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Sanctions on Russian oil have failed. Were they ever meant to succeed?
  • I don't understand your thought process here. Not meaning to be obtuse, but how did Ukraine do this? And, honestly, sorry to ask, but what does erased from the map mean? I get that it's a complicated situation, but how on earth should it all be resolved in a way that would leave everything better, or at least not long-term worse? Thanks in advance for your insights.

  • Intergalactic 'stream of stars' 10 times longer than the Milky Way is the 1st of its kind ever spotted
  • From the article:

    "Stellar streams are elongated threads of gravitationally entwined stars that have likely been ripped away from their parent galaxies or nebulas by the gravitational pull of other nearby galaxies. Scientists have mapped dozens of these streams within galaxies, including the Milky Way. But until now, none had been discovered in intergalactic space, meaning the space between galaxies.

    In the study, which was published Nov. 30 in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, the researchers identified and mapped the first-ever intergalactic stellar stream, which stretches through the Coma Cluster, also known as Abell 1656, a group of more than 1,000 small galaxies located around 321 million light-years from Earth. The researchers named the first-of-its-kind structure the Giant Coma Stream — so named because it is also the largest stellar stream ever found.

    "This giant stream crossed our path by coincidence," study lead author Javier Román, an astrophysicist at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, said in a statement. The team was initially studying halos of dispersed stars around the Coma Cluster, in an attempt to measure the dark matter that surrounds the galaxy group, when they came across the starry trail."

  • What bootable "live" images of useful tools?
  • Testdisk is great. I recently cleaned a drive with diskpart and after the initial 100bpm "oh shit, wrong drive" moment, I fixed the partition structure with testdisk. Took a while, but pretty simple and easy to use.

  • Is it just me, or has the BS with OpenAI shown that nobody in the AI space actually cares about "safeguarding AGI?"
  • It often seems to be.. 'Gee Brian, that's a great invention! I wonder how we can kill people with it', the thought having germinated in a slurry of greed and self interest. (Apologies for the slightly jaundiced view of our betters and elders, it comes with age.)

  • Bug with Tengu (on IOS)?

    Playing as warrior, v2.2.1, on jailbroken iPad 9.0.2. Haven't tried this on Android yet.

    So, I get the key to open the door and before stepping forward to spawn Tengu, I shot a blast across the middle square with the Wand of Regrowth.

    Then I stepped in, but he never spawned and the floor didn't lock. I wandered around, broke all the grass, nothing. Back the other way, the stairs up were still there and over to the side the stairs down was working, with lvl 11 available. Wandered around 11 then back up to 9, then Tengu's room, but it was the same as I left it.

    No Tengu?!?

    Second-most distant galaxy discovered using James Webb Space Telescope
  • "Because the light from these galaxies had to travel for so long to reach Earth, it provides a window into the past. The research team estimates that the light detected by JWST was emitted by the two galaxies when the universe was about 330 million years old and traveled for about 13.4 billion light years to reach the JWST. But, the researchers said, the galaxies are currently closer to 33 billion light years away from Earth due to the expansion of the universe over this time. "

  • Unfinished basement shop tips?
  • I did up my garage by first lining the walls with 18mm construction ply (on 2x1s) and the (rough concrete) floor with cheap 4mm ply and speed nails. Ten years and about four or five major redesigns later, I feel it was well worth it for the convenience of being able to hang whatever wherever, whenever, quickly. And the floor was a fast fix, allowing me to easily roll various heavy things around. It's also quite bright (bare block had the place looking like a dirty, dingy dungeon). The 2x1s allowed for easily rewiring and adding plenty of new sockets, very tidy.

  • 12ft doesn't cut it anymore, any advice on getting past article paywalls
  • Eh, no.. I meant in the settings in uBlock Origin, which you would already have installed as an addon in your browser of choice. Choose open dashboard, it opens at filter lists and down the bottom is 'Import', just below 'Custom'. Add the url to import, it'll do its thing and you'll have a new entry in 'Custom'. Sorry, don't know much about Pi-Holes.

  • How do you interact with comment images?

    When a user makes a comment that includes an image it is sometimes too small (eg. text, or an aerial view of something).

    Tapping it does nothing, nor does tap and hold. No menu option to save or share.

    Is there a way to either save or view these images?

    IAPs not being verified/recognised?


    I recently noticed my IAPs aren't being recognised in the 'Support the game' bit.

    I'm using android and SPD 2.1.4. I uninstalled it and tried a few older versions, no luck. Installed on 2 other devices, no joy.

    Maybe the way I did it has caused a problem - I got silver first, then gold a few days later and a few days later still said fuck it, I'll treat us, and gave a final tenner to the green level (it was xmas '21).

    Was there ever a restore purchases button?

    Thanks for any help/ideas!

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