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Anyone have soviet relatives
  • One time before 2010 one of my dad's old buds invited him over for some contract work (my dad's currently dead, but I suspect he wasn't allowed to do this under US law) and I got to hang out in Moscow for a few weeks and went to a rural location. I got to meet many cousins and they all kept trying to practice English on me instead of letting me practice Russian.

  • Do you think it will ever register with liberals that they've essentially made Genocide into a conditional policy proposal? Like what's the limit here, what ethnic groups are exempt from this bargain?
  • Looking forward to The Washington Trials setting world records for number of executed fascists and colloquially replacing the The Nuremberg Trials.

  • Hahahaha
  • That's true, he didn't technically lose the 2nd time.

  • What's your sign, fellas?
  • is the beta male wearing a jock jacket from the 60s? I'm confused about the reason behind the choice. he just looks like the "I play sports btw" stereotype.

  • Anyone have soviet relatives
  • Let's just say, almost no one older than my parents knows English.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • checkout richie rich over here, has seen a VHS rewinder in real life

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • most of those videos are just reading some tutorial blog that Google is actively hiding from you

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • pay women to step on them in public

    it's weird af and should be banned but also you should be thankful you don't know what other fucking weird shit they ask.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • also everybody trying to sell me shit, I mean like the dumbest ponzi schemes or makeup from the sleaziest influencers who were selling NFTs or whatever skin-burning chemicals last month.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Instagram. I was maybe the last person to get a smart phone. It was probably 2016. I'm just fully lazy to take photos of stuff.

    I fucking hate instagram. Having a private personal instagram for friends/tinders I don't give a shit about and getting my horny spam link in bio instagram banned every 6 months probably because some asshole with bots wants me to pay them for "marketing services" (which actually means becoming one of their bot accounts or it means ripping my paid content for free) or some asshole was hanging out, fuck that place.

  • NSFW
    So the terfs come rally 🎵🎵🎵
  • JKRowling confirmed patsoc?

  • Uncritical support to miHoYo for taking gacha g*mer's money to build a Tokamak reactor
  • not going to surprise me if MrBeast builds the first TOKAMAK in North America and brands it as Beast Power.

  • "She asked you a followup question; obviously she was planted by our political enemies to make you question your Faith to Labour." --- Labour Board Runner
  • Twitter usually doesn't show me any replies, and also doesn't communicate that replies exist and need to be unlocked with something like a login spell.

  • Faerybabyy - orange soda
    I wonder what the PragerU meta is for Elementary/Middle/Highschool kids

    Like do kids get made fun of for watching PragerU child indoctrination content, are they embarrassed that other kids get to watch "good shows", does it never get brought up, does it divide classmates politically earlier in life, or like what?

    I think I just figured out how I got doxxed

    The doxing I'm talking about happened years ago, don't worry about that, everybody already went home on that, can't give any more information without redoxxing myself.

    I accidentally noticed I was logged into imgur today, I don't use the website, so that's a surprise. I decided to wander an old album of random person shit that shouldn't be uploaded straight into NSA land (aka five eyes, imgur, etc.), but you know, facebook/insta is probably technically worse and I got a lot more there anyways.

    I saw I had a random picture that could best be described as a horny prank photo, with my computer screen VERY VISIBLE AND READABLE in the background. I was curious about what the background details were on my computer, and then I noticed something very embarrassing. I had a windows download window open, and one of the files downloaded was a PDF with MY FULL NAME on on the filename, and MY UNIVERSITY's DOMAIN as the download source for the file.

    I remember the historical context of how and why I shared this picture, I'm aware of like 100 online mostly anonymous people, any one of which may have kept a copy for who knows how long, but long enough to figure out how to punish me for such a dumb mistake. I think for this theory to work, they must have gone to uni with me or have met one of my classmates, but that would be hard to prove without DMing lots of acquaintances on fb/insta, but everyone I'm online friends with from uni is basically upgraded to sus right now, this person might even be trying to collect more things on me until the time is right for a round 2.

    America delenda est.
