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The Ethics of a Platform - Being a content creator and amassing an audience means guiding that audience with responsibility. The Ethics of a Platform

Being a content creator and amassing an audience means guiding that audience with responsibility.

The Ethics of a Platform

A discussion about the ethics of being a content creator or a fan and the implications of that influence.

Meta Doesn't Want To Remove Hateful Content, They Just Want You To See It Less
  • Exactly, but what, personally, I feel is worse is that they let those comments feed to each other, like-minded bigots. Allowing it to fester together and create a rot in the forest that eventually spreads outward taking the woods down with it.

  • Meta Doesn't Want To Remove Hateful Content, They Just Want You To See It Less Meta Doesn't Want To Remove Hateful Content, They Just Want You To See It Less

    With X on a path to self-destruction and TikTok on the verge of total ban in the US, Meta is in a prime position to absolutely dominate the social media landsca

    Meta Doesn't Want To Remove Hateful Content, They Just Want You To See It Less

    cross-posted from:

    > As a general trigger warning, the first section of the post shows some examples of the content Meta is ignoring: transphobia, homophobia, etc.

    Meta Doesn't Want To Remove Hateful Content, They Just Want You To See It Less Meta Doesn't Want To Remove Hateful Content, They Just Want You To See It Less

    With X on a path to self-destruction and TikTok on the verge of total ban in the US, Meta is in a prime position to absolutely dominate the social media landsca

    Meta Doesn't Want To Remove Hateful Content, They Just Want You To See It Less

    As a general trigger warning, the first section of the post shows some examples of the content Meta is ignoring: transphobia, homophobia, etc.

    Movies and TV Shows Stewie
    Gatekeepers and Snobs: A discussion about Fandoms and their protectors Gatekeepers and Snobs: A discussion about Fandoms and their protectors

    Gatekeepers ruin everything; they will always be there, waiting in the shadows to tell you how you aren’t really that into something.

    Gatekeepers ruin everything; they will always be there, waiting in the shadows to tell you how you aren’t really that into something—or letting you know that what you like isn’t respectable enough to be a fan.

    We have all experienced it, no matter what community it is, no matter what kind of fandom. You will always have someone trying to gatekeep what it means to be a fan—telling you the barrier you have to meet in order to “really” appreciate something.

    Read the latest Socratically Post diving into the topic

    Aspartame sweetener used in Diet Coke a possible carcinogen, WHO’s cancer research agency to say-sources
  • Being completely transparent I don't care if there are any health risks associated with it for the greater population. I am just allergic to it and it gives me the worst shits possible, so if we could stop putting it in things that would be killer. It's in every gum now so I just can't buy gum anymore.

  • YouTube confirms 3-strike policy for blocking ads
  • Its not that hard to fathom when you have worked with these types of people.

    All it was was a numbers meeting, no User Experience folks in the room. They said how much revenue they would increase quarter over quarter, and how much engagement it would drive. Everyone claps, the meeting ends they move forward with the next terrible design decision. Companies no longer take focus group testing seriously for anything.

  • Debating Antivaccine Cranks Debases Science and Harms the Public
  • Science already has an established method for debating and refuting scientific findings/claims. So this idea that we need to make a spectacle out of it is so disingenuous on its face. "oh but if they know what they are talking about it would be easy to defend in a debate", but it goes the other way. Then they keep moving the goal posts on what qualifies as a "real" scientific test, and I just can't have a good faith conversation with these people. I'll correct people in real life, but the internet is a cesspool and I don't have the patience.

  • Deleted
    Feds tell automakers not to comply with Mass. “right to repair” law
  • 🎶you got cheesey blasters🎶 Thanks meatcat!

  • StewieTheThird Stewie
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