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Democrats: You have to vote for democrats to stop Trump from round up people and shipping them to concentration camps for slave labor.
  • Calling things out for what they are isn't "exaggeration."

    Letting liberals dictate the tone in which things are discussed, a tone which has normalized material and political support for genocide in Palestine, is a losing strategy.

  • Democrats: You have to vote for democrats to stop Trump from round up people and shipping them to concentration camps for slave labor.
  • Sticking to the actual facts, both Republicans and Democrats are doing fucked up shit. It's not "Republicans do bad thing" followed by "Democrats follow along"

    You don't go "whoops, guess I'll criminalize homelessness now that it's an option"

    You don't dilute the bastards' crimes even by 1%, or the liberals will go "see, we may not be perfect, but it was the Republicans who started this! It's not our fault"

  • Democrats: You have to vote for democrats to stop Trump from round up people and shipping them to concentration camps for slave labor.
  • I don't think "well, gee, I know you love the Democrats, and who knows, maybe they had good intentions when they tried to criminalise homelessness" will lead to a mass movement

  • We Do Not Trail Behind Hamas, and Neither Should You | Reform & Revolution
  • Reform and Revolution

    Incomprehensible babble

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I think Bolivia still claims territories annexed by Chile, and they still have a navy to try to strengthen their claim

  • This community note is fuckin wild.
  • "What? The US government punishes whistleblowers?! That's impossible, we have a Whistleblower Protection Act™! Are you telling me the government doesn't even care about its own laws?!?!"

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • It's mostly been the push of a small handful of editors. And it seems the only reason moderators aren't intervening to stop it is because continuing to defend the ADL and their mad claims in the face of everything Israel is doing would make it very obvious how biased they are.

    Similar thing with them finally renaming the "Uyghur genocide" article, after multiple editors pointed out "wait, so multiple UN rapporteurs called it a Palestinian genocide, and we're still going "oh, allegations! oh, not everyone agrees!", but with China all we need are some US newspapers saying that it totally is a genocide?"

    So to save face they decided to rename it "Allegations of abuses against Uyghurs by China" or something similar

  • Post the worst examples of propaganda on Wikipedia

    Accusations that the NKVD killed a bunch of Ukrainians and Poles for absolutely no reason other than "Stalin was evilly twirling his moustache"

    Sources cited:

    1. Nazi Germany
    2. An "independent international commission" made up entirely of "experts" from Nazi-occupied Europe which were handpicked by the Nazi government, and agreed fully with initial Nazi "findings"
    3. A bunch of other random sources citing the "independent commission"

    Note how the Katyn Commission article goes out of its way to avoid the word "Nazi," only saying "Germany" and "Reich"

  • Wauw this is just like Fallout 4

  • Let's goooo
  • I'm not so optimistic. They're going with "both sides are doing genocide," the US and the UK might just pressure them into dropping the warrants on Netanyahu and Gallant, and push hard only for Hamas.

    Which they can then spin into "see? The ICC agrees! Hamas are the real genociders"

  • Am I wrong though?
  • It became Firefox

  • tag yourself
  • The Balts are unable to make PSN accounts... critical support to comrade Sony Computer Entertainment