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Fedi Garden to Instance Admins: “Block Threads to Remain Listed”
  • I get this argument... but I keep seeing folks talk about Threads as if it's somehow an existential threat to Mastodon rather than "big crappy instance with asshats on it," and I don't quite understand how it's more than that... at least at a level that users and instance admins have any influence over. Can someone ELI5?

  • US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users
  • Unlike? I think you mean they're JEALOUS of TikTok's appeal to minors...

  • Tennessee GOP votes to keep Confederate flags in classrooms but ban pride flags
  • Right, but that's what the language of the bill is intended to silence.

  • Content Nation Backlash Highlights Mastodon's Toxicity
  • Oh, neat! Thanks for pointing out the USA centrist viewpoint I had there! My bad indeed!

  • Missouri Bill Makes Teachers Sex Offenders If They Accept Trans Kids' Pronouns
  • They're getting two birds with one stone.

  • Content Nation Backlash Highlights Mastodon's Toxicity
  • For what it's worth, if you post a story (for example) to the open internet -- your blog, social media -- and there is NOT a paywall or explicitly restricted access, many (if not all) publishers will consider that material previously published. That doesn't mean it's public domain at all, but it does recognize that the work is not private. Likewise, I'd consider any social media post being akin to posting a sign in my front yard. If someone does the work of driving by and taking pictures of the signs in my front lawn, that's their right -- unless I'm in a closed, gated community.

    Then again, i see people thinking that they somehow "own" their Facebook feed, so ....

  • pls respond
  • Neurodivergent person shares one special interest, neurotypical tells you everything you need to know about them.

  • Tennessee GOP votes to keep Confederate flags in classrooms but ban pride flags
  • The effect would be felt by both LGBTQIA+ clubs and GSA's in the schools, at a bare minimum. They would be unable to utilize the pride flag, for example, in any kind of advertisement, logo, banner, etc.

  • New users look here
  • Hello, all. I've done a bunch of weird stuff from injecting people with radioactive stuff, a pit stop at writing and publishing fiction, to renting virtual apartments for real money. Currently spend half my time in northern IL, half in southwest OH.

  • StevenSaus StevenSaus

    There are people I love. There are people who love me. I fight for what I believe, protect those I could, and stand my ground against the encroaching darkness.

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