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Dear iPhone users:
  • i am unsure what you mean about not interfaceing with apple? I heard in america imessage is a big thing that prevents that, but the rest of the world doesnt really use it. and besides there are many messangers that let you interface.

    also i mean the burden to move. the burdon to leave the alphabet system is just as hard as the apple system imo. its just annoying both dont make it easy for any cross useage.

    Edit: just wanna make clear i am not an apple apologist. i heavily prefer open source alternatives and use them whereever i can. i just dont get how people act as if andeoid/google/ect. are better or even good alternatives.

  • Dear iPhone users:
  • no you got a point. i think your listed problems are the main problems you can have. with the hefty price and the "elite" vibe they sell in ads and so on, its really easy to hate. hateing apple feels like punching up.

    and (most) android users dont realise that instead of beeing in apples eco system they are "trapped" in googles. I apprechiate apple for them not just blatently selling personal data, recorded from my phone. I also think in terms of polish there is no competiton. whoever used both, iphone and android phone, cant deny that ios is just far more polished. everything just works.

    I personally dont like the apple proprietary ecosystem, but with no really good open source phone os, they are the best alternative on the marked atm. i dont know about laptops.

  • ich🔪iel
  • was? ich habe das jetzt oft gelesen und ich verstehe dich nicht. ich habe keinen kommentar über linke oder linke werte gemacht? und ich habe auch kein statement dazu verfasst wer für oder gegen solche werte wäre. Um mich vielleicht anders aus zu drücken. ich finde konservative oder religiöse extremesiten gehören in dieselbe schublade. egal mit welchem religiösen oder kulturellen hintergrund.

    mich persönlich stört es momentan reaktionen von menschen zu sehen welche den islam verantworlich für die attacke machen, welche bei einen angriff von einem christen nicht die religion beschuldigen würden.

  • depression_now! SorryforSmelling
    Do any of you have a belive in who you are?

    I see how that question might sound funny, but googleing, trying to find out what i feel i found this exert about a broken spirit:

    "To "break someone's spirit" is to destroy their self-esteem, to take away their joy in life, their belief and joy in who they are"

    And this got me thinking, because i dont belive i have such a thing. not meaning to sound edgy i am generally curious what your experiences are. I started depression quite early in life, and just thought thats normal life untill many years later (my parents dont belive in mental health. i am almost 30 now btw). i wonder if i might have missed some personal development. Normally i struggle enough to only life day by day. if i plan, i never plan further ahead than a week. and i never cared to define myself as a person. i would struggle to write a short description about me, that isnt just a listing of facts like, where i live, what i do, ect.

    I also am suffering unde extreme anxieties, and belive to have some trauma thats not yet processed, if thats important to my experience here.

    How do you experience self? is that a concept that can give you like joy and faith?

    The abs that shook the pillars of civilization
  • depends on the order. if you build abs on testosterone (t) then go on estrogen (e) then you just can with relatively easily upkeep them. if you went on e before working out, its just as hard as for cis women. so hardcore cis women body builder go on t for a short time (some weeks) to get big muscles easier before retuning to e.

  • The abs that shook the pillars of civilization
  • just wanna add that it is easier to get them with testosterone. i think it makes sense to make that distinction here since there are literal cis women body builder who take it as performance enhancing drugs.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think i was in a similar spot before (eventhough it lasted way less years). the problem i realised was, that i put my former partner on a podest. they were my godess/queen or whatever. i realised thats because i was romantacising it way more than it was in reality. I did meet them again after a few years and they seem to have changed. thats when i realised maybe they never changed but i didnt see them for who they are back then with youthfull naivity and rosecolourentainted glasses.

    i started to change my mindset, in the sense that i dont need them or any partner for my perfect life. i just need me. i am the most important person in my life now, as it should be. it took time, it took therapy, but i got there and life is better without feeling dependent on such (at least partly) imaginary things.

    i hope things turn around for you, and you can enjoy the future. as you said the past cant be changed, but the future can.

    Edit: typos

    Edit2: my wife has adhd and i love her dearly. just as a reminder that you are lovable too the way you are.

  • the experience of being perceived
  • Yeah i have basicly no filter. especially audio wise. i listen to all the stuff all the time. and selective hearing is also bad. whatever is loudest, is what i hear the most. sometimes i am envious of people who are able to blend sounds out. sometimes its quite usefull tho ^^ like i dont have to be in the kitchen or the basement to hear when water is boiling or the washing mashine is done. so i guess there are some positives.

  • the experience of being perceived
  • THANK YOU! you out into words what i have been struggleing so much to explain. i am diagnosed with social anxiety but i dont feel its quite fitting. i suspect heavily to be autistic, and i relate to your number 2. a lot. i mainly feel anxiety because i know i perform worse. all out of a sudden i cant do things i can do well normally and am quite proficent in, just because someone watches me do it or is just in the same room. im so focused on them and what might go on inside them. this makes spending time doing stuff with other often hard if im not hyperfixating.

    ill bring this to my next therapy appointment.

  • What are your Creation Myths/Stories?
  • ok ill go, eventhough i just started building and dont have such a well written origin and only placeholder names. but it goes like this: the fist thing the world knows is how Infinity has created it. back then the world was quite diffrent. everything was infinite and neverchangeing. out of this premature world Change started to exist. a god equally powerful to Infinity. with Change came day and night, life and death, happines and sadnes. since then those two creators have been fighting an everlasting fight over how the world should be.

    there will be like god champions around the concepts of destruction, creation, order and chaos who fight on either side of the two creators. the idea is that the humanoids and animals merely life inbetween this fight on their battlefield. ofc the audience wont notice this godly fight but there are still churches and cults formed around them.

    my idea was that i wanted necromancy in my game and it shouldnt be seen as evil. so i came up with the idea that a follower of infinity would see it as a good thing to extent life forever.

    thanks for this thread. your story gave me some inspiration to flesh my idea out.

  • (Hopefully) Weekly Anti-Social Meet-Ip. Week 34

    Heyyy, I am so sorry for missing two full weeks, and barely beeing online. Tl;dr: had a bad depressive episode. Yet i still managed to read all new posts and comments in the meantime. i apprechiate all you people very much, even when socialising can be impossible. Love to you all!

    Weekly Anti-Social Meet-Up. General Megathread Week 31
  • That sounds like a lot of stress factors in your life. i wish your family member will recover well and soon. Tbh i had to google these plant since i didn't know them. they look like quite nice indoor plants. is plant-keeping a hobby of yours? i tried to get into that but my bonsai is barely holding up since i forget to water too often ^^"

  • Featured
    Weekly Anti-Social Meet-Up. General Megathread Week 31
  • Heyho it's me again. After a rough patch in my life i got a sick note freeing me from work. Thankfully i live in a country that values mental health as highly than physical health. combined with a healthy environment at home i can actively relax and recharge. Ngl i do feel somewhat guilty of letting my coworkers down, but i know rationally its for the better. Today i will meet up with my board game group to play some games. This should be nice, since they all know my struggles and respect my limits. Next week is more active relaxation and self care planned. Wish you all a nice week. Take care!

  • Weekly Anti-Social Meet-Up. General Megathread Week 31

    A place to chit chat, share whats going on in your life, and generally for people who feel like talking but dont know where.

    There is a special place in my heart for people with such understanding/ acceptance
  • Thank you very much for your feedback. very apprechiated. i had trouble with languages before. as you can imagine the mod tools on lemmy are not the greatest yet. i think i fixed it, to support all languages now. if you can see this answer it means, it worked :)

  • Weekly Anti-Social Meet-Up. General Megathread Week 30

    Hey sorry for the delay. i had no acces to a computer, and the app doesnt give me the ability to pin posts. Have a nice week!

    Let's talk about the upsides of Socialanxiety

    i know this sounds paradox and maybe some will not understand this (yet), but i want to shine a light on some positive side effects of this primarily negative topic.

    for me, i feel like social anxiety has made me more empathetic towards my fellow humans. i work as a service worker in sales, and many of my coworkers don't care about the customers and are mostly just annoyed at them. i try to show understanding since i never know what someone is going through and how hard this shopping trip is for them. i have the motto that i want to give people around me more space, and more time to do whatever. however much time they might need. because i know i sometimes need this, and i am very happy when i can see someone who apprechiates it when i don’t pressure them to buy something. i think we all can practice a little more empathy. i imagine without experiencing social anxiety myself i would have less acceptance of other peoples struggles whatever kind that might be.

    Weekly Anti-Social Meet-Up. General Megathread

    Hello you beautiful people. I want to start this little experiment where i will pin a megathread each week for talking about your week, share small victories, or discuss your goals for the next week. There are no topic rules to this, any kind of small talk is welcome. :) I figured since some of us might lack a space to share about their daily life, maybe we can use such a place here.

    What Are Your Go-To Coping Strategies for Social Anxiety?

    I am mostly looking for healthy ways to cope with stressful situations. what do you do when the panic kicks?

    Socialanxiety - a community for people stuggeling with modern social life

    I wanted to create a community i was missing personally. Here people with (or without) social anxiety can discuss the topic, vent, find information or just talk in a safe space.

    Link #1 Socialanxiety

    Link #2 !

    (hope i did the links correctly ^^") Have a nice day!

    How can i help my newly created Hub to be found and grow?

    Hey people! I just created the hub since i didn't find a Hub for that yet, and feel like i have relevant experiences and want to help the whole plattform grow. Since i never created a sub on reddit or the like before, i am wondering if there are things i can do to help the Hub grow and reach the people it was designed for?

    Let's Bust Myths: What Misconceptions About Social Anxiety Do You Encounter?

    I think we all had these annoying situations where an uninformed people doesn't know what they are talking about. Do you have any particular one that grinds your gears?


    Hello all you beautiful people, I am glad you are here.

    Who is this Hub for? This Hub is for anyone who finds modern social life daunting. It's a place to vent, forge low-stakes connections, and most importantly, a secure space to simply be yourself without judgment. Whether you've been officially diagnosed, suspect you may be dealing with these issues, or are simply seeking resources and understanding, this space is here for you.

    Who runs this Hub? This Hub is created, moderated by a socialphobe who has spent several years to find their own spot in this world, and wants to help others' find their way in life, so they can feel save and fulfilled.

    Why this Hub was created I realise it is a bit ironic to create a space on a social platform for people who struggle with being social. But I still feel it's relevant to have online spaces where people with anxieties can feel safer and can find community, connection and understanding.

    So please feel welcome! Since this is a new Hub and not fully formed yet, I am always open to feedback, criticisms and inspirations. Feel free to reach out to me via DM or Post.

    I wish everyone a nice time :)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 13
    Comments 28