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A request to change the docs etc for those of us who aren't human.

We were wondering if the docs etc here could be rewritten in such a way so as to not call all of us human since some of us are not.

Much like being transgender, being otherkin, alter{human/being} or transspecies can have a lot of dysphoria attached to it and we have had to at least explicitly tell one person on lemmy that we are not human even though it is in our profile.

We think that being more inclusive is always a good thing and will gladly work with those who can edit the docs etc in order to find more inclusive ways to say what needs to be said without misspeciesing any{one/many}.

Thanks for reading this and we hope this finds y'all well.

The Mozilla Graveyard
  • lol, I admit I did not.

    Thank you.

  • Capitalism Is Driven By Mental Illness
  • [Curious] What do you mean by "feeding the demons"?

  • Capitalism Is Driven By Mental Illness
  • If you are asking what I think you are asking then "harmful adaptation" might be a good way of putting it.

    Yes, you humans are like that sometimes and I have seen how what you are suggesting can help humans.

    Indeed I agree that they can, I do not believe in inherent evil either, in you humans or other species.

    Autism is so cool, I too am autistic, in my species it is considered pretty normal to think and behave in such a way though. Yes, indeed, it is difficult sometimes, but it is helpful to learn what words harm and what do not so we do not do harm with them, I have found thinking of them like that rather than evocative words like 'banned' is more useful.

  • Capitalism Is Driven By Mental Illness
  • Yes, sure, I can see that.

    Hmm, I'm not sure how a system founded on those things can accept those things as unwell.

    I do agree to some degree, just not sure how to make it be seen by others or by the system itself, it would require destroying it in one way or another and getting these people help which can be difficult to do whilst the system still exists because most of them won't even ever admit it and nor will the system.

  • threads is cookin tonite
  • This is fair. I was more responding to the person in the picture's point that we care more that other people who don't have the skills or perhaps ability to write can now when no, that's not really the problem.

    But you do raise a good point.

  • Capitalism Is Driven By Mental Illness
  • Ah, so clickbait title.

    I see.

  • Capitalism Is Driven By Mental Illness
  • Oh and what's this, a fascist sounding video embeded inbetween the text?

    Why is this so sadly unsurprising?

  • Capitalism Is Driven By Mental Illness
  • Bad take in the title alone.

    Seems very ableist to assume that cpitalism is caused by mental illness, I know many mentally ill people who are very much against capitalism and harmed by it.

    Also, not surprised they would use the ableist word "Insane" in there.

  • threads is cookin tonite
  • Okay, show me a system that was only trained on data given with explicit permission and hopefully compensation and I'll happily be fine with it.

    But that isn't what these capitalists, tech obsessives etc they have done. They take take take and give nothing back.

    They do not understand nor care about consent, that's the crux of the issue.

    I couldn't care less if all the training data was consensual.

  • Racism is a ‘cancer eating away’ at Montreal police, officer says in resignation letter
  • Almost like a country, system and organisation founded on racism etc is always going to have that problem, not to mention that along with that comes a good deal of needing to find 'wrongdoing' to justify their existance.

    This system and these organisations are rotten to the core and need to end.

  • Japan's new PM may have a bone to pick with the US
  • Everyone does wrong things in wars. However, yes that belief is egregious and should be rectified.

  • The Mozilla Graveyard
  • Yeah I mean someone or something should create a

  • The Mozilla Graveyard
  • There really should be a killed by mozilla site too, not just killed by google.

  • Long Boi: Statue of missing York duck unveiled live on BBC Radio 1
  • [Sarcasm] Good to see cultural appropriation is well and alive.

  • Disposition is an escape room game that tests whether you've got the memory recall of a goldfish
  • So a good memory then? Goldfish contrary to popular belief have pretty good memories.

  • Telegram Removes Z-Library Posts 'Due to Copyright Infringement' * TorrentFreak
  • I think this is a false equivilance. One knife manufacturer doesn't control all the knives on the market. Telegram had the ability to do something about it and didn't.

  • Telegram Removes Z-Library Posts 'Due to Copyright Infringement' * TorrentFreak
  • I agree somewhat because of the premined coins fiasco but I'm not sure what else you could be referring to, if anything.

    XMPP is not viable imo because of its approach to 'standards' and XEPs and that its e2ee is not always on and can be turned off, not to mention not necessarily not all that good encryption to begin with since most clients still use the old versions of OMEMO and the other methods of e2ee for it don't (yet) have PFS.

  • Telegram Removes Z-Library Posts 'Due to Copyright Infringement' * TorrentFreak
  • even the things that replaced it at this point are getting run into the ground and require replacing.

    How so and what 'mass market' messengers are there that could replace them?

    I have scoured and tried many messengers and most of them are just plain either not there yet or never will be.

    The only one that is actually private and good I have come across is Signal and it doesn't seem like it is either "run into the ground" nor does it "need replacing".

    I just don't see anything else becoming 'mass market' as most of them are too niche or are developed only for tech obsessives and paranoid folks, with either not always on e2ee or suspect business practices or just not on all platforms or never will be.

  • Telegram Removes Z-Library Posts 'Due to Copyright Infringement' * TorrentFreak
  • Okay? Pirating isn't fun?

    Anyway, what about the other issues I mentioned with SimpleX such as funding/business structure and no easy syncing?

    You are assuming a lot about me, which is fair since I didn't give much to work with, but not accurate. Though, Android tablets are not all that great in my experience with them.

  • How can a link post *also* have an image?

    I have looked through the app I use (mlem) and the web interface but I can't figure out how to give a link post an image, as when I try to put something into the image section it replaces the link.

    So how is it done exactly? Is this some setting, special script or app feature I don't know about? Or have I missed something?

    The "Neurodivergent Gaze"? by Ember Green

    A really good video that gets into the whole ridiculousness of autistic/'aspie' supremacy and having a us vs them mentality around NTs vs NDs, and how doing so causes harm especially because then the assumption is that all NTs and all NDs are the same, which is factually incorrect.

    Species *euphoria*

    Recent some kind creatures have treated me exactly like what I am, offering me things and treating me as very small, and the amount of euphoria it gave me was incredible.

    So have any of y'all had species euphoria from being treated like what you are? If so would you like to share the details of what works for y'all?

    Lost Records: Bloom & Rage | First Look Gameplay Trailer

    I am very excited about this, although a bit saddened to see they're still doing it as an 'episodic' release game. Maybe that's better for funding or something however, I thought game developers had moved past that?

    No More Room In Hell: How Tech & Games Are Desperately Rotting (The Jimquisition)

    cross-posted from:

    > Warning for gore and zombies. > > A video showing how both the tech sector in general but more specifically the video game sector have no new ideas and try to repackage old ideas and get massive investment to sell 'innovated' ideas and products to people even though they're no better than the original ideas they're aping and in a lot of ways worse.

    No More Room In Hell: How Tech & Games Are Desperately Rotting (The Jimquisition)

    Warning for gore and zombies.

    A video showing how both the tech sector in general but more specifically the video game sector have no new ideas and try to repackage old ideas and get massive investment to sell 'innovated' ideas and products to people even though they're no better than the original ideas they're aping and in a lot of ways worse.

    Instance blocking as a user

    Is full instance blocking as a user unavaliable because it's not in the version this instance runs or has it been disabled?

    If it's the latter could it be enabled? As there are some instances I'd like to block as a user that don't necessarily need to be to blocked from an instance perspective (though maybe they should be).

    If it's the former, any idea how long before y'all will update to a version with it in? Thanks!

    Species dysphoria

    Do any of y'all experience species dysphoria? If so what are some ways that it can be dealt with?

    Feeling it a bit today.

    mxmtoon - i hate texas (official visualizer)

    A great piece of music in my opinion, covering various genres and styles.

    AI Stole My Content (The Jimquisition)

    A much needed reminder that Machine Learning and Large Language Models (so called 'AI') is plagiarism, don't necessarily agree it's theft in the strict legal definition (but definitely in the colloquial meaning), but it's definitely immoral and unethical and the used by those that want to contribute nothing themselves.

    Autistic Profile Can Change #autism by Purple Ella

    Very useful video and a good reminder for those of us who are autistic, neurodivergent folks who aren't autistic and neurotypicals.

    The Misuse of the Male Gaze in Feminist Satire by Cheyenne Lin

    I found this thoroughly interesting as it goes into how no matter how women dress it is never our/their fault for having bad things happen to them/being objectified etc which I wholeheartedly agree with.

    Any of y'all using the polyamory mod?

    Wondering if any of y'all are using the polyamory mod and if so who are you dating/married to?

    If y'all don't know what I mean then I mean this:

    Matt Rife, The Patriarchy Won't Save You by Shanspeare

    Another great video from Shanspeare, this time about Matt Rife.

    SweetCitrusBuzz Lime Buzz (fae/she)

    fae/faer or she/her

    A lover of fruit, fun and helping people out.

    Not human so please do not refer to me as such or use any words relating to humanity when referring to me or if it's intended to include me.

    Posts 22
    Comments 346