Well, for the end user, if the markdown is simple well structured, it could be parsed to deployed to a website.
Or you could use any static page or documentation generator.
I don't know your technical background and this is not ment to be condescending:
Technical people tend to use github/gitlab or codeberg to make a plain list of things base on git version control, so changes are tracked.
These lists are often introduced with the prefix awesome
(e.g. awesome-hosting
, awesome-lemmy
, ...). Even when the community participates, curating these lists takes a lot of time.
Keep them coming :-)
We'll figure out where to put them afterwards. The linked list was collected in a community effort on mastodon.
Well, the suggested list is specifically German speaking.
Maybe there is a fork for the Netherlands and if not, it could be started on your initative?
So eine Suchmaschine gibt es meines Wissens nach nicht. Für alles andere haben alle Suchmaschinen von DDG bis startpage noch Produktsuchen. Aber die Metainformationen gibt es so zentralisiert nicht. Eine Datenbank für Nachhaltigkeit hat das australische goodonyou, aber wie integriert/integrierbar das ist, ist mir nicht bekannt.
Für deine Idee müsste man eigentlich all die Daten (siehe Where to start?) sofern nicht offen scrappen (😈) und kombinieren.
I often times use Amazon to find products and see if I can find them elsewhere. Oftentime shops that are selling on Amazon marketplace have even better conditions on their own website. Downside is that additional account might be needed, which can be tedious.
These sharepics are simply not exhaustive. Having example alternatives and then pointing to one of three comparison websites, might be a better approach. But this would also be more convoluted.
That makes me wonder if they are using some "AI shenanigans" for the results. Wouldn't know what for, but non-deterministic is a give away.
Edit: Jip Google Gemini search in the background, so each query consumes enough energy and water to make me feel ashamed.
Resteverwertung. Zum Kanzler hat es noch gereicht (ich meine selbst Manager verdienen mehr 🫣)
What is it with the upload? Should I upload the brands logo? A bar code? I'm confused.
I expected something like a database which I can then browse.
Yea, not worth the money. The early ID.3 (50.000€) were criticized for the materials and build quality. VW tries to be a premum brand, but does simply not deliver more quality than Honda/Toyota/... or nowadays even BYD.
Ah. That is why the apps looked familiar. Was this fork quite recently? I still have the older apps installed.
Hi, having an Android phone as secondary, I would say: best would be a custom rom like grapheneos (Pixel only), lineageos or e/os. They come with plenty alternative apps from the getgo.
Second best solution would be to debloat your android and to search for substitutes in the F-Droid store.
But judgeing from the fossify site their apps look modern, well made and are available in F-Droid. Give them a try and report :-)
So wie ich das sehe sind zumindest die Häuser und Kasernen der Amerikaner (immerhin 30.000 Mann) bald verfügbar (wenn das so weiter geht).
Meindl and haix for hiking and work wear.
Na dann. Das läßt sich ja wieder einrichten.
What a nice branding 😂
Let's snack some turtles, I suppose.
I just went through deleting my insta account (other meta thingys will follow), and could have used that link 1 week ago. They are employing all anti-patterns possible to keep you from deleting your acccount. In my opinion EU should open another lawsuite for this.
Actually you can modify this in the basic settings.
Hi, I'm using mailbox.org since several years, for two familly accounts and business.
They got temprorary anonymous e-Mails which will expire every n month or so, unless you navigate in the menu and extend the period every n month.