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Señor Mono
4 days ago

  • Absolut okay und sinnvoll.

  • Die bekommt leider keine Aufmerksamkeit oder Fahrt 🥲

    Die ganzen Solar-/Energiespeicher-/EE-Petitionen gehen wiederum durch die Decke, weil da die eigene Geldbörse betroffen ist 🧐.

  • Wenn der gelikte Content grenzwertig an die terms of service kratzt. Bisher aber nichts illegales.

    Es kam dann angeblich eine Mail rein, dass man auffällig war.

  • Reddit bewertet nun den Inhalt den man upvoted. Einige wurden für die Inhalte ermahnt, vermutlich schauen die sich nun um.

  • It was mentioned in a post yesterday. Sadly it uses GPT.

  • That looks promising. Thanks! (A monkey needs a lot of shaving).

  • They come up with the 25.000€ car next year. Launching a car for 20.000€ in the same time would be a furhter strategic disaster (from a managements point of view).

  • Jip. Social media covers that.

    It is a pleasure to witness but also Tesla sales points are under protest.

  • Didn’t see the feature to translate whole websites .

  • Yea, but I didn’t see a feature to translate whole webpages.

  • I did not find any good translator besides of Google. Might make a follow-up post on that topic. For now read the google translation if you like.

    This is good news. I was under the impression, that Wero is sitting this one out or sleeping deeply. The European Payment Initiative EPI is related to this news.

  • I belive after the sales went back for about 50% in Europe, it's our American cousins giving Tesla the rest. Protests all over the place.

  • Well, for the end user, if the markdown is simple well structured, it could be parsed to deployed to a website.

    Or you could use any static page or documentation generator.

  • I don't know your technical background and this is not ment to be condescending:

    Technical people tend to use github/gitlab or codeberg to make a plain list of things base on git version control, so changes are tracked. These lists are often introduced with the prefix awesome (e.g. awesome-hosting, awesome-lemmy, ...). Even when the community participates, curating these lists takes a lot of time.

  • Keep them coming :-)

    We'll figure out where to put them afterwards. The linked list was collected in a community effort on mastodon.

  • Well, the suggested list is specifically German speaking.

    Maybe there is a fork for the Netherlands and if not, it could be started on your initative?

  • So eine Suchmaschine gibt es meines Wissens nach nicht. Für alles andere haben alle Suchmaschinen von DDG bis startpage noch Produktsuchen. Aber die Metainformationen gibt es so zentralisiert nicht. Eine Datenbank für Nachhaltigkeit hat das australische goodonyou, aber wie integriert/integrierbar das ist, ist mir nicht bekannt.

    Für deine Idee müsste man eigentlich all die Daten (siehe Where to start?) sofern nicht offen scrappen (😈) und kombinieren.

  • I often times use Amazon to find products and see if I can find them elsewhere. Oftentime shops that are selling on Amazon marketplace have even better conditions on their own website. Downside is that additional account might be needed, which can be tedious.