre name: EXplore, EXpand, EXploit and EXterminate. In these games you must explore surrounding territory, expand your empire or faction to claim it, exploit the resources found there, and exterminate other empires or factions. These games also sometimes feature auxiliary concepts like robust economy management, technology trees, and inter-faction diplomacy. Grand Strategy games are a subsubgenre (heh) under 4X that specifically involve an even larger and more detailed scope and often pit the player's faction against dozens of others, often times with an asymmetrical playing field.

    Here are some questions and subtopics that I encourage people to discuss:

    • What are your favorite 4X games?
    • Which "X" of the 4X genre is your favorite?
    • What setting/background do you prefer for 4X games?
    • Do you enjoy Grand Strategy games, as a subgenre of 4X?

    Also feel free to bring up anything you like related to the topic! If you have suggestions for future discussion topics, leave them in the suggestion thread.

    Additional Resources
    TheSpookiestUser TheSpookiestUser


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